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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. Right I have had some time to check out this absurdity now.




    First things first - I am rank #7 smith, not #5, fix it. Removal of f2p and inactive is wrong. I wont discuss further as its already been done.


    Website as a whole looks fine enough ignoring the fact there is a troll face aswell as a dollar sign... Otherwise its fine enough. (Had some confusion originally finding the 'news' but idk why and seems to be ok now.)


    Alog - Doubt I will use theirs anymore. It looks like its been shot to pieces with a shotgun. Used to be compact and convenient. Now its splattered everywhere and unconvenient.


    Hs layout - Too ........... Much ............ Space ........... Beteeen ............ Stats .......... =s (Admittedly though I prefer over old version, but too much space!)


    Website G.e - Looks pretty good from a glance.


    Forum - Looks nice I guess but not been on their much yet. Heard their are problems.




    First things first - Wtf@This arrow getting in the way of my pirvate messages?! Fix it please. Its a huge pain, its hard to see what im doing. How did such a design flaw make it into the game??!


    The game seems to be loading things better now which is good. Icons I aint that bothered by. No longer click through chat is very good and finally.


    Things they might aswell done: May swell had a fancy layout for the top 10 in all individual skills too tbh. Aint that bothered though but dont see why not.

  2. Nice






















    ..Can they waste anymore space if they tried?!! Even more space wasted than previously.


    Might comment more later - Helping gf move house atm. Annoyed names are gone from HS.. I gone up two smith ranks =/


    edit: Just quickie look at game. Hope sk removes that banner at top lol >.< My monitor looks widescreen with it. Rest is fairly interesting but cant look properly right now.


    The players online concerns me but im not sure how many it usually is tbh. Seems ... low.

  3. I enjoy the game itself. If it wasnt this I would be playing something else anyway. Pretty much as simple as that tbf.


    Quick overview: Doing a maths degree, worked at various points. Had multitude of gfs/serious relationships.. (Been playing a very long time... Im an adult now.) currently 2+ months into new serious person and going alrite. Is ok with my hobby etc as gf's have to understand my hobby if they want to be with me. Preferable if they take some interest too. My new gf example has asked me a few times if jagex have updated the hs yet as she knows it annoys me and agrees they are idiots lol - Im glad as its attractive. Something thats explained quite early on that they are more important and my main focus however this game does take up alot of my free time otherwise. I managed to get some of my past gfs and friends to play a little too of which weirdly enough discovered one ex's even had a newb account already that I didnt know about.


    Its hard to say why I keep playing asin writing down the actual reasons but alot of it is due to love for the game etc. I like developing my char on a personal level within my play style. Alot imagination into my char style of how its been developed is unique to me and proud of. I doubt I ever do this again with any other game to the point of developing so far - This is the game I picked to do so. (Except maybe diablo - However I would say thats a smaller game than RS.) Any other game I wont spend huge part of my life playing to such an extreme. Its just disappointing that the company of the game I love choices to piss on players like me but wtf - >bad word< Them - My char is important to me and still love the game. Oh and ofcourse there are the people too. Aswell as the 'used to be' history of the game.. Except jagex is ruining that soon. =s But yeh.. History of game is a fun aspect for me. Old time players, legends, past top players, whole history of it is fascinating. It was fun to be around for a big part of that too.


    But yeh im still a gamer - Not purely a runescaper - I play other games too =p I find the hours - I dont want to get old like most people anytime soon + I am still young. Want remain fresh and top of my game - So to speak. Some people go clubbing every night of week, play football, watch tv all day. I game every night of week, or asmuch as can anyway. Makes me very happy/enjoyment from it. I rather find ways to do the things I enjoy the most, though understandably thats not always practical, I have been upto this point so far without too much hassle.

  4. My mice have more issues than my wrist tbh. Always bloody wearing out - Its like a 40-60 quid mouse each time but they eventually get worn out.


    Wish doctor had a solution for that as its rather expensive hobby to get those 'ticks' and such. Have to pretty much replace it as soon as it begins 'double clicking' due to being worn out as it messes up my gameplay xp/hr.


