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Posts posted by mad4u689

  1. The largest interior angle will be the angle across from the longest side of the triangle. :)




    How do you calculate the length of each side of the triangle? You probably learned a distance formula to see how long the line segment was connecting two points. If the coordinates of the first point are (a,B) and the coordinates of the second point are (c,d), then the distance from (a,B) to (c,d) is going to be (c-a)^2 + (d-B)^2) ) ^ (1/2). That is, the square root of the sum of the squares of the distance between the x axis coordinates and the distance between the y axis coordinates. This makes sense, because if you draw it, you see that it will form a right triangle, and so the Pythagorean thm applies! :)

  2. There would have to be a rule that girls have to shave though, cuz that could get pretty gross.




    See, no.




    Girls shaving is for their partner's ease and pleasure. Perhaps it's aesthetic as well; but why should someone's nudity be just for your (a viewer's) pleasure? That's not what nudism is about. I think this kind of brings up the basic problem a lot of you are having with imagining what nudism can be like.

  3. however, I don't know "their side" as well, and so all I can attest to is that Israel needs to massively rethink pretty much the "ideals" it was founded on.




    That's kind of impossible, given the Jewish religion. You know, "God's chosen people".




    There's a significant movement in some denomination-thingies of Judaism to revise this concept of "chosen people." One of the most standard traditional Jewish prayers, the Aleinu, has been revised or omitted completely in many reform and reconstructionist Jewish communities as a result. I think the problem with Israel is that it's very much founded on the "chosen people" idea, and I think any country that thinks it has some sort of divine mandate is bound to cause problems.


    The original argument before you chimed in was concerning the comment Mad made about no one thinking lustful thoughts - especially the males towards the females at these parties. You obviously have missed the whole point. :wink:




    I think he kind of got the point, really. It's not that no one could possibly think lustful thoughts at one of these sorts of parties; it's just that the environment doesn't lend itself to it, and almost no one does. I think at first the reason for that is because you're so self-conscious that you're naked that you can't really think about other people's nakedness, and then you quickly get over that by really realizing that being naked isn't actually a big deal, at which point you have no reason to overinterpret other people's nudity, either.




    Like I said, I've attended these parties with men who I've been sexually intimate with and thus can attest can be lustful at appropriate times. However, in the context of the naked party, you really don't feel that lust. There is definitely an energy at that sort of event, but it's very much removed from a sexual energy (the highest of which I've experienced just at regular dance parties where people were grinding all over).




    I just think it's really hard to knock it until you try it. I think it's an experience worthy of having, and may actually help you analyze why some of our cultural norms are the way they are, and if we can fix them and make them better. If you don't want to, feel free; but don't judge the people who do according to your own inaccurate standards of human nature.

  5. The west has always been hypocritical towards Israel, it's almost like no matter how far they go they get away with it. I understand that Israel has alot to put up with but it's absolutely no juistification for some of the things that they get away with.




    The story of Isreal and the Jews stems some 2,000 years in history. The behaviour of Isreal can partly be explained by the way Jews were persecuted throughout History, firstly in the Roman Empire, then the Christian Church-controlled Middle Ages, the Islamic World, then the Industrial Revolution, Marxism and, obviously, the persecuation of Jews in Nazi Germany. It's understandable that now the Jews actually have a state to call their own, they'll do anything to maintain it. It's almost a sense of paranoia that's developed throughout those 2,000 years.




    This doesn't however excuse their blatent racism. I know of no other UN country allowed to actually write racist messages in their own constitution,a dn it annoys me how the Western world ignore the disgusting behaviour of the Isrealli government towards Lebanon and Palestine. While both of the latter countries aren't glistening examples, it doesn't excuse countless Isrealli attacks which they are forced to undergo.




    I hate to go so off-topic, but this is a really interesting subject to me. I have a kind of weird background; I'm Jewish and was raised to be pretty Zionist and anti-Palestinian, and lately have been deconstructing those beliefs, and I visited Israel this past January and kind of changed my opinions about the state of Israel based on what I saw there.




    Most Israelis are extremely prejudiced.




    Most Israelis really think that Palestinians and Muslim Arabs in general are out to get them. There's some truth to the statement, to be sure; however, the entire Israeli state is embedded with a militaristic attitude that believes the life of any one Jewish Israeli is worth whatever cost in lives of other people. Like, it's really a belief that is just ingrained into the culture there. I mean, most Israelis are good people; however, the entire state is founded on a notion of chosenness and exclusion that is at odds with a long-term peaceful existence. I'm not saying the Palestinians are in a better position or are any less prejudiced; however, I don't know "their side" as well, and so all I can attest to is that Israel needs to massively rethink pretty much the "ideals" it was founded on.

