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Posts posted by rune0nite

  1. C wars is usually infested with pures when I'm playing... Got owned by lvl 70 he hit 24-24 and I'm dead. One of the reasons I don't play c wars too often nowadays.




    ok first off pures suck at cw unless they ancient and run so maybe you need some better armour....






    Secondly to adress the post if your getting owned by pures stay away from them... thre not really hard to spot expesically if you know what they typically wear and when they names like i own i i mean geez if you get pked by pures all the time maybe you need to learn to spot them or stay out of the wildy and pures only contribute to the economy by buying my sharks....




    Oh and if your saying pures kill you so fast level up your mele skills,mage,range or wahtever you pk with and leanr to mage bank pk where low combat doesnt matter and without defense you get owned simple as that





  2. runescape won't be around in 2011. We'll run out of oil and no longer be able to use computers. This will force us to revert to dungeons and dragons which 95% of runescape players will start playing.


    You dont need oil to power a computer its called hydro electricy.... and btw what does oil have to do with computers




    well to reaspond i seriously hope im not playing 5 years from now since ill have more stuff going on in my life which i have to say even now most of the other stuff i do outranks Rs when it comes to prioity since to be honest its only a game that i use to kill time.


    But thats only my opinion

  3. Why can't Jagex just tell us the truth? :uhh: :shock: :uhh:




    WE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH :ohnoes: ahhhhh

    -took the words outa my mouth...






    Maybe becasue world 126 is to 1337 for the average RS player and it has Christmas cracker drops every morning and only once you have achieved the combat level of 126 can you enter it and you can only enter it once :-$

  4. 20's don't sound that high today, but back then, they were huge numbers for a medium leveled person to be hitting. The funny thing is, I remember seeing like 10 major players being banned that day, it was funnier than anything else you could think of! Then, after they were banned, they posted here about how they were sorry, and how they wouldn't do it again, and how they were only testing it, and weren't abusing it... like hell they weren't. For the entire day, that's all that happened. It's like going to a college on St. Patrick's Day, onnly one thing happens the entire day, and this time it wasn't drinking, it was fighting with knives. Thank god I didn't have any knives on me at that point, everyone was buying them up, and taking them from the spawn on top of the Varrock General Store.


    It was acatly the first accounts of people hitting 30's with r2h's and you were only banned if you pked with the bug, although many high levels did get baned for it. Mostly pkers though

  5. Easier programming. There are areas in members, well, I think, where you are not allowed to bring weapons or armor. I know mage arena you can't have weapons. Entrana or something you cant bring weapons or amor? I'm not sure, I'm f2p afterall. Then knife and hammer would be included and not allowed. Right now, they only need to have a check to see if you have anything wieldable. If they added kinfe and hammer to wieldable they would have to check to allow those.




    I know for a fact you can't take the knife into the mage arena which is also a non-weapon place, but you can't wield it in there. I'm not sure about Entrana because people might fletch there. The hammer is less of a weapon than the knife though.




    Off topic a little: Isn't there a picture of someone in full rogues with a regular knife equipped on the front page of the runescape site? Or is that another weapon I'm seeing incorrectly?


    That might be true but i remember from my first day of p2p u could bring a knife to flecth the draman staff onto entrana so maybe it was something else that u couldnt bring :-k

  6. well i can understadn how you must feel about geting dragon drops and how in this case you think it would be easier to get them as a drop but to tell you the truth its expenisve as HELL you have to buy anti fire pots ppots incase u decide to mele good food and runes not to metion those and metal dragons are some of the most annoying monsters in the game. basicly my 2 cents is that it would be easier to save up for dlegs if u had high enough skills

  7. Well heres some info on Herb packs




    they contain Ranars ad higher plus toadflax and some stuff i cant id as well as irit and i get 2 ranars at least so it depends on how many packs you want and how much u value prayer exp.




    But my estimate would be if you could i d every herb and make them into pots they would be worth around 40-50k minnimum in pots






    EDIT: they also have harrlander i forgot :oops:

  8. I think they should make them make you look different and give a much higher (maybe even double) the prayer bonus of monk robes. Shade robes aren't easy to get as shades are random events, they don't always drop em, and they can be difficult to kill when you're caught off guard.


    Nope monk robes are the best prayer bonus robes in f2p learn your st00f

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