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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. If there was some kinda requirement then it was so long ago I dont remember it. =p Would just did enough to do whatever what was needed. Im still happy it had 5000 needed in the older message.




    Got staff thing. Pretty bland thing to do.




    8th extra statue (Probably last one for a long time.)




    Im making good progress with agility. It is slow progress though. Im finding it quite enjoyable atm.


    An update on what im wanting.


    Agility 1.2m > 4.9m

    Mining 5.7m > 6.5m


    Thieving 9.7m > 9.7m

    Hunter 9.3m > 9.7m

    Construction 9.6m > 9.6m


    Fishing 2.3m (Fish Flingers) > 3.5m

    Farming 0 xp > 1.6m


  2. Grats on comp :) Don't you need to play cw games for untrimmed comp though?


    Well there cant be any need need finish a game of cw, which is more what I mean when I say I havnt played. There was probably a song in there that needed unlocking, which I cant remember if all songs are needed for untrimmed or not. Either way you just join a game and leave to get it. (Which I dont consider playing lol.)


    I have walked around cw briefly. I think the last time I remember going there was when a quest came out that involved something to do with upgrading the catapult. Since I had unlocked something from the quest I wanted to go and check it out. However I didnt bother waiting for the game to end once I had fired the catapult lol. I would of unlocked the song then if there was any song to be unlocked.


    I wouldnt of known it would of mattered back then but im glad I never finished that game. 5000 is a nicer looking number > 4999. (Obviously requirement has changed now but still in the realm of being irresponsible.)

  3. 32m Farming XP! - 22nd April 2013


    The tree vanished for a good 5 seconds when I clicked to check it was grown lol. Wasnt sure what to do about the screenshot.. Then it suddenly reappeared lol.




    I have also finally maxed out my port crew. Only thing left to do is the scroll pieces - Probably take about a year or so.. I dont care that much about it though.

  4. Also an update on my opinion on cw's. Atm I am a proud owner of a comp cape, with all trim requirements done, (included port) except for the fact I have ZERO cw war games completed. Cos its a pathetic requirement. (Though im sure cw itself could be fun if I tried it, just personally too lazy for most minigames.)


    However depending on how they change it.. I might be interested. I wouldnt hold breath though. It needs to be something reasonable before I consider it seriously. Atm I am happy with my zero games. I obviously dont want to even play 'only' 2500 games for gold tickets or whatever either. o_0 Quite happy as I am, life and all, etc. =p However I cant make a informed decision until I know a bit more first. Just not holding my breath and I dont really care anymore unless it becomes something thats reasonable to do. I do know though that I will have 3 weeks'ish off in a few months, and if its reasonable I could technically no-life it, or some of it, within that month. *shrugs* Who knows.. Might be a new skill to do instead within that time.


    Regarding my previous thoughts towards cw's, now that I know the new requirement, all I got to say is, screw that! (In polite words.)


    Lol. >.< Ganna stick to my zero games. Even with the new seemingly lowered requirement, without some sort of boosting its just as sickening and irresponsible as it ever was. (Probably even worse? Because it encourages behaviours such as boosting, etc.) So nahh.. I wont be bothering with cw's.


    Deep down I feel happy for my decision even if I am a bit gutted. =/ (I admit I was hoping they would actually change it to something responsible.) It really isnt that hard to realise I got better things to do, even as a completionist type runescape gamer, that 2000-5000 cw's games is just - LOL. I wont find it fun, I wont find anything out of it, its an irrelevant outliner. However I will continue to try and finish off actual content that may or may not be on the trim requirement list. Its a shame because I do feel like I deserve it but.. hell to that lol. Apparently I am not a completionist because im not pro enough to 'boost' thousands of cw's or 2x no life without boosting haha! okie dokie. >.< If that is the cost.. I am too poor a scaper to pay that price tbh.


    Back to XP grinding I go! =p

  5. 32m Summoning XP! - 7th April 2013


    This be last one for a while. Ganna probably be working on mining slowly.




