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Posts posted by munchkinmage

  1. Thing is, if YOU said it, you can't clear your name... you broke the rule, and got your fair punishment. Frankly, ONE black mark isn't gonna make any difference to you at all, as long as you don't break any more rules... You need 10 before you get banned. :wink:

  2. Well, as I said, I started off with the money from Stronghold of security.. From here on, I plan to sell the loot and run airs in world 16 for extra cash.




    No rulebreakage here! :thumbsup:




    I haven't really got on since last post.. still working on ranged. 14 now, plan to get 20 (hopefully) tonight. I'll post some more PKing related rambling/rants tonight if I get around to any PKing. :wink:

  3. Well, I'm a member on my main, so this one will be staying f2p for life... :D




    I've got bigger things going on with Munchkinmage. You may see mentions of him too in here.




    Well, here's my first real rant on this thread: I'm training ranged at the guard building north of edgeville. You range the guards through the gate, making it easy to retreive your arrows.




    However, inevitably, EVERY TIME, someone, usually higher level then me, will show up and start opening the gate.


    What do they get out of it?? I obviously have food, as I eat it.. there's no possibility of my death.. They're just wasting my food AND their time.. <.<

  4. Well, for my first real content-post, here are my PKs from the past two days!










    You know what make me mad? Looters. I mean, if you have so little skill at PKing that you have to follow other people around stealing their drops, you deserve to stay out of the wilderness or be killed. :roll: Honestly, I have no idea what he thought he was doing running around with no food whatsoever.. =D> :-k





  5. EDIT: IF THIS BELONGS IN A WILDERNESS FORUM, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MOVE IT. I wasn't really sure where a PKing log that I plan on updating regularly would go, so I'm sorry if this isn't the place. :?






    Well, the other day I did what we all do when we get bored: Started a new account! :D I planned on making a awesome 40 attack pure, but got sick of training it... therefore I'm playing around with super-lowlevel PKing. (I started PKing at level 7. :lol:)




    I did stronghold of security using a load of cabbages, that's how I got the money to start off. \:D/




    Well, since I started PKing I've only died once, and that was becuase of a lucky PJer... :-$ :oops: With the stronghold of security making it easy to get a bit of money and start off, it's not uncommon to see level 10 and under PKers with power/strength ammys. I've actually got a few decent kills. I do MOST of my PKing at edgeville, 1v1. However, I played around A BIT north of Varrock, but I found that to be less sucsessful.




    I started off as a 5 attack 1 def pure, but accidentally forgot to change it to strength one PKing trip, so I got 10 attack sooner then I had planned. Here's my current stats:




    I'll update the stats pic every time I add a PK.




    I'll be updating this as time goes on, adding goals and levels. We'll see what level combinations work better then others at low-levels, AND get to see some shiny loot. :lol:

  6. what i got from drop party:whatigotgg0.jpg


    WHA?! There was a drop party part of it that nobody said anything about?! :XD:






    Oh well, munchkinmage...we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off....




    The Clue: "This Friendly Wizard Will Sew Your Ess".




    Me: "Maybe the Wizard's Tower?"


    Munchkinmage: "Nope."


    Me: "I Know! The Wise Old Man! He asks you to sew his socks! He must be it!"


    Munchkinmage: "What?!"


    Me: "Nevermind..."




    Although I certainly wouldn't call the abyss mage "friendly"...


    Yeah, basicly.. and that was AFTER I CHECKED THE ABYSS.. #-o

  7. Well, it's over, and I must say I was quite dissapointed with the way it was run. The mods were late on several occasions, and almost all of us lost becuase the abyss mage was as much as five minutes later then we got there. I stood in the abyss for three minutes. At that point, me and several others left, looking for the actual location. I spent over a week training agility for this event, and I feel that several of us would have had a chance of winning if you had been sure the mods were in place BEFORE STARTING.. =D> :shame: :wall:






    But otherwise, congrats to the winners! You earned it! :thumbsup:

  8. Not really.. You could try Mage or Ranged, but since you're using dragon already, all I can say is get your attack and strength up. I don't remember having any problem with it, and if I remember right I used magic, so that may be worth a try.. :-k

  9. Hmm.. get a weapon and cause it enough damage that it dies? :lol: :-w






    But seriously, what are you asking? You know how to kill it.. simply get into comat with it and make it die. Are you asking what combat style to use, are you asking for safespots.. I mean, that question doesn't really mean much.. :notalk:

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