  6. Guys can be pervy and girls can be pervy, but neither is completely incapable of separating themselves from sexual obsession. Men and women alike are able to have a good time and not think about sex constantly.




    Do you think walking around naked contributes to prohibits sexual thought?




    I don't think it necessarily does either. I think it can and should be neutral in that respect :)

  7. I couldn't agree more. A college male isn't going to go to those parties without wanting to go there for a perv, especially considering most of them would be full of alcohol as well. I believe Mad is just saying that for her own self, so she can justify her actions in her mind. Not that I'm condoning her actions for going to those parties or anything like that in this post, I'm just stating when Mad was previously posting she wrote how it was one of the most non-sexual/lustful orientated parties around (or along those lines) - I find that extremely naive on her behalf.




    Just shows how much more different males are too females, especially in the way they think and what they think about. :wink:




    See, I really just don't think that's true. I'm pretty honest and open with my male friends, and they had the same impressions of the naked party that I did.




    Guys can be pervy and girls can be pervy, but neither is completely incapable of separating themselves from sexual obsession. Men and women alike are able to have a good time and not think about sex constantly. I think we need to deconstruct these stereotypes of men who care exclusively about bangin'; clearly they are untrue.

  8. Our society's emphasis on shame and clothing is outdated and ridiculous.




    What makes you say that? I mean, besides your subjective opinion? It's clear you replaced the word 'modesty' with an emotional term 'shame' to make your point look more valid, but if you put (what I think is the) correct word (modesty) in place of shame, your sentence looks quite invalid.




    I'm sorry, you're right; this is probably some of my anti-religion sentiment coming out. Modesty is a word with a positive connotation and shame is a negative word. However, I think modesty is an outdated idea that arises from a sense of shame that we try to cover up. I think that the shame we feel about our bodies is silly and should be shed, and we would then have a more comfortable and confident society. I think the concept of "modesty" arises from organized religions trying to morally justify this shame.





    And I think this is one of the biggest reasons I am against it. The idea of men gawking non-stop at naked women is sickening enough as an idea in my head... that I should have to watch it in practice every moment of every day would make me want to vomit.




    There's a big difference between exhibitionism and nudism - and a big difference between the majority of users on this board (generally young teenage males with an active sexual imagination), with whom I doubt I'd feel comfortable being naked, and those who genuinely believe in the idea of nudism.




    The naked party I discussed earlier is the most non-sexual party I've ever been to. It's hard to understand without experiencing it (and it was definitely an experience) - but the dance parties I go to most weekends tend to have grinding and low cut shirts that are designed to entice - and at the naked party, that's all gone. There's no teasing, because you're being completely honest with everybody and letting it all hang out, showing your true self in all your beautiful glory. People at the naked party look beautiful, not hot. It's not sex and sexiness that is being emphasized. In fact, it's amazing how not big a deal it is; the decision to attend th naked party tends to be a significant decision, but once you get there, you realize there isn't anything that interesting about "checking out" other people's naked bodies, and you just let go and feel kind of free and liberated, and dance without worrying about impressing anyone. I have attended this naked party with a male friend who gets plenty physically turned on in private, and even at dance parties, but had no problems here at the naked party. It's just really not an issue. I haven't known any male friend to have that problem at the naked party.

  9. That is just STRANGE, what kind of college do you go to?
    I'm fairly certain it's Weslan or something like that - I never really paid attention to the name much :P




    Wesleyan University :P It's a liberal arts college, so that's what we do with our spare time... :P

  10. I'm a bit of a nudist at heart.




    At my school, there is a tradition of the "naked party," which i've attended twice - you get there and there's a derobing room where you leave your clothes, and then you head over to the next room where there is music and dancing. It's been one of the best experiences I've had - it's very freeing to just be naked with all your friends and dancing.




    You know what's really amazing? When people are naked, EVERYONE is beautiful. Really. People who seem unattractive or overweight when they're clothed - when they're naked, you realize that everyone's body just works out. There is no such thing as ugly :)




    Anyway, I've done my fair bit of streaking and public nudity (though in places where small children and people who would be scandalized would not be around - on my college campus), and I would say I'm a fan.




    Our society's emphasis on shame and clothing is outdated and ridiculous. The human body is beautiful and not inherently sexual. We should love ourselves and our bodies :D




    FYI, I'm a 19-year-old girl, so it's not just old people who are nudists!

  11. We're fighting an Islamic regime that DESPISES US. Training their military will do almost no good, because once we leave, it's still all Shariah Law and savage Muslims. You can't fix what doesn't want to be fixed. They don't see themselves as broken.




    ... someone is grossly misinformed about what it means to be Iraqi.




    Ask them what is more important, being an Iraqi, or being a Muslim. I think we both know the answer. Seems the only people who think Sharia Law sucks is Muslim women. Go figure.




