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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. Its too un-afkable to been focused for pkers for my liking. Its too unpredictable just how long it takes for the drop. Play to relax rather than watch for some pker.


    Besides - #7 player (AlmostLost) ran past, stopped, said "goodluck" before running off to do whatever he was doing lol. Would missed that. Rather unexpected.


    Finally got hobgoblin drop. Some silly maxed player decided to crash me while doing this.. I never spoke to the dude but he left after about 25 minutes.. I never hop for such things if im already there. >.> But wtf I dont care that much - Both our kill rates were being destroyed by his actions so its not like it was just me was being effected. His choice.. *shrugs* I would stayed for another 2-4 hours or so regardless =s ..I mean c'mon.. Its hobgoblins >.< Seriously..


    However I am sick of picking up limps lol.. I remember I used to pick up limps like a decade years ago when killing giants. Also interesting I only got 1 blue charm to go with my one champ scroll. Seems they pretty rare too.


    Hobgoblin champion! - 12th March 2012


    8524 cannonballs - Approx 3m


    39 red

    1 blue


    1 loop half

    1 nature tali

    1 dragonstone

    8 avantoe

    5 cad

    2 dwarf

    15 ranarr

    6 kwuarm

    6 watermelon seeds


    741 limps


    Approx 2m





  2. Earth Warrior champion! - 5th March 2012


    Approx 4.25m

    Cost sword 2m


    39 lant

    62 kwuarm

    69 avantoe

    25 dwarf

    107 ranarr

    31 cad

    2 torstol seed

    65 ranarr seed

    51 toadflax seed

    7 snapdragon seed

    72 watermelon seed

    6 cad seed

    6 dwarf seed

    4 lant seed

    22 avantoe seeds

    10 kwuarm seed


    1 tooth half

    1 loop half

    44 saph

    30 emerald

    17 ruby

    2 diamond

    5 nature tali

    160 big bones

    1 dragonstone


    1233 red charms

    49 blue charms





  3. Curious.. Its lagging alot less after update. Frames have gone up - Pretty much showing max.


    Maybe just lucky.


    edit: To be clear - I mean they said they doing maintenance earlier - Only just logged in after I read this behind the scenes.


    I was ganna comment on this announcement however this is bloody amazing that the game runs smoother since the bot nuke. 0_0

  4. Got two medium lamps..


    I think I prefer them over most the lucky items anyway considering I cant sell them. I be aiming for the cash prizes, unique things and lamps probably. I would wonder what high arch prices are on some items though if anything at all.


    I dont really like this update as its not one I find appropriate or appropriately needed. But if they not tradable it might not do much harm either.


    Struggling very bad with lag. Server response its sporadic. Initially it responded upto a second. (Thats slow) And other times it takes 10 seconds. But it is getting better over time. I wasnt one of the first to log in but I was one of the earlier people.


    Edit: One thing that is atleast favourable about this update - Being one of those 'daily' things you can do. Is atleast its easy to quickly do. Rather than needing to travel somewhere and talk to someone. I can just do this wherever I am at the time.


    If the info about how f2p are being poorly treated with this update arnt fixed then overall the update is 1/10 imo. If they fix that then maybe 4/10.

  5. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 22nd February 2012


    About 40k cannon balls later....... I had no idea it now gives a little 'trumpet sound' when it drops lol. I was so confused by the noise that it didnt fit the program I was watching at the time. Then I noticed the message in my chat box lol.


    VERY handy for future reference.


    This scroll cost me I guess over 15m. I been at this for a very long time.. However I made 500k in profit from rune meds lol. I got 44 in bank but I didnt pick many up depending on where they dropped.



  6. Updates: 22nd February 2012


    Completed the statue for second time in museum - Beyond the completed one in poh. I no longer try to get the rocks except for the smithing ones. (As I dont train that skill lol.)




