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Posts posted by monkeypie10

  1. I guess were gonna expect to see lots of changes in schools in America. Nothing has ever happened to my school in Doha. But it's an American school in an Arabic country. We got like 4 gaurds stationed on every gate with M4A1s and Mp-5's. Gaurds from the American



  2. It's horrible what this world has come to.




    But I guess no one cares when people die in Iraq from explosions.




    Well because noone forced people to join the military and go over to Iraq, its not that we dont care, its just anyone in the military knows the risk involved when enlisting.




    These people were just attending school...




    So stop trying to make this into a war debate, people died just for going to school, and your trying to voice your opinion on the war..... :roll:




    Most of the people from the military can't get jobs, no money for school, not even close to college. Military was their last chance, and there they are dying in the streets. Anyways, your right, lets not make a big debate!

  3. I'm going to go to the church across the street on Easter and ask every single person who enters the building what the hell a giant rabbit hiding painted eggs has to do with the ressurection of Jesus.




    Then watch the looks of contemplation.




    It's all fake idols like the Christmas "Tree" or the Easter "Bunny". People get obsessed with the two and forget the real meaning.




    Anyways, I'm sorry for when I flushed my aunts 4 carrot diamond down the toilet when I was 4 :( [/b]

  4. WEIRD 9/11 FACTS




    1) New York City has 11 letters




    2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.




    3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters.




    4) George W Bush has 11 letters.




    5) The two twin towers make an "11"




    This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting:






    1) New York is the 11th state.




    2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11.




    3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11




    4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5 = 11




    5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 = 11




    6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911.




    9 + 1 + 1 = 11.




    Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind:


    1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. >2 + 5 + 4 = 11.




    2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year.




    Again 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.




    3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 11.






    4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the Twin Towers










    Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind:


    Now this is where things get totally eerie:






    The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stars & Stripes, is the Eagle. The following verse is taken from the Quran, the Islamic




    holy book:




    "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace."




    That verse is number 9.11 of the Quran.




    Still uncovinced about all of this..?! Try this and see how you feel afterwards, it made my hair stand on end:




    Open Microsoft Word and do the following(TRY THIS FOR REAL)




    1. Type in capitals Q33 NY. This is the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the Twin Towers.




    2. Highlight the Q33 NY




    3. Change the font size to 48.




    4. Change the actual font to the WINGDINGS 1




    scary huh??




    Sorry its such a long post... :ohnoes:




    Whats your point? Couldn't Al Qaeda themselves have set it up this way? I fail to see the point your getting at.




    Q33 NY is NOT the real plane number. Research it yourself, most airliners even start with A's-B's.




    Cream(5 letters) Cheese (6 letters) 5+6 = 11 Z0MG C0N$P!R@CY!!!!@#!%!#@! THERE MUST HAVE BEEN CHEESE IN THE PLANES. ZOMG

  5. Okay you know how there is a scientific theory about the universe being created, destroyed, and resurrected? Do they really believe that matter is destroyed just froma collision of galaxies? wouldn't that be against the law of conservation of mass? So if they believe matter is perpetual, do scientists believe in immortality to a certain extent? I mean immortality as in part of us can always be found in the universe, no matter if an explosion scatters our atoms. So to a certain extent, we are immortal. (For the scientists that believe in this theory.)




    I mean how do scientists view that? I can't say I personally believe that, but I thought it was a good question.




    In God, we trust.

  6. Chav= Pathetic human being who losses his time in hearing worthless music and wear clothes to look like a criminal.




    Emo= A gothic variation sometimes rarely mixed with punk that in some case sis suicidical, tastes de good music like classical and rock.




    I'm some sort of emo, death to the chavs!




    JUUUUUST because they don't listen to the music YOU like, it doesn't meen it's worthless.. I guess heavy-metal is just a bunch of idiots jumping up and down screaming their heads off while playing guitars and doing drugs. Yup, you heard it.

  7. If Prison Break stopped airing, I'd seriosuly have to hang my-self either by my toenails or my eye-lids.




    The ending was pretty good. Just to let you know, it doesn't make me want to kill myself.

  8. i have the same problem with my vision occasionally, i think it stems from a lack of nutrition, so i go eat some carrots and bananas with some tea, and it seems to heal it. For my anyway...




    blurry + really sensitive to light




    That's from the hours and hours behind a computer bro.

  9. I just came back from Greece. I was on Ocean Majesty, a partner with Sea Diamond. Sea Diamond was always on our tail during the cruise. It was with us when we went to Kusa Desi, Mekanos, Ephesus, Heraknon, Crete ( last island we went to before it crashed), and Santorini where it crashed. I actually saw the boat pound into the rocks. One of the pictures shows my boat in the distance. The people, when I saw them on the island, were so calm! They lost their luggage, passports, jewellery, everything, and it didn't seem like they cared. They got sent back to Athens. It was the last and most beautiful island of the entire tour. There were schools from North Carolina and Canada. A school from South Carolina was on my boat. Two french people have been reported missing though, a 45 year old man and his 16 year old daughter.

  10. Most Muslims are either








    a) Cowards




    B) Supportive of extremists








    That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. ( And trust me, I make very stupid comments.) Have you ever met a muslim? Ever talked to one for atleast 10 minutes? Have you ever lived in a muslim country? Do you even know what Islam teaches?








    If all Muslims are cowards and supportive of extremists, I guess








    All Americans are fat.




    Every American couple divorces.




    All Americans love nudity.




    Americans have no family morals.




    Americans hate everyone but themselves.




    Every Canadian sais "eh"




    Every Canadian plays hockey.

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