    Watch the news sometime. Very very very few Iraqi's want us around anymore. They hate us. They want us gone now. And once we're gone, it'll be up to a bunch of Muslims to run a country. Read up on Sharia Law and I'm sure you'll see why that is not a great thing, but that's how it is going to be even if we stay there forever. I don't know why people don't get this...It's a country...Where literally 99% of people are Muslims...And they want it run by Islamic laws. The fighting there isn't even between the USA and terrorists half the time, it's between Shia and Sunni Muslim's arguing (to the point of killing eachother) over who's version gets to rule the countries laws.




    I dunno'. They're all a bunch of little children. Spank them and leave so they can continue to make their mistakes.




    However, a very small minority of Muslims want Sharia law.




    Few Iraqis want us around, but that's because we've acted arrogantly and not at all in their best interest - and in fact have caused a lot of harm to Iraqis in general.








    And once we're gone, it'll be up to a bunch of Muslims to run a country.




    I think if you look closely at what you're saying, you'll realize that prejudice and not logic is at the root of that statement. Muslims are not bad people. Muslims can certainly run a country well. The problem in Iraq is not that they're Muslim, but that there are huge political factions bent on gaining power, something that you'll notice has happened, you know, a few times before throughout history :P - and is completely unrelated to their religion.




    If you look at the differences in the Shia and Sunni religious practices and beliefs, you'll find that they're fairly narrow; most of it is a difference in culture.

  12. We're fighting an Islamic regime that DESPISES US. Training their military will do almost no good, because once we leave, it's still all Shariah Law and savage Muslims. You can't fix what doesn't want to be fixed. They don't see themselves as broken.




    ... someone is grossly misinformed about what it means to be Iraqi.

  13. I'm a math major, and my ring finger is significantly longer than my index finger.




    However, this study is a little bit silly (though kind of cool). I mean, basically it's just saying that people who are exposed to more testosterone than estrogen in the womb are more likely to perform better in math than in verbal skills. This basically just means that there is some scientific evidence to support the gender roles of men being better at math/science than women - and I'm surprised that *that* isn't the headline that was made! However, I guess that's a little too un-PC.

  14. I don't think there's much I don't tell my real life friends.




    There are some things I get kind of embarrassed about (ex. that I met my only serious boyfriend over Runescape) but I still wind up telling people anyway (though I make sure to emphasize that we met in real life too... :P)




    also, I pick my nose. and sometimes eat it. but my really good friends know that too... and are fairly disgusted, but ah, well :D




    also, that I used to cut. Except again, my really close friends kinda know (I guess they've seen scars), so ah, well. My really close RL friends know everything about me, I think :)




    I do apologise if this is too prying, but I've always wondered what the motivation or catalyst for such actions are. I'm not trying to say you are weak, I'm just curious why people would do it. Or is it just the kind of thing where there is no thought involved? Again, if if you don't want to answer this, I won't press it.




    I'm not sure. I think different people do it for different reasons. Some do it to help feel *something* (as opposed to utter apathy) and some people really do need attention from people, and are looking for some sort of proof that people care about them. Some people feel like they deserve the pain and are self-imposing justice. I don't know!

  15. Heh, it's interesting that you mention this; I just referenced a similar idea in another post (the one about the Iraq war).




    Basically, almost all the media that exists today is controlled by a few basic conglomerates. This means that corporate interests play a huge role in the type of news we wind up getting; we won't hear about things that the larger corporation has stock in (for example, some type of problem with a pesticide the larger corporation is invested in). There is tremendous pressure on reporters to stay faithful to their mother corporation's "interests" at the expense of truth. I recommend "The Corporation" which is a fantastic (and interesting and unboring) documentary that talks extensively about corporate media today. If you're feeling ambitious, I also recommend Naomi Klein's book "No Logo" on the subject of corporations and their problems today in society.




    It sounds to me like you take a vaguely anarchist approach to media. There's nothing wrong with that; in fact, I think it's a healthy way to be.




    Luckily enough, there is a growing independent media movement out there - I recommend http://www.indymedia.org/ to get started! It will link you to various independent news sources that try to have as little corporate bias as possible. (That said, much of it may have a radical / anarchist bent)

  16. DO we have corrupt politicians? of course, everyone does. Difference in our society is we have tons of watchdog organizations, who live to find dirt on politicians, from the President on down. We have slimy media types who will dig into anybody's life for a quick story, and revel on making the rich and powerful look bad. That's a good thing overall though, keeps the major pieces of crap from getting away with it for to long. Do we expect some type of kick backs from freeing a country of a murderous regime? Of course, wouldn't you? We aren't spending 600+ billion dollars just for the good Karma.




