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Posts posted by Silverchipmunk

  1. Silence, knave! The supreme commander has warned you! The truth is not to be known. Only the chosen humans can know of the master squirrel plan. I am afraid I shall have to report you, I only pray that the commander spares your life...




    And kajeeep, if you are lucky, the brotherhood of human-squirrels may accept you...

  2. Well, it appears people are dumber than I thought. And I used to think people were pretty dumb. -.- Well, consider yourself lucky. At least you didn't get an in-game black mark for offering to buy a coal for 10 gp underpriced.

  3. how can you trust a source that so obviously LIED to you???




    there would OBVIOUSLY be another item in the top 5, above runescape... yea, yea, yea, they may have just left it out, because they think it's "inappropriate" or something... but still! what else could they have lied about! :shock:




    I think we all know what you mean, I found it a bit odd myself.




    i dont know which one id rather play :3>








    Anyways, good find!

  4. Btw the title of the the topic was a bit dramatic. :lol:




    That's what I thought. :XD:




    To be honest, I disagree with chaos reborn. Even though you were likely going to break a rule, technically you didn't. I don't think you should have been reported, or punished. However, Jagex has never been much on technicalities, unless they incriminate you.

  5. I've given my friend rune legs... As for me, I found a pair of rune boots on the ground, then I traded them for a zammy helm when they were about 500k \' . Another time, I got bored and started yelling "phr33 st00f pl0x" in edgeville, and some guy gave me a Berserker helm, DDS, and an Archer helm! :XD:.




    Omg, I have to try that! :XD:

  6. Actually, if you have read anything about the OoC. You would know that the cabbage patch in question is the official OoC patch. And while collecting cabbages, using that shortcut decreases your time greatly.




    Why the hell would you collect cabbage?




    ... Have you been living on Mars under a rock with your fingers in your ears???? Hello?? OoC... Order of the Cabbage. They collect cabbages and so do a ton of other people...




    To answer your question, I think he must have been. :-s

  7. Saradomin, to put it bluntly, sucks. He utterly and completely sucks. His suckiness is so intense that it cannot be measured, even by the most powerful suckometer. If suckiness was speed, Saradomin would be able to escape from a black hole, whereas even light can't. Saradomin sucks more than a million babies with a million pacifiers. He sucks so much, that he cannot be comprehended by man or machine. Even Bill Nye. Even R2D2. Even Chuck Norris. *dodges brick* Saradomin has become a beacon to all runescapians. Not because of his goodwill, power, or dedication, but because he sucks more than we previously thought was physically possible. Well done, Saradomin. You contunue to amaze us all. -.-




    Hail Guthix! :thumbsup:

  8. spacheco, There is no reason to bump it, it's been here for 7 month it's not going anywhere. And why did you have to quote that, Really? :shame:




    yea, 7 months and NEVER reached page 2 (that i have seen).




    awsome. if this hasn't been submitted to jagex yet do it now.




    Unfortuantly Jagex only allows suggestions to be submitted via the Forums, and since i no longer play Runescape, i can't do it, i have had others post on there, but it never stays up for long :(




    Would you let me do it? I've been a supporter since page, umm... 5 maybe? 3? Well, before page 10 anyways.

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