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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. Wait, what are these "security concerns" people are mentioning?


    get your runescape account hacked/recovered and if you're using a creditcard and they're griefers, they can bill you $200/day (WITHOUT any security/verification).


    All that jagex did to respond to this issue was to remind people to keep their password safe.


    Is it bad that I don't even use a creditcard but now don't want to subscribe any further simply because I know they don't give a shit about the safety of my bank details?


    As was mentioned moment ago but I want to also be clear. (Replying to zaaps)


    It is possible to remove your cards on the spin wheel thing screen where you buy spins. Problem with that is they put it there by default without telling us. Impossible to know what future updates might be. (Will they again not care about card security.) As it stands if someone doesnt remove their card details then its possible to spend their real life money by just obtaining their pw.


    Removing membership wont fix this. Either way you need to cancel them manually in the spin wheel screen thing. To me removing membership is more a 'why the hell arnt you taking my security seriously' as I would with 'any' company that dont. Its also a hopeful method that any future update they wont put my card details back on due to my information used for membership. If they did this update than I dont trust future updates unless they begin to take responsibility for this one. (Its likely jagex will add more rwt methods in the future.)


    Jagex said they're monitoring the feedback from the ingame people, and not only the "vocal minority on the forums", to get a good representation about how we feel over this update. I wonder how they do that? :s

    Should I be spamming everywhere I go in RuneScape "I detest the Squeal update"? :P


    Hm, I didnt think of that one.


    I just been using official forum, fan sites, and e-mails to jagex.


    Same response everywhere though. Dont give out your pw!


    The rwt stuff they just ignoring everyone or defending their actions. (Besides changing their rules/tos)


    Maybe I should go to world 66 to riot. :rolleyes: Truth is they do go into various clanchats and the one I use they get swamped with everyone telling them all the reasons its rwt and bad security. I dont bother talking as I find the ingame jagex people are the worse people to talk to. That and they get swamped anyway. They just defend their update like good employees. So like good employees I wonder what their feedback will be.

  2. Though they took their time in writing it impressed me. (Personalising it for unique old me.) The essence of the words really didnt. Seen similar responses for other queries.


    They have uber duber security. I am an idiot who should make sure I dont give out my pw. If I am smart and dont give out my pw then their uber duber security will protect me. The cancel card option stuff is their genius idea to add even more security - Aslongs as I remember to cancel them.. :unsure:


    They said it in rose tinted glasses.

  3. I got a response to the e-mail I sent about why I unsub due to my security concerns.




    They told me I was wrong and had nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:




    (I dont think im really meant to quote anything as probably breaks a rule idk.)


    Im surprised the reply does seem very well thought out. I can honestly say I am impressed that someone replied like that. However the content is still pathetic. I also presume its a template and they edited briefly to make it more personal.


    I ganna show my gf this reply later. She has a job in replying to complaint e-mails/letters so its kinda related. See her opinion on the bs written lol!


    Shame they arnt taking security seriously. Say there is a locked garage with a car stored inside that has the keys in the car. Cant tell someone that there is a logical reason to leaving the keys in the car and to just 'trust' someone who gains access to the garage wont then steal the car.


    Ofcourse they also told me its possible to remove the keys so no one could then steal the car if they broke into the garage. >.> (Using the car analogy still lol.)

  4. I cancelled due to security concerns. I will reconsider my position if they ever put in security to safeguard their new rwt methods. Atm rent > game. I require the trust of a company to be responsible with my card details. Im aware and have removed my details however this shouldnt be necessary. I also cannot know their future updates and I need to trust they are going to be responsible. I cannot do that if with their current update they are being irresponsible.


    Really is a no brainer for me. Rent-Food-Etc > Game.


    I am also not happy with jagex rwting and would have to debate that once they actually secure it. Idk my decision on that. I will have to cross that bridge if I ever come to it. I honestly dont know. Right now im simply concerned with my lack of trust for jagex with my security. I dont want my real life money being drained due to the recovery system being abused - alongside a future update that re-enters my details once again without my knowledge.


    Maybe even more important than my financial security - I hate the fact that children can use their parents cards and may develop gambling problems. To me this is extremely immoral practices by jagex. However again this is related to security. They have released no statement however I consider the change in TOS to be as valid as any statement. It would seem they are 'ok' with such immoral practices. With no other statement from jagex to hear their opinion on the matter. This also factored in on my decision to unsub.

