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Posts posted by king_kenny69

  1. Well I've taken the liberty of calculating what I think the items that will give you the best melee defence stats, and here they are:








    Torag's Helm can be substitued for Verac's, they both have the same defence stats, but Veracs has +3 prayer bonus. And I added in magic and range defence to provide more info :)




    Point out any mistakes if you spot them.

  2. Don't expect these pics to be as great as the others, Aussies are just too lazy to build big stuff :P






    An aerial view of the place






    The foreshore






    I think there's something lazy in our soil which makes the trees also too lazy to grow upright






    Somebody got bored, so we decided to blow something up for fun!






    The groovy lighthouse






    And this random hill which I swear I've never seen in my life

  3. I've been thinking, do the small healers behave the same way that the large ones do? You could theoretically get them stuck behind something just like the big ones, or atleast maybe two of them.




    You'll get owned before you can say 'Oh my jihad!!'


    When you face that lumbering behemoth, all strategies you had planned go out the window, expect for pray switching, let alone luring the healers that only occupy one space compared to their lvl 180 counterparts, who take up eight spaces (I think).


    On 8th try now, last time I was at Jaddy boy and was pretty confident with my progress, but, I drank a super restore pot and bam! 62!


    Guess i didn't protect fast enough after I drank it. The hardest part is picking yourelf up after a defeat at Jad's large feet and going again, knowing there is only a slim chance of succeeding, no matter hot many shots you have at those caves.

  4. Bah, this is all too confusing for me. I play command and conquer gernerals when im bored. I like to have all 7 other teams against me, 2 hard armies and the rest normal, me playing as china.


    I build up a tough defensive barricade of a central bunker filled with rocket launcher guys, followed by 2 gattling cannons on either side, then 2 overlord tanks with bunkers build on top filled with more rocket launcher guys. I have a repair dozer at the back of the pack aswell as another overlord with a healing tower on it.


    As soon as I've got a big enough army, I send in a nuclear missle on the enemy's central base to cause mass destruction, followed by an emp thing on their towers, which disables them, and cluster mines in front of their tanks, so when they spot my army and move towards it, they run over the mines and boom!


    Now the fun part... seeing as though the enemy usually sends out tanks first, I send forward my overloads and batlemaster tanks for some easy xp, then as their infanty move out, I send out flamethrower tanks which make short work out of them.


    With most of their army destroyed fairly easily, I just send my army into the heart of their base and watch the carnage.

  5. With ancients I kill karils first with ice burst, move onto ahrims wearing d hide and ds spec him before switching to cbow, then use the remainder of my points on dharock, then swap my ahrims top to torags plate then kill verac, torag and guthan. If i get a melee bro in tunnel I just run through the first set of door repeadetly untill he pops up, then lure him behind the ladder like so:




    Easy! and i use the bloods I get from the chest to heal myself on karil, therofre saving sharks and minimising the use of p pots.

  6. :-k nah i think kids should learn themselves not to be influenced by games ;) my 10 year old nephew plays grand theft auto and ive never seen him runover a prostitute in a stolen police car so i doubt little kids playing rs will go pickpocketing




    Well said, and I don't think anybody is about to get off the computer and think 'hmm, need bread and milk, I think go milk a random strangers cow and walk to the windmill to gound my wheat, or better yet, teleport to the deli!'

  7. Didn't armoured boots just come out recently? Or am I behind the times?




    They came out with the introduction of Slayer.




    I would like an updated friends list, it's just too basic, we should be able to group our friends in our list, i.e clans, real life mates, skillers, pkers, and such.

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