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Posts posted by monkeypie10

  1. Yesterday, my mother and I were at HAGEN DAS eating some amazing ice-cream. And here in Qatar there are lots of workers from like India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan who are payed around 30 Qatari Riyals a day , less than 10 canadian dollars a day. It was December 26th and it was 38 degrees C ( believe it ) and I saw a worker washing a car in that heat. I could see how exausted he was. So me and my mom invited him in and bought him some ice cream :) I actually had to convince the store manager to let him in, he said " workers are not allowed " . I really wanted to kill him after that statement. Well what made that day, is the worker started crying of happiness.








    Anyways, it's great what you and your friend did for that guy. Someone in our school died recently, and a card was passed around to EVERY SINGLE grade. Around 1,200 signatures on an a huge poster in the hallway.

  2. Here in Doha,Qatar we have a pretty huge golf course :\








    I actually knocked out a friends permanent tooth yesterday :wall: Other than that I love golf, and I especially like making ugly skid marks on the green with a golf cart :D



    Seriously smoking is just pathetic








    lets see... to whoever complains about big macs are as bad as cigarettes WRONG








    Big macs dont pollute the air, make people die from second hand smoke, make people stink, pollute(as much)








    p.s i hate them anyway








    but still anyone who smokes... seek help








    all your doing is making people suffer from 2nd hand smoke, destroying yourself, waisting on all your money...












    i suggest getting some nicotine patches and stop ruining our lives (and your own)








    It's funny you talk about big macs. Big macs come in styrephone, which pollute the earth JUST AS MUCH as a ciggarete would. I'm a really globally aware person, and mcdonalds hands out millions of styrephone boxes every day. A ciggaratte will pollute the earth less or just as much as a big mac :)








    Nope, I don't smoke, way to early to even think about that.

    Big macs dont come in styrofoam genius and besides i only mentioned that to the people who says smoking is better than big macs








    Big macs don't come in styrephone you imbecile? Well i lived in canada for 9 years and it was always styrephone.


    It's funny you talk about big macs. Big macs come in styrephone, which pollute the earth JUST AS MUCH as a ciggarete would. I'm a really globally aware person, and mcdonalds hands out millions of styrephone boxes every day. A ciggaratte will pollute the earth less or just as much as a big mac :)








    They come in cardboard here... you polluting Qatarians.








    Well thats good :) Before they didn't. And pfft, in this whole country theres probably 2 Mcdonalds, and it tastes like leather here. All fast food is crap in this crap country.

  5. Seriously smoking is just pathetic








    lets see... to whoever complains about big macs are as bad as cigarettes WRONG








    Big macs dont pollute the air, make people die from second hand smoke, make people stink, pollute(as much)








    p.s i hate them anyway








    but still anyone who smokes... seek help








    all your doing is making people suffer from 2nd hand smoke, destroying yourself, waisting on all your money...












    i suggest getting some nicotine patches and stop ruining our lives (and your own)








    It's funny you talk about big macs. Big macs come in styrephone, which pollute the earth JUST AS MUCH as a ciggarete would. I'm a really globally aware person, and mcdonalds hands out millions of styrephone boxes every day. A ciggaratte will pollute the earth less or just as much as a big mac :) The syrephone ends up in the trash and is burn, CONTRIBUTING TO GLOBAL WARMING A LOT.








    Nope, I don't smoke, way to early to even think about that.

  6. Every galaxy is a marble alien children get to play with. Trust me, if MEN IN BLACK sais so... its true :D












    I seriously do not know how to answer this question. Their are billions of answers.

  7. on eye of the tiger




    i thought it was




    "its the eye of the tiger , its the CREAM of the fight"




    many people think it doesnt make sence.. but look it up in a dictionary




    Cream : The best part of something




    tho i figured out its thrill of the fight

  8. well... being arab...in a american school...




    i get judged pretty badly :cry:




    what people may say... on rs and in rl




    " Please don't boom me !"







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