    I just got all skills 16m+ Except for prayer and agility which are around 15.3m or something idk. Which I plan to not train as I prefer those being my lowest. (Infact I am becoming irritated I needed to train my other skills to keep them my lowest. Hopefully they wont catch up too soon again.) Aswell as 24m herblore - Which is offscreen with this new adventure log due to the new amazing webpage design.




    108 Dung






    New Goal! - Kill dragon thing at top of dominion tower! (They finally release it and its just too annoying for me atm. I know I can kill him but its just a long process that doesnt seem that entertaining.)


    New Goal! - Get full factory outfit! (Old thing but forgot to mention.)




    I should also note that I gone down one to rank #6 smithing due to waters return. =p Its good to see. Just a shame about the choices jagex made about deleting f2p to begin with and that I am still not my proper rank. Anyhoo who am I to question their supremacy over my personal accomplishments or those who dont pay. Its good to see old names reappear either way.

  7. Completed Accomplishments - 2011


    My current focus in on getting 200m smithing + 20m Mining! ACHIEVED! 12th February 2011


    My current focus in on getting all assistable effigies! ACHIEVED! 14th February 2011


    My current focus in on getting level 100 thieving! ACHIEVED! 13th April 2011


    My current focus in on getting 18m hunter! ACHIEVED! 21st April 2011


    My current focus is on completing a champion challenge! ACHIEVED! 24th April 2011


    My current focus in on getting.. All music except dung entries + Emotes + Quests + Tasks + Hidden content! ACHIEVED! 24th April 2011


    My current focus in on getting.. Fully unlocking livid farm.. >.>! ACHIEVED! 4th May 2011


    My current focus in on getting 99 fishing/15.1m XP =0 ACHIEVED! 8th May 2011


    My current focus is on getting 101 Dung! ACHIEVED! 20th May 2011


    My current focus in on getting 99 Runecrafting! ACHIEVED! 21st May 2011


    My current focus in on getting 99 Agility + Max Total!!! ACHIEVED! 15th July 2011


    My current focus in on gettting, 16m Theiving, 70m cooking, 20m Hunter! + Other virtual level goals ACHIEVED! 28th July 2011


    My current focus in on gettting all skills over level 100! ACHIEVED! 28th July 2011


    My current focus in on completing dominion tower! (Unlock all) ACHIEVED! 4th November 2011


    My current focus is on 107 Dung + 16m Fishing! ACHIEVED! 27th November 2011


    Completed: New Bits And Bobs Goal!



    1,250+ Conquest ranking - 10th November 2011


    To do:


    My notes (Ancient cavern) - 9th November 2011

    Chimp ice deliveries - 22nd August 2011

    Mobalising armies (Rank 401) - 29th August 2011

    Master white knight - 12th August 2011

    Fully charged flail - 19th August 2011


    To do anyway:


    Mining outfit - 14th August 2011

    Woodcut outfit - 21st August 2011


    Mini-game update:


    Construction outfit + Ghost - 22nd August 2011

    Livid farm - 880k - 31st October 2011




    Circus (Get all clothing) - 17th August 2011

    (Every two weeks) Court cases (Complete all) - 17th November 2011




    End 2011 Vs. End 2010 Stats:






    Time to refresh front page again. And.


    New Goal! - Kill new uber jad wannabe thing!

  8. 1) was this necessary?


    Jagex doesnt necessarily know what they are doing and this type of step was poorly implemented imo.


    2) are effigies in the spirit of the game?


    Not imo and never should of been put into the game as they were. They should of been alot less rewarding.


    3) do you agree with the way jagex implemented their nerf?


    No not really as it hurts those who dont have the skills for the effigies. I dont see why players should be restricted from hoarding effigies they dont yet have the skill for yet. (Or even higher xp rewards for a higher level in a skill through the lamp.) When ofcourse you factor in the fact how long effigies have been out already. There are better alternative solutions that make it more fair.