    Here is a list of things I am interested in training when I am able. With what I am wanting to get in them at this point. No real goals, just stuff I want to do. Bit of mining seems to get my fancy atm. 6.5m xp in that seems like a interesting well rounded number. Possibly a bit of agility on occasion.


    Agility - 4.9m

    Thieving - 9.7m

    Hunter - 9.7m

    Mining - 6.5m

    Construction - 9.6m


    Fishing - 3.5m (Fish flingers)

    Farming - 1.6m (Dailies)


    Regarding ports: I got 2 captains and 1 crew member atm that simply REFUSE to lvl up to lvl 10. Its becoming ridiculous the amount of missions I have sent them on at this point. I dont want the resources but im begining to become overloaded with them due to just trying to lvl them up lol.

  6. 32m Range XP! - 7th April 2013


    Around 700 red charms.


    Playing on the 2400 level world, I had 3 people try and tab them in the short time I was there. =/ (Was empty when I arrived) Well I neither cared for the drops yet I seemed to have faster connection to the server anyway because I was getting them regardless. Urgh.. Glad I only had around 500k'ish xp until I hit 32m and could leave the stupid place. I hate having to 'own' people at clicking things, I didnt even care about the drops or charms.


    They should call it "The spawn of russets cavern." The troll breeding grounds.



  7. ^

    Agreed, I cant be bothered as it wouldnt feel like any type of accomplishment of any form. Previously if I didnt already have them completed I had plenty of the trim stuff on my goals anyway, and many which wernt and have done. CW isnt something I am wasting my time on as it currently stands.


    Said hyt at edge bank, yunoloveme


    Hyt, my memory sux so I cant remember if I replied to you or not as I get a few occasional peeps hyting me lol, but if not its just because I dont always see people talking to me in public chat. I try reply when I see someone talking to me.


    I feel bad when I am for example doing my dailies or something, so lots of running around/teleing. Then I notice someone was talking to me but I would have no idea when or at which location I had just finished rushing through lol. Sometimes I am able to tele back if I know it was recent lol.

  8. Lol I think the 'secret goal' pattern will start to become obvious as time passes. But im in no rush.




    Here is another hint.


    32m Runecrafting XP! (And 70219 Points) - 3rd April 2013




    Also an update on my opinion on cw's. Atm I am a proud owner of a comp cape, with all trim requirements done, (included port) except for the fact I have ZERO cw war games completed. Cos its a pathetic requirement. (Though im sure cw itself could be fun if I tried it, just personally too lazy for most minigames.)


    However depending on how they change it.. I might be interested. I wouldnt hold breath though. It needs to be something reasonable before I consider it seriously. Atm I am happy with my zero games. I obviously dont want to even play 'only' 2500 games for gold tickets or whatever either. o_0 Quite happy as I am, life and all, etc. =p However I cant make a informed decision until I know a bit more first. Just not holding my breath and I dont really care anymore unless it becomes something thats reasonable to do. I do know though that I will have 3 weeks'ish off in a few months, and if its reasonable I could technically no-life it, or some of it, within that month. *shrugs* Who knows.. Might be a new skill to do instead within that time.

  9. ^ Lol yeh your right, im too lazy fix it now though.




    Ok I havnt updated much as I needed a break to just do anything I wanted to do ingame wise. However I do have some ideas of what I want to still do and have been working on them. (Very very slowly.) I have achieved a few personal xp things but I havnt bothered to log them. However I have recently achieved something I want to update with and from now on I want to continue with updating with other things. Im essentially at a time where I knew I wouldnt be able to enjoy playing long periods of time, which is what I tend to prefer for enjoyment. (Rather than smaller periods of play time, which tends to throw me off when it comes to being focused with what I am doing.) ..That and the game kinda sucks compared to how I used to feel about things, which is all directed at jagex management of the game. I would be lying if I said I felt happy about how I feel treated as a customer.