    Never had any wrist problem. From my first game I been gaming for like 22 years now - 40-80% of that is with a mouse.


    Im not sure of solution.. More expensive mouse maybe. >.< Thats reason I spend so much.. Those cheap ones wear out even quicker.

  5. Very nice list - Wish had member+f2p version.


    Had to go take some freaking screenshots of all the hs pages just to have an accurate current record for something to look back on one day and remember names.


    Never thought I would have to do that... Bizarre feeling.


    Beautiful list of remembrance for f2p. Nice one. Im a big supporter of f2p remaining on hs as they deserve. *Thumps up*


    *Watches jagex burn the hard copy of the history books + F2p as a whole* Heh..

  6. Mat's avatar is a goblin, not a troll.


    Also, you have weeks to do the event, it's not that hard to log in just once for about, what, 1 hour?




    If someone has a freaking car crash and in hospital for 3 months then LIFE>RS.


    I am not a slave to this game. Its ridiculous limitation to put something in game for two weeks or wait a year. It makes it impossible to complete if you got other issues to attend to.


    Plus I edited in fact that for some people out there it is even impossible to log into their game atm due to jagex side. Another reason its a nonsense expectation. Can easily not afford to pay for internet or multitude of reasons. Not everyone has their parents pay for them. RL>RS. Some people rather eat than pay for internet.


    Its OPTIONAL content. Jagex always said that. Its trolling to suddenly change their stance. A goblin is very similar to a troll. Either way mat has always had an inflated ego on on those forums that he is right and everyone else is an idiot for disagreeing with him. No matter what.. Though my personal opinion of him is irrelevant to fact that jagex always aid its 'optional' content and changed that without warning. Aka they made a mistake and they forgot about the requirements for cape when releasing that update.

  7. There's a lot of mad players on hlf atm...



    Is that for the Halloween event?


    Not that it effects me but it IS bs as holiday events arnt meant to be things you are forced to do. (Jagex said that or something along those lines many times over the years. Its optional content - Namely because its content that disappears and people have things called LIVES preventing them logging in sometimes, so they cant do it. Its a OPTIONAL fun event. Thus the songs should auto unlock at the end for people dealing with things like completionist cape.)


    edit: Also remember that some people cant even log in due to problems at jagex side. Making it literally impossible to do.


    Mat is full of himself. (Always is.) Annoying that for years and years they say one thing then due to a mistake on their part those years and years suddenly change on the spot and mat struts out talking bs.


    If this was 'planned' (BS) then they should of freaking warned the players as its always been OPTIONAL content. Not fair to change it without warning the players first.


    Ofcourse they will never admit they are wrong or said this. This is jagex. Make a mistake and just talk bs to cover it up.




    Its pretty much the definition of trolling tbh. (Nice avatar mat) "Na its optional, optional dont worry, dont need to do this its optional... HAHAHA FOOOOOOL YOU. Its not actually optional.. You need it to complete the game =D *Troll picture* GF - Wait a year for next event.

  8. I remember as a newb on f2p checking hs to get some of my levels 'ranked' and training for that. (Ofcourse this was a long time ago so maybe it was easier compared to today (Due to bots too.)) Nothing special.. Not really competition tbh.. I just wanted to see my name appear with a few stats compared to being completely blank.


    I joined members pretty quickly but I do remember that still as f2per. It encouraged me to train some skills which I suppose led me to becoming a member to gain extra content maybe.


    Without a HS as a starting point to reach for, it might been less interesting for me. It was just one of the many things I wanted to do.


    I can only speculate further but I would imagine my burning ambitions for certain goals, even smithing to the cap, began even then. I used to mine and smith alot in f2p and was one first, if not thee first, stats I got up onto HS while in f2p. It must of had an influence on my current day playstyle/character tbf. Definitely encouraged me to become members for better training methods to improve my character.

