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Posts posted by Everkenezer




    Unprotected sex with lots of women is fun, too, but then you get STD's and such. Similar situation in my opinion.




    Since when did you get STD's from weed?

  2. just be honest, and say that yes you smoke and enjoy doing it. tell him that you do it responsibly and it does not harm anyone else in the process. Explain to him that alcohol has similar effects with worse side effects and alcohol is legal.

  3. hmmm




    High school we were the Gators, and our colors were Blue and Gold....but the spirit color is orange.


    Sadly, i dont know what my college mascot is haha, but i think the colors are green and white, or something with green in it.

  4. Fingers, wrists, back sometimes, toes and neck. i usually do my neck and back after arriving at class in the mornings, but do the rest all day.




    The main reason i "crack" my fingers is that my hands have ADD. thats why i always have something in my hand. (when i dont, they, as well as i, go nutzoid.)

  5. You can do one of two things:




    1. Suck up your pride and just say "i am afraid of what might happen." (i didnt eat wendy's for 2 years because i had one bad experience.)










    a. Ride rollercoaster


    b. Spew all over the other children


    d. ????????


    c. I told you so.

  6. I can't imagine why it would need to be legal in the first place? Just marry a girl


    Indeed, all these homosexuals are just rebels!




    I'll just joke along, because you weren't serious either... amirite?


    No joking


    Cause marrying a random women is better than marrying someone you love, amirite?


    Think about how when the constitution was written, everything was based on the following of God. In our pledge of allegiance we say that we are a nation under God. Remember a while back there was a serious case for removing that line? Do you remember when New Hampshire allowed gay marriage? And how that's saying that its all right to disregard Him?


    No, we are not godless yet. We won't be godless until after WWIII, the war which will likely be a war against losing faith, depending on the outcome.






    1. No it wasnt. In fact, it was written for the opposite (see england around the same time period)


    2. "Under god" wasnt put in until about 50 years ago. I am sure you know that, but if not, i want to make sure.

  8. yay, more human rights progress. USA! USA!......




    i really dont see whats wrong with homosexuality or why people see it as wrong (except for the christians and bible believers.) But as someone said earlier, thats a different thread, different time.

  9. I think it was scapeboard. i am probably wrong though. i remember beta, they only had basically the f2p area for testing. i felt special because the karamja fishing spots were bugged and i attained sharks from them :D

  10. Lava lamp, unused shoelaces, tons of tobacco like cigar and hookah, a flatscreen monitor on my fllor next to my feet, posters from when my brother lived in here (about 8 years ago), a drumset, but no gaming systems.




    about the lava lamp. i went through this "Spencers" phase (for those of you that dont know, spencers is a gift shop that sells adult novelty items like mugs with dirty sayings, weird jewelry, and stuff for putting a rave in your room) So i have a 16" blacklight, laser lightshow thing, siren light (like on cop cars), strobe, colored disco ball, colored lights etc all in a box. i am considering hooking and putting some of this up (for when i blaze of course)

  11. I agree with whoever said it should be up to the parents. Bad is what we see as "bad." I asked my parents why bad words are "bad" words and they couldnt give me a coherent answer.




    I think a lot of "bad" words are synonyms for subjects considered taboo, like sex, bodily functions, etc. That is why a lot of people deem them "bad," because they dont want to talk or listen about them.




    as for nudity, i agree, it is a body and our physical makeup. we see it everyday. once again, i think the "private" parts are part of the taboo subject of sex.




    do we need censorship? it is a hard question, because we grow up with these ideas that these words and images are "bad" and really cant see the world without the censorship. I think a interesting experiement would be to not make a point to put more swear words or nudity on tv, just not edit any of it and let it run like on a dvd or in the theatres. just show the ratings as usual, even show a more extravagant warning, but just show it how it is. I want to see how people would react.




    sorry, but to answer that question in my opinion, of course, would be no. We dont need censorship. how does using a "bad" word to accentuate a point cause any harm. how does seeing some bewbs immoral? do other animals have censorship? pretty much all the other animals are nude, they show mating on tv, even some shows show tribes that are pretty much nude, on tv. however, still have censored versioned of stuiff, if you feel the need to shield yourself or others.

  12. I usually go trollheim->camelot->canifis->ardougne->falador/draynor.




    i dont think there is a really "faster" way, considering you are going to be teleporting everywhere. if you were doing trees together, then thats a different story. but purely herbs, i dont think order really matters.

  13. well, if he is a good friend, and you are genuinely concerned, talk to him and tell him that you are really concerned. try to convince him to walk to your house and such. just little steps. as someone suggested, just keep poking physical activity at him until he gives in, and make sure he has fun doing it!




    DISCLAIMER: these techniques are not tested. These are the thing id want my friends to do with me. I am not "fat", but a little overweight and getting there.

  14. i only have 6m cash, but i dont consider myself poor.




    "poor" >1mil


    "lower middle" 1-15


    "middle middle" 16-30


    "upper middle" 31-70ish


    "upper upper" 71-100


    "lower rich" 101-150


    "middle rich" 151-200


    "upper rich" 200-300


    "those [wagon]" 300+






    did i just type all that?

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