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Posts posted by Silverchipmunk

  1. I rarely get sunburn, but recently I got it bad(ish). I was in a pool in direct sunlight for like 2 hours, my shoulders, upper back, and arms were burned. Hurt for a few days, then today it started to blister. :x

  2. Heh, we only talked about it for a few minutes... But appearently the US was planning an attack on Canada. But Canada found out about it and wasn't anywhere near ready to defend themselves so they the 'accidently' let the US get ahold of a note that said they had TONS of troops ready, so the US dropped their plan of attacking. It was interesting to learn about... The US has only been beaten by Vietnam and Canada.. Btw.. How the hell did we lose to Vietnam? (I didn't pay attention to that part :wall: )




    In Vietnam, not sure, but it might have been you weren't getting anywhere, and where fought off, but not really much of a loss. Basically, the goal was not achieved. And yeah, the only war Canada has ever had against America, we won! Go Canada! \' You know, George Bush might nuke Canada just to get even after 194 years. :roll:




    And on topic: Oh, Canada! Happy birthday to you! Er, us.

  3. I am from: Canada




    And I currently live in: Canada




    Additional Comments: Oh, Canada! And btw, we are not all maple syrup-chugging lumberjacks with pet beavers. :roll: In fact, I don't know anybody like this. However, I hope you knew that. I really hope.




    But damn it! why! why must we belgians be tormented with learning 2 languages!! :boohoo:




    Meh, I have to also, its not so bad. I speak English and some French. Je parle Anglais et un peu Francais.

  4. hehe i know exactly whut happened, ppl use their scrying glass in their portal room to see whuts happening in fally, and they're name appears there but nobody stands there, also if they use prayer then use the scrying glass then a prayer icon appears, i want a scrying glass just for that \'


    That would be so awesome to do that! I mean, couldn't you trade with someone is fally from your own home then? :D




    It wasn't that, I checked, and 'Unforgivabow" doesn't have the needed construction lvl, if that's the name of the invisible person.

  5. I actually don't know what people on TIF think of me. I try to post a fair comment where it is needed, but for all I know you could be sharpening the pitchforks...




    We are. We have bi-weekly meetings discussing how we are going to run you out! :o But seriously...




    We do.








    I'm known as that one guy that you saw a while back, that one behind the fat guy, but next to the really tall, skinny chick with the brown hair. Yeah, that one.




    Shh! :-# You will spoil the plot!




    But seriously? I'm not really sure.

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