    You're neglecting the fact that we have four or five media conglomerates that control pretty much all the information we receive - and these conglomerates are all controlled to either a large extent or at least some extent by political motives. There would be no Woodward and Bernstein kind of coverage going on today.

  17. I don't think there's much I don't tell my real life friends.




    There are some things I get kind of embarrassed about (ex. that I met my only serious boyfriend over Runescape) but I still wind up telling people anyway (though I make sure to emphasize that we met in real life too... :P)




    also, I pick my nose. and sometimes eat it. but my really good friends know that too... and are fairly disgusted, but ah, well :D




    also, that I used to cut. Except again, my really close friends kinda know (I guess they've seen scars), so ah, well. My really close RL friends know everything about me, I think :)

  18. IGoddessI? Wait, wow, there's a name I haven't seen in a while :)




    Here's a dream I had, more of a funny one and probably a bit obvious - I dreamed that I ate a ton of tuna fish with mayo that my parents had put in a bowl in front of me. I felt really guilty about it (I'm vegetarian) but I ate it anyway, and my parents grinned and were thrilled and my dad slapped me on the back and said he knew I wouldn't be a silly vegetarian forever. I woke up really craving tuna (man, it tasted so good in the dream) and still feeling kinda guilty :P

  19. I used to not drink, and now I do (I am still under 21, the legal age for drinking alcohol where I live).




    There's a reason underage drinking is illegal. It hurts your body, and it hurts your body significantly more up until about the age of 21, because of the way your brain is still developing. That said, though I know it's not good for me, I don't drink too often for me to get dependent on it - once every two weeks seems about right. To be honest, when I get drunk, I just feel really really happy and it gives me a kind of elated enjoyable feeling. It also puts me at ease in social party situations, and so for now, the benefits outweigh the negatives, I think. You also just have to be careful to know what you want when you're sober, and then keep it at the back of your mind when you get intoxicated.




    My parents aren't happy with this. My family is extremely anti-alcohol (they don't even drink beer at family gatherings or wine with dinner, ever). However, I prefer to be relatively honest with my family.




    Drinking when driving is, of course, a big no-no. However, it's hard to find the fine line of when it's still okay to drink - so my rule is that ANY alcohol means no driving. I had a small sip of a friend's mixed drink the other day, and she was flabbergasted when I then refused to drive her into town (to be fair, I had very close to 0 alcohol). However, my rule is that when I've had ANY alcohol, I don't drive, and I plan to stick to it unless in case of emergency.

  20. I'd say I'm pretty close-minded. I'm pretty arrogant and thus think I'm smarter than most people, so I rarely think someone else is more right than I am.




    This has happened a few times that I can remember, that I had a big argument with someone and wound up with my opinion fundamentally changed: I argued the pro-choice position and was convinced to be pro-life; I argued that political correctness was stupid and was convinced that political correctness is fundamental to understanding issues of privilege, which is vital in almost every issue; I argued pro-Zionist and was convinced that I don't even really believe Israel should exist under its current concept; I argued pro-libertarian and was convinced that some economic welfare and social justice is necessary; ... and some more, but those are some big ones.

  21. My best bet would still be death is not worse than what some people experience every waking second of thier lives. Ultimately it should be thier choice. If for some odd reason the only thing you ever experience after death is eternal pain, that's the chance they're going to have to take.




    Can you really just judge death as better because of the lack of pain? There is also a lack of joy from family, a lack of consciousness, a lack of thought, hope, love, happiness. Death lacks so many of the things that we love about life, and you can't just say "what if he has no family, no friends, etc" because again, we don't know what it is to be dead.




    It's like Hegel's philosophy about the thesis and the antithesis. Do you really know what it is to be a man? Well, if you spent a year as a woman and then went back to being a man, I think you would have a better grasp on what it means to be a man. It's just like life - we don't truly know how awesome life is until maybe we've died - once we know the opposite, we can know for sure. Maybe the smallest joy that life brings outweighs the pain you are talking about. I don't know, but neither do you.




    Exactly - I don't know, but neither do you. But you can't legislate based on "well, nobody knows what death is, so let's force them to remain alive, based on the assumption that life is better!" No - that's exactly why the choice has to remain in the hands of the individual.




    Also, I find it hard to imagine (if death is truly the loss of consciousness, and there is nothing "more" after death like an afterlife) that one could ever know death and thus appreciate life more, because death is precisely the lack of knowledge, the lack of awareness. In my opinion (because you can have an opinion about what death may or may not contain), we have known death before - and that is before our birth. It is just nonexistence. And so, if I were suffering more than enjoying, I would prefer to not exist and feel neither joy nor pain. Not everyone would make this same choice. But that's why it has to be a choice.

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