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Posts posted by Toxic388

  1. Oh boy, don't want to leave anyone out but here it is...




    Tip it's best friends




    Kohe333 - this guy is amazing. If I ever needed something I could come to him and he'd always give me help or an advice. He has become like a real brother to me; he's so awesome. Not only because he's good at RS, but because he's got a cool, outgoing personality, where he will make you laugh even when you're having the worst day on earth. And I guess im attached to him because we have so many common things, like both liking Metallica! :D




    Voldmort0 - he's just as cool as Kohe, seems to me we all get along so well, just like rl bros, the only thing that drives us apart is the distance. But we plan on getting together next summer too see Metallica live! \:D/<3: you Voldy.




    Hephaistos50 - awesome guy, fun to talk to and is there when I need help.




    Camaman - great guy, great player, knows what he's doing and I give so much respect to him, you won't believe.




    Drum/Toshiba/Val/Saru - you guys are awesome and i'll never forget you. Keep it touch!








    Dlewa0 - amazing guy. I've been friends with him for 2 years now and hope to be forever. I'll never forget how I used to help him with wildy clues all the time cause he'd be scared to get pked. We live close to each other, so hopefully one day I'll meet him irl.




    Thebigcheez - He's been an awesome friend for almost 2 years as well, although recently I haven't talked to him lately; still want to keep it touch.




    DW3/Biggerboy/Trotter_69/Nova bros/Ch00b o let/etc/etc - you guys know who you are, you're my brothers I will never forget you for being such great friends to me. I hope I will keep in touch with you after I quit.[/u]

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