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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. just realised, isn't 35.1M XP level 109? :P


    Yep! - I currently now have virtual total level 2895. (Coincidentally that happens to be 300 above the non-virtual max atm lol.) I will get 2900 by default sooner or later but it has been a aim of mine to also get 2900 in itself.




    New tears record! Should of cropped this but nvm.. Its 216.






    35.1m Hunter XP! - 9th November 2013


    *Twitches* Done. No one decided to train on top of me. Even noticed a handful of peeps hop. o_o


    Now have 26453 draconic vines and 6951 withered vines.




    New Goal! 115.2m FM XP!


    Thats enough to hit 1.5b xp milestone.


    Farming is progressing..

  2. 99 Divination! - 6th November 2013


    So that was around 78 Days since release. =p


    In that time I have gained approximately 115-120m Total xp Lol.




    Rank Before Lvl:




    Rank After:




    Rank before Divination was approximately 365-360. So a gain of around 145 if that is to have any meaning yet which it doesnt really.


    Cape back!




    And also - 9th Extra Statue! - 6th November 2013






    Remaining Goals:


    35.1m Hunter

    35.1m Farming XP


    That is,


    Hunter - 7.5m > 8.2m
    Farming - 500k > 2m


    Moving onto Hunter now. I said before magic was my least fav but I forgot about hunter. Hunter by FAR is my least fav skill. ..I am hoping that div has reduced the number of non hoppers. Farming has a while to go yet. I reckon I still have hunter done before farming is.

  3. Still prefer my gamebar. >.< Lol..


    I checked this ingame. Its more long winded than just sticking to the gamebar instead. Even if my browser isnt open its funny because its still quicker and less confusing to open the browser than to navigate to the screen ingame.


    There are some minor improvements..But I could equally argue that its lacking some features compared to the gamebar in regards to the minigame/distraction stuff. For example - I already know how to teleport to any of those things after I been atleast twice. (And I done them hundreds of times.) As good a feature that is it is for the new or forgetful player its ultimately not that useful for me anymore.


    Still no harm done putting it ingame..Just less convenient imo. Which is purely due to their implementation of this feature ingame. (You would think that /ingame/ it would be more convenient but in this case it really doesnt seem to be.)


    I would of maybe liked to discard my use of the gamebar for this feature but not due to this update.

  4. Got dust devil mask thing recently which was the last one I didnt have. So finished them off - 2nd November 2013


    Was amazed how much hp dust devils have... Used to be like 1-3 hit kills. Now each individual is like some leet boss thing.






    And gorg one which I hadnt done yet.






    Here are all the masks!






    Lvl 97 Divination! - 2nd November 2013



  5. 52.1m Agility XP and 105m FM XP! - 30th October 2013


    Done and Done!


    Stupid server dc'ed me just as I was ganna do a screenshot. >.>






    ..And right after that I logged to do my rl agility lol.




    Unfortunately although I am chasing a player for xp in something and I am infact gaining on them.. It simply wasnt possible to take it in a timely fashion. (But I closed a MASSIVE gap and am on their heels.) They suddenly bolted like a derby horse on steroids, most likely by coincidence. >.> I want to train my rc which will show me down so I am atleast hoping that I remain at an even pace with their xp gains and I can continue to close the remaining ground later. As longs as I keep up I should be ok as I have no competition behind me to worry about. I /could/ do fm for xp if I really wanted to but thats not how I want to play the game. I do fm when I want to. (Which can happen randomly.) Never know - They may slow down again..Or continue at a pace I cant gain on lol.


    In other news: I threw a bond into a well today. Hopefully it gives me good luck.


    Im removing farming from my combo goal and made it standalone because its lagging behind alot and I cant do much about it.


    Thieving next.

  6. Nice statistic jagex.


    Next I would like to hear how they plan to remove people that sell gold at a higher price than those they buy it from. You know... The actual problem with 'non' rule abiding rwt?


    I like how I am a Muppet for paying rl money for membership through jagex when I can technically get it cheaper through a third party.


    The only good thing I see with this whole bond thing is jagex beginning to make non official rwt more risky. (Atleast /some risk/ right?) They got their version. They tapped into that money source. Now they need to start ban hammering the non official methods for rwt. Make people fear rwt through anyone besides jagex official methods.


    Thats the only point I see in any of this... It doesnt dent non official rwt in the slightest... Thats just common sense it cannot work. People buy.. and sell.. This cannot ever stop that regardless of the price of bonds. Focusing on farmers is just tunnel vision at best. Their PR is treating us like idiots.

