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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. 110m Range! - 1st August 2015




    90 Prayer! - 3rd August 2015




    70m Attack! - 4th August 2015




    70m Strength! - 6th August 2015




    Aquarium Completed! - 9th August 2015






    Remaining Goals:


    70m Fishing/Base Level 115

    All 5 Titles - 2/5


    Next however me and my partner are off to see my parents, brothers, nephew and neice for a few days, and visit chessington world of adventures. I will try to afk/teamview a bit of fishing xp while having family time. :twss: However only when I need a bit of a brake and need to escape them.

  2. ^

    Absolutely, im like the Jebrim of smithing - Minus the obnoxious attitude and elitist outlook on life.




    70m Hunter XP! - 11th July 2015




    Dragon Journals Collected! - 13th July 2015




    RuneFest Tickets 2015! - 14th July 2015


    Woot! Looking forward it.




    100m Herblore! - 14th July 2015




    Unlocked Vorrack! - 15th July 2015


    Saving the present for RuneFest so I have something to do there. Getting a free phat seems like a good option.




    Level 120 Herblore! - 18th July 2015




    Front/Back 120 Herblore Cape:




    110m Herblore! - 19th July 2015




  3. 110m Farming XP! - 1st July 2015




    70m Prayer XP! - 3rd July 2015




    80m Herblore XP! - 3rd July 2015




    100m Range XP! - 7th July 2015




    90m Herblore XP! - 8th July 2015




    130m Woodcutting XP! - 10th July 2015




    Real life: I moved house! - 11th July 2015


    I now live somewhere that coincidentally looks far more runescape-y. I have castle walls outside my door across the street and even a castle on a hill 2-3 minutes away. :D Its a very medieval place lol. I live much closer to my partner now too.


    Holy ship, now that I think about it - I have rivers next to me too.. its just like Lumbridge! Castle, castle walls and a nearby river! I moved to Lumbridge.


    70m Crafting XP! - 22nd July 2015




    70m Runecrafting XP! - 24th July 2015



  4. Yep


    I was a few hours late to the announcement as I was traveling through an area that even my mobile had no internet. Been monitoring for any updates on this topic and prepared to book the date.


    I had to go for Travelodge Central Tower Bridge Hotel as by the time I began looking at hotels (And confirmed those dates available.) it ended up being cheaper than Aldgate east hotel this year. However still got it pretty good price for tower bridge. All other hotels sucked in price comparison including the budget ones. Technically we have some friends in london but none of them are as central so I still prefer the hotel thats closer.


    Tip(it?): I found a coupon online that took off 10% off cost if you were staying two nights at travelodge. You can probably find it and use it like I did.


    Bonds ready. My partner is coming too but she isnt a tipit person lol. We both went last year and both had a great time. Definitely worth it. The only negative is its in london and we dont like london - And its a bit of a journey. However event itself is worth it. Had no doubt about going again this year.


    However jagex were very inconsiderate (And I feel essentially rude) by not offering enough vegetarian options for the food vouchers we were given. We are not vegetarian ourselves however she is allergic to pork, she would die if she ate it, so.. Kinda annoying that we were given food vouchers for food we couldnt eat > An alternative option. Maybe even other options of meat. Great idea and it looked awesome etc, but just needed an alternative option to the food vouchers which I see as included in the price of the ticket. This was discussed by others on the forums prior the event, which I monitored, and they reassured everyone there would be other options. YES there were other options, but the voucher itself was for something specific that we couldnt eat. Easy to just offer a damn cabbage or some chicken legs or something as an alternative so we can atleast get something. I personally find that a bit inconsiderate/rude for a big event like this.


    Besides thats it was a awesome experience.

  5. My screenshots are getting a bit messy as last couple months iv been playing on like 4-7 different machines with different monitor sizes/setups.
    130m Mining XP! - 30th April 2015
    Level 104 Farming! - 5th May 2015
    120 Farming Cape Front/Back:
    120m Woodcutting! - 8th May 2015
    100m HP! - 18th May 2015
    Ports Completed!

  6. I dont believe in what the vote ends up being matters either way. Its more of a setup to put blame onto players as a PR stunt to say on twitch we voted for one or the other.


    A monthly larger update would more than likely end up with jagex releasing content that are subpar 'quality' compared to the past. Slightly larger content in regards to the current schedule and probably better content, however buggy, focused around content filler, more enthuses on a podcast/newspost and not that uncommonly delayed.


    If it goes to frequency then more than likely they just switch to ninja like updates as it currently is with a similiar subpar 'quality' of updates.


    Either way its essentially a reduction in updates or at minimum similar to what we currently have. With their current releases I just do not believe in their capability at this time to produce 'quality' updates with bigger or smaller updates alike being subpar. I do not believe reducing updates will result in a higher quality of an update as it will shift importance onto an update being bigger and more badass, not its quality. I do however agree with them that releasing content in batches may be a new method for them to move forward in. Elf city was a great success in regards to this and showed marked improvements. (Though buggy as hell.) They also do have the occasional content released into the game that is of a much higher standard of 'quality.' (Be it big or small.) Thats however few and far between, which is arguably what this poll is trying to address.. However imo its more about the reduction of updates as well as to shift the blame onto the player base.


    As for my feedback. I feel I would much prefer them to reduce updates, focus on medium content, stop talking unrealistic nonsense, stop lying to their player base, focus more on bugs and balance prior release, new management that discourages content fillers and instead focus on more meaningful content. Get rid of the nonsense PR 'voting' stuff as a) its dum to trust players with what they want, b) Its just a scam to focus the blame onto the players that they voted for something/didnt vote for something else, b) it should really be the developers ideas based on player feedback suggestions. As someone who does activism and am politically aware.. I am all for freedom and stuff however this is not a political stage it is infact a 'game' and I just want the relevant staff to get on with it. While as a customer I feel I can exercise my right to give feedback or any suggestions I may have. I feel its a little gullible to think these polls are anything but a way to shift blame onto their customers frankly. Maybe if they hide the results in such a way that it had no impact on the game it could be regarded as feedback, 'maybe,' but under its current implementation, for example in twitch, official forums, reddit etc, its not uncommon to see the player base blamed for a votes result. =/ I conclude 'imo' that this poll is no different and this is just jagex being jagex again so I dont really give a shit whichever way this poll turns out.


    And who wouldnt be surprised if they instead came out with 'bigger' AND more 'regular' solomon/treasure hunter promotions and reduced the size and release scedule of regular content regardless of the poll results.

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