  9. I would advise something like two separate HS for RS.


    One for the whole HS which is a true HS. (Maybe lite version? Hidden away. But has the info that necessary to know the true HS..)


    Second one for active competition - So would remove the top away - Ergh even f2p if thats necessary >.> But I disagree with that tbh.


    Another suggestion would pretty much be the list of who got 200m first in order on a separate list thats not a proper HS but just a list pretty much. Then remove their names from proper HS. When you get 200m you simply move onto the list.


    Whatever the solution I really prefer f2p remained on the list. Possibly due to active activity within 'x' amount of time.


    Another idea would be to allow 'x' amount of activity = 6 or maybe 12 months allowance on HS. If you become inactive over that time then you are removed... However if you become active again for say 1 month then you put back onto HS for 6 or maybe 12 months.


    Only flaw tbh is people will just go and get 199m xp - However that itself is a pain to maintain longterm and people can still beat you onto the separate list to get a higher rank. Compelling people to get 200m themselves.


    Its all nonsense imo and I think I understand why they are messing the HS but atleast this is a better suggestion than completely ruining the HS as they are planning to do. As it stands we are going to lose accurate ranks for anyone who gains 200m after the update. =s They wont know...

  10. To me it basically says ALL f2p are bot scum and due to our inability to ban bots we are ganna ban the f2p HS instead. (Though I agree to your view of it too.)


    "..To who actually compete.."


    Yep.. All f2p are bots and should be removed from the HS tbh. Bots cant compete as they arnt human so that means they must be bots. Bots cant compete as they arnt human so that means they must be bots.


    Those people I spoke to who spent years gaining their perma rank were actually just very crafty bots. None of them are dormant so obviously that leaves only one logical conclusion. They were bots the whole time =0 Wow jagex please save me. They continue to speak to me even this current day and they got 200m..?!! What is this..? Help! I need protecting from these f2p botting scum.


    I cant trust anyone elses rank tbh.. Please remove whole HS =S You must remove bots at any cost. All bots. Its reasonable to remove HS to remove the remaining 0.03% of member bots that are flooding the HS ranks tbh.


    Quick! Send out mod Emilee to do it! She seems to know whats what concerning this threat.


    (Aww im jk emilee no disrepect towards you - Just messenger I know. I need to joke about this because its too absurd to absorb otherwise. Its my coping mechanism to deal with the huge disrespect being thrown towards players and especially f2p players. I have never been so disappointed in whole time I have played how cruel they are being towards their players. =s Even non-players I have spoken to are shocked by this action. They dont even understand what its about but they understand the gist of it to know its wrong. They know enough about my character and the effort it involved to know f2p is even harder. Or how removing people from hs unless 'pay money' is unattractive aswell as destructive to the history of the game. I dont think they find my descriptions of the game surrounding this issue very appealing tbf. +1 For word and mouth advertisement.)

  11. How do we know your indeed rank #1 hot dog eating champion? Maybe someone else is #1 but simply let his membership lapse. I dont believe you. Your probably rank #47 - not even on front page. Most of the top peeps probably just had a heart attack and couldnt keep up their subscription.


    Thatll teach them for no lifing.




    *Feels pain in chest* Dammit someone keep paying my membership! Rs stats is my legacy.

  12. Ganna take a wild guess and say majority agree they should remain.


    This be a bit like hunting penguins - playing hide and seek. Some are just very good at hiding but got to keep an eye out vigorously for any sightings.


    Makes it easier to know who might be active.


    I wont be partaking in any sightings but have fun.

  13. Just read a great suggestion on official forum.. Its in reference to discussion about how stats only appear if member and are removed when your not.


    "Why not go further. Make it only the people online at the time. After all if they aren't on, who the heck cares. "


    I support this >.<


    Yeh why not. If your not logged in then you must be a bot anyway. You know how badly jagex hate bots and are being forced to do this update to save the children. They disabled bots so that makes perfect logical sense that if your not playing then you are likely a bot and shouldnt be displayed in HS.


    (Sickeningly its also something they would probably say.... That isnt sarcasm or a joke.. If that FAQ is anything to go by.)