  5. ^Agreed


    I sent an e-mail explaining my situation. Obviously its ganna get a automated thing and doubt anyone even reads such things/cares. Though thats all I can do I guess. Its their move and im taking action to secure my finances tbf. However slim a chance its still not acceptable that they dont do better for such obvious protective walls between my rl bank being potentially drained so easy. Making it considerably more secure with some basic common sense to reaffirm details or various other possibilities... How can I currently trust future updates if the current content is so flawed. Why should I. :???: My first priority should be the fact I got rent to pay > Risking my bank account for a game. I dont care how slim a chance it is because its still an unacceptable risk.




    Goal Achieved! - 28m in both wc and fm! - 5th April 2012


    I like having my fm and woodcut equal. Earlier before I think wc was like 3m ahead or something over a long period of time where fm hadnt got any attention.




  6. Meh..


    I just sent a polite e-mail imo explaining why I had to unsub due to security concerns towards jagex and my cards. Basically that they needed to add more security/reaffirm details. Its unacceptable that anyone who can get access to my account can spend all my money. Aswell as children using parents card can buy items without extra confirmation.


    Lots of stuff but just focused on my security concerns towards jagex not taking my security/real life money seriously.


    I did say I would reconsider my position if they put in security though.


    Maybe that will make the investers pay attention. :razz: Truth is I dont /want/ to quit but my security concerns are very legit and im concerned with their lack of concern with future updates related to payments. (Pretty likely they ganna introduce more things.) I dont want to keep checking updates to see if they have done something else thats also a security concern for me. Its a fun game but its not worth some idiot abusing the recovery system and spending all my money. =s I havnt got a choice.. I need real life money to eat, pay rent, etc. I need trust with jagex that they are ganna be responsible in the future. (And now.)


    Sure I have removed all my details anyway. That doesnt mean we know what future updates will bring and its irrelevant because im also concerned for everyone else who plays too. (Who dont know, or have any reason to know, to remove their details.) Aswell as parents who children who play and can buy things without extra confirmation.


    I got hope they will put in extra security but if not.. All good things come to an end. This is where I draw the line tbh. It shouldnt be possible for children to use their kids cards to buy ingame stuff without extra security. Seems wrong to me.

  7. This is a rather negative update for my blog - However this blog is somewhere I use to record my progress ingame so that in years to come I can look back at it.


    I got a few months membership remaining however due to security concerns directed at jagex I canceled my membership. I dont have plans to /want/ to quit the game as I can deal with the rwt aspect. (By ignoring the rest of the game and focusing on my char) However the security aspect isnt something I can ignore.


    As it stands I dont trust jagex with my rl money security. I dont want to have to keep checking the game for updates that might mean my cards can be abused in some way. As atm they are proving they are not being responsible with my real life money. I dont feel safe with future updates doing similar or even worse things concerning my rl money.


    That said - I will resub if they fix the security issues related with the game. (In a timely manner)


    I do have quite a few months remaining though. Good news is - Diablo 3 is coming out. I can play alot more other games too.


    I have removed all my details but this is not enough. Its the 'trust' involved with the company and their responsibilty in handling my details. Atm its unacceptable. Hopefully soon they will fix the security issues with the game and I will reconsider my future with this company at that time. Firstly they must DO something rather than patronise me asif im a child. An apology wouldnt hurt either..


    If they fix it or not and if im here for only a few months longer or years depending on the action they take... This is still record for years to come so I can see the time when they really f-d up.




    Ok.. On a positive note I am making progress on my firemaking. :thumbsup:

  8. This thread: [qfc]291-292-8-63573774[/qfc] from page 47 on is also quite interesting...They really don't care about the rl risk.




    "So hello there guys, you really have nothing to worry about as I'm sure your accounts are secure."


    "Again as I've said in my post above, an account only will get 'hacked' if you give them your password."


    "By following our security tips as in my post above you'll have nothing to worry about. "


    "Please trust that this does not risk your credit cards in real life at all."




    Some of that are simple lies(e.g. 2 and 4) and others are really oversimplifying the issue and giving general statements that aren't really true either(How many accounts are *really* secure? Maybe half? less?)


