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  1. I want to be able to craft nats, im lvl 33 at the mo. what the fastest way to lvl up. And are pouches worth it? if so where u get them?
  2. Ok, i'v looked though all the guide and things like that. still dont know. Please Help How do u GET the bow and HOW do u MAKE the arrow.
  3. i want to buy and sell stuff on runescape where can i post it or is it banned. I guessed MARKET BOARD but no1(almost) looks there
  4. they could(so its not impossible) alta the amount to exp u need and make it go up to 999
  5. Many people say its not worth getting ur farming lvl up, takes too long for too little sort of thing. What do you all think, what do u farm and whats the profit! Mines only 3 so not worth saying what i get.
  6. Can Some one plz post the pic again the one the first guy sent, wont show up. Thanks
  7. I have no control over the filter. Is there any thing the admins added to the game that made it more (cant think of another word so...) bad, if so cant they just take that one bit out. this could be affecting hundreds of players.
  8. Whats going on many safety filters have banned RuneScape under the Violence, one example is RM SafetyNet Plus. I thought RuneScape what a game for all ages (except the drinks at the bar). I now cant play at all except when i go to my friends house, if im having the problem im sure many others are to. I am also a member and dont think my money should be wasted like this.
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