    (Saves even more bandwidth =p)

  14. So... much.. fail.. logic.. *Clasps head in hands and smashes into desk*


    F2p are bots? (Or do people prefer put some arbitrary number like 99.99999543453% of f2p on HS are bots?)


    F2p show achievements such as 99 by being removed from hs?


    If you go dorment you dont matter anymore? What..? I spend 8 years playing and if I ever let my membership lapse I dont 'exist' anymore...? ..I need to 'pay' to have my character even exist to other players eyes.


    OH IM SO SORRY IM IN YOUR WAY JAGEX. =/ Maybe just ban me to make extra space on HS!! Any maxed peeps must be bots too huh? I mean f2p apparently is so why not....


    All those ex-chars such as famous people who have died dont exist anymore..? Their legacy is meaningless..? Wipe their names.... =s WoW =s Talk about.. Wow. If they matter so little..Then how come people still remember their names. It matters jagex. How you treat people that arnt even alive anymore matters tbh. Even the unknown ones matter.


    I cant compare my f2p skills with f2p'ers..? ..Because they f2p..? Eh? ..I sure as hell can. Are you suggesting they are inferior to me? =/ ...OOOOH RITE. They bots innit. >.> Those pesky f2pers on HS are all bots. Remove them all.... Even the active ones must be bots..! We ban all bots but any active f2per must be a bot! o_0


    Its the same answer repeated multiple times and they never answer the obvious that dormant isnt bad, f2p arnt bots, better solutions such as an activity allowance for hs etc etc etc etc etc.


    ...I honestly cant believe I allowed myself to try and turn my opinion around for these people. I tried so hard to be happy with this bot nuke and began talking about the game to various people in rl about trying to get them to join. OMG what was I thinking..?!!! I will asap be making sure they DO NOT join members or beat the hell out of them. (I honestly nearly did get a few people to join by nagging them and saying so many good things about it lol >.> I wanted to try 'water' the game a little, like I used to in the early days. Encourage it to others etc.) I may enjoy the game itself and dislike the company but I certainly cannot recommend this to anyone due to such disrespect towards the f2p community. Aswell as officially messing up the HS which is an integrate part of the game for many people for one reason or another. (Even if its simply to use trackers and such or wtf other reasons besides direct competition.)


    It really is a new game when they implement this update. Not for the better..


    7 steps forward, 25 steps back.


    I apologise to f2p and pay my respect to those who arnt even alive anymore but having their names wiped away clean to make extra space. Give proper answers and be honest would be more popular than this nonsense. If you ganna go ahead with it either way..Just be honest.


    The reason update annoys me personally btw isnt because it even effects me tbh. It doesnt. Its because it effects others so badly that its inexcusable. Its extremely disrespectful for a game of this nature that been around so long. I also suppose its because I allowed myself to be pulled in again due to the bot nuke and give them a little faith. They got no idea about the community and how much effort people put into it. Having their names removed and pretty much branded as bots.. Its not good. The history is being wiped too and thats just very disappointing.


    Ergh I imagine the botting community is having a good laugh at this. +1 to them tbh. Im ganna hate seeing player names disappear aswell as players such as old nite etc. History is being wiped clean to make space.

  15. Thing is its too easy to think up better superior alternatives.


    #1 is to not do the update to begin with and ban botted accounts.

    #2 is to just not do the update tbh

    #3 is to have a 'have played since x time or x amount of time + minimum x amount of xp' to which end people simply remain on HS forever.


    If they wish to upgrade the HS that is fine though. Lots of suggestions for that. However for what they trying to achieve apparently... Its just a illogical solution to change hs in the way they stated.


    It doesnt make sense to remove any active accounts from hs to remove botted accounts.. Its nonsense that doesnt fit their stated goal without effecting every single other player. (Including members when they quit.) A similar 'solution' would be to remove the HS altogether.


    Its obvious their agenda is something very different than stated and makes it pointless to suggest things because its mianly illogical to begin with and would only be patching up a bad idea that should never of surfaced.