    I know we know this but wtf I need to vent so I can get on normally with rl stuff lol. Its 'because' (What was the condescending words mat used earlier..) appraised? of security issues, that I am seriously concerned with this update. Its BECAUSE I care about security that this needs fixing. (And no I dont care if I insult mats feelings on this matter because a) He is an idiot who doesnt care about my security and b) this is MY RL MONEY we talking about here. Secure it! (Technically I already have but I mean by default for everyone else.)


    Its jagex that are showing they dont care about security. >.>


    Its not even about me anyway - I removed all my details - I had to because they are currently showing a stance that they dont care about my rl money security and parroting on about 'dont give pw out' type talk. >.> Its just standard security all around that people shouldnt be put at this risk when the solution is so simple. Dont put the details in for someone to abuse due to the possibility.


    THEN of course there is the fact that their recovery system sucks and is abusable. Its completely insulting to talk to a customer like that. Its because I take security seriously that I am concerned by their lack of concern. Its come down to the community ourselves to keep parroting on about the same things so people realise they are at risk due to jagex being idiots.


    I have looked at the that thread before I posted and its unbelievable how 'cavalier' they are about all this.

  9. I didnt mind it but the implementation was a bit weird.


    I.. Honestly have no idea what fried chicken has to do with anything. Maybe im missing something.

    The evil chicken wants evil drumsticks to eat, like the Chocatrice wants chocotreats. If you're asking why they want to eat those, idk. Both are apparently cannibals?


    Oh yes that reminds me. That was another thing I found weird. They were cannibals. That was part of what I was finding weird.


    I was a tiny bit disturbed when the chicken was talking about eating fried chicken.. =s


    So chickens are related to easter - Sortof - and jagex decided to put a cannibal chicken into the game to celebrate it. Hence the fried chicken...

  10. Im really weirded out how we are discussing our security due to jagex being complete idiots lol. Its just bizarre and extremely saddening.


    Blame us and dont accept responsibility where it is due. So we got to warn ourselves. 0_0


    Then theres the rwt update itself lol.


    Sure its not a bad idea to be secure to the point where its 'meant' to be extremely unlikely someone will get on. However thats irrelevant. There is no need for there to be a security risk of someone spending all your money if someone did manage it.

  11. I didnt mind it but the implementation was a bit weird.


    I.. Honestly have no idea what fried chicken has to do with anything. Maybe im missing something.


    I understand what they were aiming to achieve to make a team effort however all I ended up doing was looking up the locations with no effort at all. I highly suspect majority of people did this. So it just seems to fail at what it was trying to achieve.


    Maybe a smaller area or a way to help find the eggs would of made it better to discourage just looking up the answers.


    Leave out the fried chicken too. Seems like an ingame advertisement for kfc or something. I wouldnt be surprised if it was.


    Overall I give it 0/10 as the other update has put me in a negative mood when discussing anything rs. Maybe a 1/10 because I enjoyed the fact that the entire event wasnt down some rabbit hole.

  12. This is Mod Mat K's reply to players voicing concerns about cc safety:



    "Sadly, people do get their accounts hijacked, but it's not hard to keep your account secure. As I said, head over to our wiki to find out how.


    As others have said on here, before you do leave your card details on a website, make sure you are fully appraised of internet safety methods.


    Mat. "


    [qfc]15-16-253-63660451[/qfc], page 6


    Wow, seriously? Yeah, that's the way to treat your customers...."lolol you got hacked, you're so dumb, you deserve to lose all that money". Disgusting.


    I aint a violent person but it does stir me up when people talk to me like that. (Mat)


    They have a flawed security system that people are able to abuse to get into accounts. That and THERE IS NO REASON why there isnt more security for this new feature ingame. Give us the option to force us to re-enter our details when purchasing items by default. Im not sure how my payments will go through now but if I must I just have to keep doing it manually as its completely unacceptable to leave such a abusable security flaw ingame like that.


    Its because im 'appraised' (condescending g..) that im disgusted and been forced to remove my details and probably gotta keep doing it manually or something stupid due to their lack of security and flawed recovery system. Atleast now I feel a little bit safer that in the future, be it tomorrow or 5 years down the line, someone wont successfully get into my account by no fault of my own and decide to spend my money.


    Have I ever had someone successfully get into my account and do damage etc? No.. But its 'because' I take security seriously (and luck) and they are the ones who arnt taking security seriously.