  7. New Goal! Re-Gilded drag pick belt + 35.1m Mining XP.




    Re-Gilded drag pick belt + 35.1m Mining XP! - 16th October 2013


    Finally bought one for cheap. Trimming it at lava flow mine took ridiculous amount of time. However I do now have a spare set of the four pieces for that new hammer smithing thingy that glows. The thing I will never use. =p (Oh hey, I suppose prestige if it was done correctly might mean I use it lolz.)






    Goal change - 105m Fm Xp > 100m.


    Fixed it - 100m just aint good enough. Idk why I didnt just set it as 105m originally, 100m just seems too newbie. So that now means I am training about a level 99 in xp since I knew about prestige. (By the time im done.) Oh well. I aint got no patience to wait for that. =p




    Current Progress:
    Agility - 300k > 5.3m
    Firemaking - 9.8m > 4.8m > 12.4m


    93/99 Divination
    Hunter - 5.4m

  8. Really enjoyed the storyline in that quest. Seemed better quality build. I dont think the dwarf storyline had to necessarily be bad but it didnt seem ready for release. This seemed put together correctly.


    They seem to talk alot about scaling the foes so they could of had a bit more of a punch in them imo. Seemed the gods had a harder time about it than I did by their dialog.. I hadnt even equiped anything for safety reasons with any update and they all had weapons.. =p Im mightier than thok.

  9. Got goosebumps just over the fact that they seemed to apologize for something, asin that they acknowledged the fact that they sometimes may get things wrong from time to time. Its refreshing to hear that they arnt perfect for once, kudos for that.

    Poll needs to be reasonable though.


    As it stands we honestly do kinda need something to help with the hs. Its going to be very overloaded at the top end with ever increasing staleness over the next few years. Its just their current idea that fails atm.


    If its a split down the line option of their current solution or no update then obviously I vote for the only fair option, no update. Im not going to be a taffer to all those people who have already put their time into the game after 13m xp. Its upside down backwards to suggest that anyone with 13m xp in a skill is higher than someone with 13m+


    If they have some option that allows some fairness for those who have already played for their xp, asin not completely ignoring it.. Then I would possibly vote yes to that. Just depends if its a good option or not.


    However I think I will have to personally vote no unless its a /very/ good idea, not just because its unfair, but I also dont particularly like the idea of resetting 99. (Probably vote no - But not necessarily - A solution IS needed and I see that its necessary. I rather vote yes on a semi-good idea than ignore it and later end up with a bad idea.) If I were going to reset anything it would be 200m for me. However there are many other solutions I could think of that would be preferable than those. I enjoy training skills but training skills between 1-80 is mostly just fluff until it gets more interesting 'for me' personally. Resetting would just be a huge fluff ball of tedious stuff until I got to the good bit that I enjoy more. I dont want to keep resetting and doing that lvl 1 to lvl 80 bit repeatedly if I had the choice - That being a very personal preference.

  10. A prestige system is something I would of always wanted in an ideal world to make this game better, however in the real world I wasnt that keen on it as I had the idea jagex would implement it in a bad way. Which may now turn out true unfortunately. =/ They struggle with the implementation of things. (Im continually amazed - Thats a huge feat.)


    As it stands, smithing is the skill I enjoyed and wished the prestige type system so I could of continued. However its rather offensive that only 13m counts from when I continued regardless of the missing prestige hs at the time. Something that I trained because I found it alot of fun and later began to interact with other top smithers when I joined their ranks. There was alot of communication between us, very supportive, regardless of fact we were competing. Not everyone communicated, (Maybe more competitive lol?) but it was great to interact like that regardless of competition. Even communicated with suomi to help guide him on market prices. Essentially guided him on how the rest of us were training it. (Although it was largely unnecessary because he was already nearly 200m from mining/smithing method and had like billions of gp probably - Unlike the rest of us lol.) Aswell as many f2p people whoes names that dont exist anymore. Which annoyed me big time because I considered some friends.


    From such interaction I learnt some people have spent 'years' gaining 200m or 100m+ xp in a stat. I was rubbing shoulders/interacting with peeps of which some had spent 5+ years on a skill. (And some who no-life quicker lol.) Im not keen on the idea that someone who spent say a few months to get 13m xp can get a higher rank than someone else who took years to get 13m+ xp. I feel gutted for other people..More than myself even. I know some people who spent 100x longer than me to achieve things because of time allowance. When times were different (good old days and all that [bleep]) it was inspiring to see such dedication. Those people that inspire me are being fvcked pretty bad and is upsetting for the community aspect. Something im accustomed to since the removal of f2p from hs. =/


    I might of been interested in continuing smithing for a higher rank with this update... but I rather just remain on a high note if most of the time is just going to be ignored completely. Its annoying as a customer to be treated that way. I would love to train smithing again...but not like this.