    Also - Their suggested alternative solution of having members return to regain ranks is so 'messy' its unbelievable but its jagex we talking about I suppose. =s Any new 200m-ers will not know their true rank anymore. Only the current ones. Of which most will become inaccurate due to names disappearing. Its bizarre and messy for a HS like RS's to implement such a system. Im not sure any of us would come up with such a bizarre solution when there are so many better ones that involve common sense. =s

  16. Ok, just to make things clear.

    I'm not member atm and don't plan on becoming one untill I at least saw what the new update is all about.

    I have currently no intention on getting p2p, I'd rather just quit or keep playing f2p - even without HS.

    But yeh, you never know I guess... :)


    Just get members to keep your rank specifically in the smith hs for me please tbh lol. (Plus whenever the day comes when I quit I appreciate my membership paid - for eternity lol >.< So we can all simply 'exist' still heh.)


    Its bs I get a rank higher than you when you achieved it before me/better. (edit: Actually I should say 'A rank' as you wont have ANY at all.)


    Atm its possibility I get rank #3 or #4 >.> But im not sure who is active or not. (Or who might get members to try keep it.) With you having members that means one proper placement closer to the rank I rather remain as. >.< The only reasons I would ever want to progress higher at this point is if someone got banned maybe. Which I find doubtful.


    As for the f2p ranks below me they equally worked as hard too and deserve a to be acknowledged. God knows some of them spent enough of their time to do it. Like 20x the effort I did and 20x the accomplishment.




    ANNOYING idiotic jagex decisions.


    Its become a race to who keeps membership longest =/ Rather than proper accomplishments and who got a rank placements before others etc. I rather the history of the hs than a race of continued membership.


    Im very annoyed that I would gain a improper rank placement over someone else who has done better than me. However im obviously even more annoyed towards the fact that peoples names are being removed completely who are pure f2p as that just stinks/unfair.

  17. Wow this stinks.


    As someone who has 200m in smithing and earnt that rank knowing various other f2p accounts and having a bit of history there.. or even ones I dont know but gained a 200m rank I fully support their continue right to be recognized....


    I dont want an inproper rank due to retarded jagex decisions either. =/ There is history they are disregarding with no concern for anyone but their business. Its bs they just make some of those names 'disappear' as they earnt that right aswel as the rest of us members. (Obviously they deserve it more as its harder even)


    Obviously their reasoning is also illogical as it typically is. =/


    Wow seriously I cant yet comprehend knowing that some of my friends names (And rest in general) will lose their recognition after some spend freaking YEARS getting their rank ffs.


    Are they TRYING to upset people in general with this update or seriously think its a good business move. =s


    Even besides that.. Its history of what achieved what first. That included f2p.. Its messes it up not to include them. I want an accurate rank based on all players as I deserve. I dont deserve better due to being a member compared to a f2p account being removed. Any f2p who gets a better rank than a member freaking deserves it and is a accurate showing of hs and the history of hs.


    Wow im so sorry to f2p for this update. You dont deserve such bad treatment.

  18. Just realised that this bonus would began easily without most people even knowing tbh lol. I easily got lucky to see this thread when I did and otherwise miight not of known until half or even all of it was over. (If I had gone away this weekend.)


    They come tomorrow or day after and it be like.. Huh? Bonus xp? Drops? Began yesterday? FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU - I was sleeping!


    Since its first time they done this too lol. Alot wont even know until next week if gone out this weekend without checking site.


    Nice 'surprise' for them when they get back but could of otherwise played even a few hours heh.

  19. Ergh fine but I wasnt really planning this for this weekend.. Suppose I can.


    Still prefer more notice before I need to grind the game for a bonus. Kinda lucky as I did have plans but had postponed it til monday but tuesday be fine too. Suppose its pizza this weekend too..


    Please DONT do surprise bonus as its a pain in bum tbf. Just means I got to study harder at other times =/= Fun. With 'notice' I can PLAN things better = Fun.

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