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Posts posted by munchkinmage

  1. Uve probably been in those very crowded worlds, intense pc worlds, and the low lvls aren't a problem. Usually its when people lose 1 time, then theres a bunch of nubs saying 'omg this world stinks' then everyone logs out and tries another world :roll: I see why it doesnt work now, but it has nothing to do with the reasons some people stated.








    You obviously don't understand how a PC clan works. They find a world that is fairly empty and start playing there. THAT'S what you're talking about when you say an intense world where noobs aren't a problem. After about an hour or so, it slowly gets discovered and within an hour and a half, it's so full of low levels that it's useless. THAT'S why everyone leaves when they start losing a game or two. That's when it goes downhill.








    Trust me. As everyone said, it's tried and failed. PC clans win MUCH faster.. no high-level is going to come to a world known by low levels if they have an alternative.

  2. I'm doing it. After I finish my 99 Cooking, I'm gonna get 65 Thieving and start on banking 4.2K Summer Juices. We'll see if I survive. :lol:








    I'll post me a blog when I get ready to start.. 91 Cooking now, finishing that off over the next couple weeks.

  3. I just checked world 2. Things seem fine. Drops, if any, are just because people like to panic and sell rares, creating a quick supply boost. Since this supply vs demand balance is off, you see a quick drop. Once people realize things are fine, this imbalance will go back to normal.




    Heh. I stated that like three times so far... I'm wondering if certain people here aren't trying to push the prices down.








    Hmmm.. I've just seen a full invo of red p hats rofl! Somethings going on as thats 5600M!





  4. Adding prices as I see them:








    Small Rares-








    Santa: 20.2 M




    Green Mask: 18.8 M




    Blue Mask: 24.5 M




    Red Mask: ~36.5 M




    Disk: 11.75 M




    Easter Egg: 9.1 M




    Pumpkin: 9.3 M
















    Purple: Between 142 M












    Green: 170 M









  5. Guys, be careful.. Until it's proven, don't rush to sell all your rares just because of stuff like what Mark's saying. It doesn't look that serious here in W2.








    I'll add prices I'm seeing on all rares.








    @^ It doesn't look like there's more rares being sold then usual though. The prices are just dropping because everyone's freaking out about the rumor of a dupe. Pretty much all the phat merchants here are saying it's fake.

  6. interesting errr..thing.








    He broke the rules, simple as that.








    You may create more than one RuneScape account, but if you do, you may not log in more than one account at any time, and they must not interact with each other in any way. This includes 'drop trading' or any other method of item transfer.















    they were good up until the bold part. You could feesibly do what trix said, but since he had two of them at the same place, where they could trade with eachother, its breaking the rules.




    See you almost got it there... Here's where he went wrong:








    You may create more than one RuneScape account, but if you do, you may not log in more than one account at any time, and they must not interact with each other in any way. This includes 'drop trading' or any other method of item transfer.




    Doesn't say 'On one computer'. It just says 'You must not AT ALL'.

  7. I was gonna give you a high rating until I noticed the word '[bleep]s' used in your guide. 0/10. :shame: =; =D>








    EDIT: See? I can't even say it on a decent forum. Look and you'll find it.




    You donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to look rich; otherwise all these [bleep]s will ask you to ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åpls add 100k ur rich m8.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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