    Things like agility.. I never want to get 200m in that lol. But I do find it fun to train. 52m pretty much was my own thing, nothing really to do with hs. Yet its still obviously silly that someone with less time spent on the skill/less xp is higher on a ranking system. Obviously its being largely ignored all the while its a inferior hs compared to a 'prestige' one.


    My total stats are just ganna get fvcked in ass really. I done max twice +some lol. >.< None of that matters obviously. Some new maxer will have a higher rank than me who has done half the stats lolz. Good for them I guess. Seems upside down bonkers from my point of view, insulting purely from jagex treatment. Its salt in a wound they caused but for whatever reason I care more for say smithing than average overall xp. Its still wrong though.


    I got hope they will do /something/ to make this more fair.. but idk what they will do. For future players this is a good update - Long ago needed. For current high xp'ers its being fvcked in the ass really. I support the concept - I wished it so I could of continued past 200m (Maybe reset at 200m rather than 13m?) - However jagex are like trolls when it comes to implementation.


    The issues are obvious - They cant allow 13+ - 187m xp to count into prestige with their current idea, its unfair. There are ways to reduce the damage though.

  11. I dont think I like the idea or that it sounds that healthy.


    I do instead however like the idea of having a highscores that resets say once a year or something, that goes live alongside the regular highscores that stays the same. Once it resets it just goes into some hall of trophy thing thats saved and can be viewed anytime. (Probably with a minimum - Say top 10000 in each skill.) So essentially it allows people to compete...but also easily allows people to ignore it altogether with more ease.


    They making the game too cumbersome with these types of ideas.


    Either way - Allow f2p to exist on it. Its a hollow/meaingless highscores as it is. =/ Currently I have no idea what most of my actual ranks are. =s

  12. Did you solo all your hard mode floors on large? :o.

    I dont think so lol. Just needed to do smalls.




    40m Fishing! - 2nd October 2013


    All thx to the gods. 40m pretty much perfect based on tears for lamps/final day. (Not that I spent lamps on fishing.) I had been visiting fish flingers to stock up on tickets but it wasnt necessary, woot!






    And an extremely useful pickaxe for me. Has a nice glowy effect.


    I will have to re-trim a dragon pickaxe for my toolbelt, but I just waiting for prices go down before I do that. Put a rune one in for now.



  13. Ok I been slacking when it came to posting things in timely manner.






    Hard Dung Complete! - 18th September 2013






    Milestone! 40m Combats!/46m HP! - 19th September 2013






    32m Construction XP! - 23rd September 2013






    1.4b XP!!! - 24th September 2013








    Phoenix Egg! - 29th September 2013






    New Goal! 40m Fishing.


    New Goal! 52.2m Agility.


    New Goal! 100m Firemaking.




    Current Progress:


    Agility - 5.3m > 8m

    Firemaking - 12.4m > 17.5m

    Fishing - 500k > 500k




    92/99 Divination

    Hunter - 5.5m

  14. Meh idk. We all knew this was ganna happen, it was simply time. I felt prepared for it. That said - This isnt so bad as simply buying gp, .. Its buying a token that allows you to trade it with existing gold from another player. Obviously its greed at the cost of the integrity of the game on jagex part, beyond just making profits. (Killing their cash cow/flag ship game) - But again we knew it was coming. Being linked to membership gives some positives to the players that I dont mind. I dont expect to see the declining player base to begin increasing with this update, it will probably follow a similiar path compared to the previous rwt updates.


    How this effects me.. If I can buy 1b gp for whatever a token costs then maybe.. but that really is a sad thing. On the otherhand I see positives in using gp to get membership if it was cheap enough.


    As for jagex talking about goldfarming and such.. Yes it might effect them.. But its just PR. Results is what matters. Im skeptical that besides lowering their prices that goldfarming will be as hurt as bad as they say. The people I see who get most effected is jagex themselves with the profit they would make from this. A legit way to buy gp with real cash..from other players safely. Doesnt change fact that its legit rwting though - A pay to win game.


    On a related note. This morning when I went to the front page and saw that ugly mug I laughed and told my gf that we could probably buy gp for cash now. (Or rather I had a quick groan as I knew it must be controversial news to see his face lol. Probably something bad.) Then I watched the video... Initially completely confused.. but once I got my head around it I realise I was correct. >.< It had to be something money related to see that face again. >.<


    Ah well.. lol.

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