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Everything posted by sean_no1

  1. Omg! I had the pleasure of speaking to "The Old Nite". We were great friends. Hes the nicest player i have ever met in this game? How did he die?
  2. Over the next few weeks im am aiming to ger a barrows kill count of between 5 and 10k. Why am I doing this some may ask? Well I want to prove how much the barrows kill count increases your chances of rare items from the chest. Since I am only lv 95 this might take a while. I dont think I will get rare items but its worth a shot. Location: Barrows World: 58 Kil Count: 0 I will take screen shots every now and then jsut to let you see how it is going. Please wish me the best of luck and all donations are greatly apreciated. I am 13 years old so I dont spend all my time playing RS. A screenie of me! (I look Nooby coz I lost torag and Whip. Nathan knows the story)
  3. Why would plays flame him? If they do then they dont know what it is like to have a gf. It can be a hard life. This happened to me recently excpt I didnt get Charged. I totally agree with what is said above. Good luck with the court. Mabe you can get him done for harrastment :wink:. That was your motive so the court wil know soon lol.
  4. Hi Skate. Can you pm me in game. I wnat to say good bye. Good luck withyour life. Your on my friends list but unfortunatly, you dont remember me. Good to see you are moving on with your life. I fin this game boring too. Heck, I dont mind donating to your drop. My user is sean_no1. You mght remember me. We met about 8 months ago. I will miss you mate.
  5. Jagex rely need to hire some more people in he CS department. It is a joke. I havent had a reply since mabe November. They have forgotten all of the old veterians of RS. Like me. I have alot of issuies. Like players with obscene and offensive names. Also I have some in-gam questions wich only Jagex can help me with. I have been muted twice but I have to appeal against this. I have been banned once but i DIDNT SEE PROOOF. I relly hope Jagex gets there act together. They dont care about the players anymore, its the cash. I remember 2 years ago Jagex were great. And the players went so bad either. Players are getting better. Most players have learned their lesson now nad have stopped the childish rul-breaking. Jagex need to do their part now. Help their customers before more quit. What Jagex Could Do: Hire more people to work in CS Have a personal Jagex mod who you can talk if you are conserned with something A fourm were you can talk in private with a jaggex mod or dissciuss issuies with them. I would lke to hear some more suggestions. Hopefully Jagex will read this and crack down on rule-breaking as rule breaking it will become an issuie soon. EDIT: It would be a difficult job at times but someone has to do it. Im sure Jagex could find hundrads more workers if they relly tried.
  6. Nice article. It would be so kool if he gave you half his bank. Nova plays alot thought. Hope to see more interviews.
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