    Effigies obviously made huge changes to the game from the day they put into the game. To make such a drastic change now, at such a late date, is mostly unfair for various reasons. Its also poorly implemented as there are better ways to achieve what they very well might be trying to achieve by simply restricting how many you can open a day. Rescuing already impossible to rescue records, previous mass xp-hoarding, etc.. (Making it mostly pointless) ..Rather than restricting the number you can hold at any point in time.


    On the other hand they implement pretty much horrendous decisions as the norm by their usual standard... With bad communication thrown into the mix. This is better than usual. Its harsh..Not fair..But atleast its something controversial towards the better of the game. If that can be seen as a good point or not idk...


    Im willing to give a nod of approval while simultaneously giving a face palm for just how poorly they continue to shine.


    ..And btw this update is a bonus for me. Assists are easier. Non-Effigy records are more intact. Its just bad for others mainly.

  9. Year of continued desperate quick fix measures which hurt the current player base, losing face, to get new members/fanboys in short term rather than thinking about 2013


    Year of ingame adverts and membership bias agenda to get everyone to have 2+ years of membership.


    I just hope it aint the year of 'special membership' for benefits like highscores and such.

  10. Thankyou.. Assignment finished earlier today. Can say it was rather difficult time but managed to finish at my earliest estimates. Head is rather tortured. Still lots to do in other stuff..! However I be alright now that thats sorted out.




    I seemed to be in the mood for champion scrolls... Or atleast I temporarily am. I was woodcutting few days ago using up my clan citadel ring at ivy.. Saw an imp.. At that moment I got in the mood that I wanted to go hunt them once I returned.


    So.... I got one! Killed another champion! The imp lol. 8th December 2011 #2 Champion


    Not sure future if hunting more champions or not.. Maybe. See how I feel.







  11. Sounds pretty good.


    I dont consider more bank space a 'treat' as its been long overdue and 30 isnt that many UNLESS the belt stores lots of items to empty bank further. Im hoping it does but either way that slot sounds good too.


    i want the money pouch too but I know I sure as hell wont be using it with any large amount until a month after its released into game. Pretty much expecting everyone to be complaining about losing money from that pouch within first few weeks due to bugs.


    Lots of things to wait for really to find out how they function. I try not get excited and mostly just ganna wait and see.


    (Btw - No roof boss for dominion tower yet? Pftt.)

  12. ^(edit, third post up lol.)

    I think I need glasses as even when found it easy enough the text was too small to read. Did notice the 'member content' bla bla bla though lol >.<




    As for update. I dont say this as a diss as I actually prefer otherwise but im glad its content that doesnt involve too much time to unlock anything. Its a nice brake from having to set goals etc as that seems to of been back to back such content recently. I havnt had time to go there and wont bother until crowds are gone as a quick exploration however it sounds like a average fine update with things of interest.

  13. Goal Achieved! - 107 Dung + 16m Fishing! - 27th November 2011




    Also all songs unlocked but one now:




    Future updates for the moment will be a while due to fact I lost alot of work I had done for an maths assignment and need to redo it all again.. (Realised yesterday and wanted to finish tiny xp left tonight for this goal before going mia while. I think I accidentally threw away my assignment in a clear out.) Got a week extension. Giving me two weeks in total to redo it aswell as finish the last section. (Still rather stressful amount of work to do in short period of time.) Then I wish to recover time lost after that doing the next chapters/assignments that I am otherwise not doing due to fact im redoing my assignment.. However I will be able to play again as soon as assignment itself is complete. Just at a lesser degree until I regain ahead-ness as I otherwise should of been doing.. Plus ofcourse its xmas and new year etc soon. Any free time pre-completion of assignment I ganna pretty much be turning my brain off/sleep or be with gf tbh.


    Ganna be fun couple weeks no lifing maths for a while >.> Hopefully not too' long.


    Then ofcourse its ganna take me ages to achieve anything ingame as things take alot of time to achieve lol.

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