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Posts posted by munchkinmage

  1. This has been posted many times before.




    The answer is always the same: NO company deliberately drives off customers from a successful product thinking that will make them more likely to sign up for a new one. Never. Ever.


    How about Microsoft? They remove all support and updates for each OS to force customers onto the new one.




    That's a different situation, they're releasing a new version of the same product, not a different one altogether. I'm sure if Jagex were releasing a RS3, they'd try to push as many people from RS2 to RS3 as possible. However, if you're still planning on marketing the old product, you don't drive off your customer base.

  2. Here's the rationale behind the rule:




    You have a high level main. You use the skills of that main account to get lots of money, and transfer it to a level 3 account. Unless you merchanted, there's no way that level 3 account could have earned that money. That gives you an unfair advantage over everyone else who starts an account and DOESN'T have a high level main to support it with. It's intended so every account starts on the same playing field.

  3. I haven't had this happen so much with Runescape, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I associate Anti-Flag's first album with playing Halo on the map "Wizard", I associate Westbound Train's album "Five to Two" with playing this really old game called King's Quest, and lots of stuff like that... not even always what I was doing at the time, sometimes I realize I just associate a song with what was going through my head when I listened to it, even though it has nothing to do with the song.

  4. Oh, and about that "The Great Global Warming Swindle" movie: Google won't host it FOR A REASON. It's total baloney. Although wikipedia isn't by any means the world's most reliable source of facts, in this case they've put together a great page which CAN BE VERIFIED ELSEWHERE.


    What, you mean on Google Video? Do a search. It's been there, in eight parts, for like a year.


    Sorry man, I was just going by what Zouka said:





    The Great Global Warming Swindle




    http://en.sevenload.com/videos/ha4PoKY/ ... ng-Swindle


    (I'm linking to sevenload because google video is censoring the video).


  5. I'd like to see ANY CREDIBLE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to support three, four, and six.




    Seven isn't really true either, because you can't just say that because trees use carbon dioxide, more CO2 must be good.




    I laughed my [wagon] off at eight, because their only "proof" that there isn't a consensus among scientists is that a bunch of people who aren't scientists think it's a problem. They don't really cite any evidence that scientists think differently.




    Overall, they just mixed a bunch of misrepresented facts with total untruths and called it "the truth".




    Oh, and about that "The Great Global Warming Swindle" movie: Google won't host it FOR A REASON. It's total baloney. Although wikipedia isn't by any means the world's most reliable source of facts, in this case they've put together a great page which CAN BE VERIFIED ELSEWHERE.


    Reactions from Scientists to The Great Global Warming Swindle


    I found this one particularly notable:

    Carl Wunsch, professor of Physical Oceanography at MIT, was originally featured in the programme. Afterwards he said that he was "completely misrepresented" in the film and had been "totally misled" when he agreed to be interviewed.[23][5] He called the film "grossly distorted" and "as close to pure propaganda as anything since World War Two."[24]




    Basically, you can make anything seem true if you only use little bits of facts to paint a misleading picture. I'd encourage everyone to look at the actual credible scientific studies that have been done. With the exception of those that are funded by oil companies/political think tanks/etc, you'll find almost no scientists disagree with the assertion that humans are causing global warming, and that it's a major problem.

  6. I completely understand that everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I just want to make it clear that the "facts" that test is based on are simply not true. Even if you don't believe global warming is a real problem, that's NOT the evidence you should not believe it based on. If you look at ANY of the scientific resources out there, that's simply fabricated evidence.

  7. Well, I'm semi-coming out of retirement, and I'm gonna be training ranged in F2P. I've got 100k Bronze Arrows, and someone told me that Ankous in the stronghold of security are a good monster to train on, and I'm wondering what's the easiest safe spot to use to range them from. Anyone have any tips?

  8. I'm moderately proud to say that I've been with Runescape so long that I can't remember precisely when I joined. I know it was well before the Scythe drop in RSC but after the Bunny Ears drop, so I'm going to venture a guess and say it was June 2003. I didn't play for a fair while near the end of RSC, and was actually rather turned off by the release of RS2, but I ended up getting back into the game heavily. My first account was Samiam303, but a couple years back I retired that account and moved to my mage pure, Munchkinmage. Since then, my character has gone through many changes, and is no longer anything resembling a pure. I've been with the game through it's ups and downs, but I've gotten to the point where I just can't justify to myself paying for it.




    I've been almost completely inactive for several months now, so I figured it's 'bout time I made my retirement official.


    As some of you may or may not know, I was hacked in June. I'd recently plunked down 17.9 Million gold for a Green H'ween Mask, which I'd planned on keeping over the summer then selling to fund whatever I wanted to do next. However, apparently I forgot to bank it one night, and when I log on the next morning I'm in the Lumbridge Castle Tower with nothing on me but my fire cape. At least they had the decency to leave me that... :x




    Surprisingly, that really wasn't what made me quit. I'm one of those people who can go lose hundreds of thousands PKing in an afternoon and not think much of it, just because I'm having fun. However, losing the mask really set me to thinking.




    I could have set to work and probably made the money back quickly enough, but what's really the point? Losing that much in one shot made me realize how truly valueless achievments on the game are. I mean, sure, when you're logged into the game it's an ego boost to feel superior to the newbs who are working towards being able to mine coal, but really, when you log off, what do you have? Nothing tangible, and you've spent hours that you'll never get back. I met some really awesome people this summer, and I've just had enough of this game.




    That said, I'm going to miss the friends I've made on here. I'm not going to make a big list because it's been long enough since I've been on Runescape that I'll just feel bad about forgetting people. Suffice it to say


    that if I've ever talked to you on RuneScape, I probably liked you a lot more than you realize. I've become REALLY good at getting people I don't like to not add me to their friends list, and I have to say that the Tip.It community is BY FAR the best I've found. You're all awesome. Give yourselves a round of applause. =D>




    That said, here's the final bank and stats of Munchkinmage. Rate meh pl0x?




    Final Stats: (8/23/2007)






    Final Bank: (8/23/2007)




    That first line still holds my Fire Cape, which I was planning on wearing in F2P, but to check out the new player kits, I was forced to remove it. Next to it sits my Fighter Torso, Rune Defender and Purple Naval, which I just couldn't bring myself to drop because of the time I spent on them. Also on that line is the unstrung yew longbow which got my good friend 99 Fletching. That I'll also be keeping. Other than that, it's just the junk I bought for F2P with the bit of cash that was left in my bank. I've got almost a mil left, but I'm sure I'll lose that F2P pking soon enough. :lol: :roll:




    As of 8/23/2007, I've done every quest except for Olaf's Quest. I simply didn't have the woodcutting for it, otherwise I'd have done it right away!




    If I haven't lost everyone who read this page already, here's a few random pictures I still have around that I liked.




    I don't even remember who this was, it's so old... But it was awesome.






    This was an AWESOME house party I went to... don't know who's house.






    Panda, you were an amazing guy. I don't know where this line of chat came from... :lol:






    Early in my days as a mage pure, training Thieving for Desert Treasure...






    Getting massive ownage delivered to me by TzTok-Jad.






    And two more from my glory days as a pure:








    I'll still lurk around these forums a bit, but with all that said, it was good knowing you all! I'm outta here!

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