    Ah.. Its extremely unprofessional. Greed is one thing but they shouldnt talk to customers like that when they are obviously the ones who dont care about security.

  13. Ergh.. got mod mat k talking in the cc. He like some parrot of how we already been told that this is a good update.


    Jagex isn't going to go back on their official, company-sanctioned stance on the update until the higher-ups call it off. All he can do is forward your frustration to a relevant department, and you won't get anything new or useful out of him.


    Oh I know. I aint talking in the cc, just barely reading it while focusing more on playing game/reading forums.


    I think the biggest problem I have with that type of behaviour is when there is a obvious security flaw of this nature involved in an update. Easily fixable with common sense. THEN the update itself isnt that good either for all the other reasons already discussed.

  14. There was once a time that I'd be surprised by this, but it no longer does. That's kind of sad, but unfortunately there are still aspects of the game I enjoy so I will keep playing while Jagex cheapens the game.


    Everyone buying spins is just encouraging them, since they know that people will.


    To be honest, when I read the news article about buying spins, I assumed using gp, but of course that wouldn't benefit them.




    Then all of us 'too impatient to wait' for more spins - As jagex says *rolls eyes* can then use the virtual gp to buy spins. (TOTALLY disagree with this too but it atleast removes the rwt for xp aspect. It defeats their 'reasoning' as to why /we/ need this rather than the pure greed and lack of security involved with update..)


    Hell alot less of a real life money security risk if it was virtual gp as it stands for those who dont DO something extra due to jagex being stupid. Would atleast require damn bank pin to access the virtual gp compared to the instant access to paying real life money with just a pw >.> Both for malicious people who get onto accounts and kids who use their parents cards. Even simply people mistakenly buying spins as they are new to the game and didnt quite realise what they were doing.


    That or they could just put better damn security in place to begin with. Its extremely unprofessional bs. Bad recovery system + Ability for malicious people to cause rl financial harm.



    Ergh.. got mod mat k talking in the cc. He like some parrot of how we already been told that this is a good update.

  15. Unsure if it always needed re-entering details or if they just hotpatched it in, but here you go:




    Hope so - Shows my details already put in but re-entering should fix this for the most part.


    If thats the case then my main concern is over with.


    Though still disgusting for the games sake atleast they not completely stupid for rl money reasons. (Its hard to know if they are or not. I know I dont trust jagex as a company with such things. An automatic button = more money for them. Kiddies use their parents cards and such..)

  16. Um besides the complete disgusting behaviour on jagex part and finally began selling xp for real money. As that is what this is. You can efficiently buy xp now by the common and frequent lamps you get.


    Besides that. It appears far too easy for someone who manages to get onto an account, by flawed security on jagex part, to get straight to that page and begin buying that stuff.


    This is pretty concerning.. However I cant personally test it as I am worried I might myself end up buying something I dont want if it is automatic like that. From what mentioned in this thread they need to add some security to this as this is real money.

  17. Thankyou,


    I seem be aiming ton of things depending on my time and mood. Making money again as I dont merchant and kinda need to boost money up again - But I do that on weekdays. (Weekends are more crowded.)


    I cook when I need to afk.


    I am currently in the mood for chompy kills or my slayer goal. I might do chompy a little bit before doing Artisans workshop. That place that aggravates me to do as it cost me a bomb and I get no xp for it lol. Need to test the waters for a bit to see what I enjoy at this time. I do know that I aint in the mood for doing kiln or that thing ontop the tower just yet and more interested in something that takes alot of time.


    I may end up settling on something else though. Champion scroll thing I both looking forward to it while simultaneously not being in the mood. Then suddenly one day I was in the mood and it stuck til the end. Best way to go forward with such things.

  18. Goal Achieved! - Defeat all champions! - 30th March 2012


    Banshee champion + Gnome Champion! - 30th March 2012


    Cballs: 14545 (-3.6m)


    13478 pure ess (+2.5m)


    2 tooth

    5 nature

    31 saphs

    15 emeralds

    7 rubies

    1 diamond

    16 mystic gloves

    46 avantoe

    123 ranarr

    35 dwarf

    22 lant


    (+3.5m total)


    1 effigy


    118 red

    14 blue












    Milestone! - All skills 16m+ except agility - 30th March 2012

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