    Currently in real life at the time of this post, besides various joyful stressful things, I do have an exam coming up again, shortly followed by me moving to canada. Which im currently messing around sorting out a visa for, so I can live there with my gf. (She been in england for nearly 2 years on a work visa and is currently living with me.) Trying to sell lots of things on e-bay etc lol.. Fun times. Unfortunately even for me its become hard to have structure with my gaming time atm. (Obviously other things take priority and they kinda overwhelming so 'runescape' (=p) gets the short straw constantly.)


    Anyway, I been tapping away at my total xp and I managed to get this recently.


    1.2b XP - 4th March 2013


    (Got on the day the guthix quest came out.)


    Im looking forward to getting 1,234,567,890 xp whenenver that comes about.


    Oh yeh, about ports. I done all ship upgrades, last region, got all my crew, (But not all level 10 yet.) currently still working on some last few building upgrades. The big thing left to do is the trio story lines aswell as getting all suppior armor sets. That being the bulk of it, I will continue getting rest of the scrolls once thats all there is left to do.


    I am soon to finish a unspoken goal of mine and shaw update with that whenever it happens. (Its very uninteresting one though.)


    I lit a fire in respect to guthix for my 1.2b xp. =(




    [spoiler=Highscore picture]1-2bxp_zps30d72986.jpg


  10. New personal record, Rank 364!


    15th December 2012 - 362 > 956 - 2-3 years ago




    Highscores/Ranks/Trim Reqs - 15th December 2012


    (Bit freaky how it went from 3649 to 364(-9) lol.

















    May I just share how funny it is that I have done zero games of castlewars, despite how long I have been playing lol! If it wasnt such a absurd high arbitrary number of afking games - I would of done it. However as it stands, I frown on jagex for setting such a requirement, its obviously jagex way of trying to waste my time. I got better things to do tbh!!! It isnt for me.. I enjoyed everything else I have done, even some of the tedious things I sought out to do that were not included on the trim requirements, but 5k afking games doesnt seem like something I need to do to complete this game. More like an empty, arbitrary, time waster, that should of never of existed as it is. Its a shame when game companies do things like this and I wont participate in it.




    Remaining goals:


    Complete Pop!




    From now on my blog will have a greater focus on milestones rather than goals, however goals will still be set when appropriate. (Such as any new content I want to complete, new skills, etc.)


    Game complete! Oh drat.. Pop just got released. =p Time thats done there prob be a new skill out lol.

  11. Goal Achieved! - Solo 120 Dung! - 15th december 2012








    Dung Cape Front:




    Dung Cape Back:




    Dung Cape Emote:








    Milestone: 121 Dung - 15th December 2012


    Double dung exp weekend:




    Primal 2hand Drop!




    I am so glad its done...!!!!!!


    Not my favorite minigame skill if im honest... :? (But eoc is pretty good with it imo - But that came out a bit late for me. Had like 80% of it done before it came out. More fun with the eoc for dung imo. (Donno about rest of game though, havnt got much experience with it as I been in dung lol.))

  12. Goal Achieved! - 119 Dung! - 8th December 2012




    Dang it feels weird to be this close. Just ganna wait for the double xp weekend and take it from there. Less than 10m dung xp to go, teams be damned. Reaching dungs deepest floor has felt like an eternal journey, but finally.. level by level, floor by floor, I acquired the almighty highest prestige; without calling for the aid of any fellow adventurers.. and I slayed the beast! - For the 1000th time or so like the prior victories. Impossible I think not! Infact he seemed to be a bit of a noob, curse the fool who doenst even require the need of food to heal! Then had the cheek to drop some nub 2hand sword that I quickly discarded.


    [spoiler=Rank Gains upto this point]Not to scale but interesting anyway. Ganna be one huge jump next level lol.




  13. ^What I meant =p


    Just fin another load of warped floors with only a single seeker this time, none other stuff again. I hope to see atleast one of the specials before I get 120 dung, seems like I might be more likely now considering seekers are appearing more commonly for me. Doubt I get a hex but to even -see- the monster would be nice.




    118 Dung!


    Probably ganna take me a bit longer to get next level as im busy.



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