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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. HAHA - I actually won a tattoo. :rolleyes: I cant see it though because it banked the dang thing.. Im at runespan atm.


    9 Spins (Freebies)


    2 raw swordfish


    Mystic tatoo

    Medium Lamp

    Small Lamp

    Medium Lamp


    40 steel arrows



    I can now show off my pro rwt ability through sof. Even though I didnt buy it. Thanks for the laugh jagex.


    This is truly a MAD MAY indeed. How exciting.. I got to spin the wheel!

  2. Thing with getting lucky with a tattoo this weekend is it seems like you probably bought spins like a pro. Considering its so unlikely get them otherwise..


    I think I would prefer the lamps tbh. I just aint that pro. I dont deserve that honour.


    ..My server crashed so I cant see what I won yet. Wont let me log back in.. :cry: Im excited to go collect my 50gp's.

  3. Well few days or something and I can say I am running how I used to before the nuke with only a slight decrease in performance. Im still running everything maxed and such so im quite happy as it is.


    Certain teleporting still lags me though. Random events and such. Im sure there probably other issues. I havnt gone to dung to see if the glitches there are fixed or not. (Animations used to be hugely delayed last time I went.)


    Logging in seems to be slightly smoother too. I havnt noticed getting 'stuck' yet. Maybe havnt done it enough times for it to happen though. Before I used to occasionally get stuck during the loading and have to refresh it. Does seem to load quicker.


    So before my frame rates were about 0-15 with all settings off. Now they 30-50 max settings with AA and everything. That said.. It lags more than modern games do at high settings.

  4. I think this is probably the most liked update I have had in a long while. I have liked many others recently but this is probably most enjoyed one that has taken up more of my free time just so I can play it. Best bit is there so many ways to go about it. Afking or not so much afking. Sometimes just a change of scenery and doing something else but at only a slight loss of points/hr. (Because 250k or wtf points is alot...)


    I like the outfit personally. The rewards arnt so good.. Yet the XP is so I aint as fussed by lack of rewards.


    Pouch = Bs. I think it good idea that rank 1 would make the pouch repairable/indestructible. (Not that I would ever use it but to give it a point in reaching that rank.)


    Also the logo thing is far too small and bit pointless. No one would ever really know the difference without getting a pair of glasses.


    I have to say.. Since runefest and the information came out. I was instantly not bothered as it seemed a bit too hyped. (No offence mod slayer.) Followed by that countdown timer.. Just seemed to confirm my lack of interest. Unfortunately their track record for hyping content usually backfires! I am pleasantly surprised how nice it is. Countdown timer was over the top but the content itself is pretty cool.


    Best bit of all was phoenix odins reaction to it. :lol: :-#

  5. Well we all know that was bs and he knows it himself. I will presume he isnt an idiot and understands the difference of people using free spins and enjoying that side of the content compared against the rwt side aspect of the update.


    (Inb4 He says that 94.2425% of members enjoy buying spins and winning 50gp. We cant lose..!)


    Anyway bla bla bla.


    I just like the bit where he says..


    "and also introducing additional payment protection for all in game purchases as soon as players notified us it was a concern."


    ..Yeh I was one of the players that did that. Thankyou for the reply that fobbed me off and said their security was secure. That I had nothing to be worried about if I didnt give out my pw. >.> (Before they updated their security. >.>) I dont blame the employee but I do blame the people incharge telling him to respond that way. I was not 'asking a dang question' at the time. I was informing them that their security was bulls and needed fixing. I would preferred acknowledgement of their mistake and were referring the issue to the right people for a fix... <_< What I got was a no fix answer. Secretly fixed later and pretended it was always that way. I suppose the fix was the most important thing.. So I dont care.. But finally they acknowledging us and their initial amateur security.


    Anyhoo. >Bad language< Mark Gerhard. Thx for the predicted response but pretty pointless and might aswell not said anything besides acknowledging us players who told them their security stunk. Truthfully the ingame adverts and repeated front page posts related to free spins and benefits to buying the spins is even more aggravating than this response. /mini-rant


    (Btw - Notice they put this information out while we have a good content update - Both the rc update and the anti-lag update - To ease the blow. Manipulative PR thing. I AM thankful for the employees that gave those things to us but Mark is just using it to his advantage which is questionably manipulative to me. Though makes no difference either way.)

  6. This is the first clever marketing from jagex I seen related to the spin of fortune. (Better chance win tattoos and wtf.) Incredibly annoying yes. Yet kinda clever.


    Shame its against moral reasoning and that I dont give a damn anyway. I kinda feel bad for those who -must- have such items. (Even more so for the parents of those people rofl.) I rather those who want to buy such things could just buy them rather than buy a gambling chance. I dont agree with it either way.. but atleast they dont waste asmuch money. As for everyone else.. Meh its a chance of getting those cosmetic things. Which isnt so bad I guess.

  7. Its definitely improved though need time to understand it properly.


    Pretty weird that its a smooth animation atm. If it stays like it is then its kinda crazy how long its been performing badly that I forgotten how it used to be. I running quite nicely atm with max + AA + Bloom. (Before it ran pretty bad no matter the settings.)


    I want to see a random event take me away to see if it lags or not on teleport.


    Good work jagex staff that worked on this one. I hope management gave you some free spins as a reward. (Um wow I got a spin ticket siphoning the -moment- I wrote that.)

  8. I was enjoying this however the node nerf has made it a touch too' afkable to be as' enjoyable as it was for me. Its livid farm but slightly less hurtful.


    Nodes appearing meant I had to DO something while still being semi-afkable. (Hell thats why im posting.. Im busy afking lol.) I see no point in running around as it just uses up points. Now its like 97% afkable so meh.. I already become second nature to just use the sound and half glance to click the other monster. Before I was being more active watching for node spawns = More interesting. Pretty much reduced to cutting ivy gameplay. Obviously there was far too many nodes before and something needed fixing.. Yet the spawn rate itself wasnt too bad as they wernt always desirable to use.


    Its difficult to score this update as I was' enjoying it until recently. =s Nerfy Nerfy Nerf. If it isnt rebalanced again it will be a great shame. =s I was enjoying the layed back gameplay that still required actual attention for node spawns. (So its not proper afk=More interesting.)


    I admit its bizarre that such a small change changes my enjoyment. Yet it has. Ivy cutting has breed with livid farm.

  9. The whole optimus will fix fps issuse really seem like a typical jagex response. Though im sure they are making the effort to improve fps with the update it just seems overly optimist from a players position considering their track record.


    Best we can hope for is its improved slightly. It seems unlikely fps will return to normal after that update. It would still be a priority to disable bots > Players fps. Proof by fact it already is that way around right now.


    Problem for players is the pro con benefits for jagex with the bot nuke update and the fact bots are returning. Depends on how well the next bot nuke is successful or not. It seems improbable that frame rates can get much worse besides not allowing more players to even log on successfully. If that happens.. Depends how many people and how successful the nuke is.. If they allowed the update to be permanent.


    If fps issue is actually resolved that just seems like a huge unexpected bonus. The rest seems PR to me with a touch of truth that they are atleast /trying/ to resolve it. Getting updates out and continuing of the game, sweeping all the issues under the carpet, is what is mostly likely to occur imo.


    Eventually over time hopefully the guy working on the issue can improve the situation but I doubt fps go back to normal completely. (Which is fine enough if its say from 0 fps upto maybe 25 atleast. Better than 0..)

  10. Im relieved it wasnt some goblin ingame trying to sell me spins. I can imagine jagex implementing something where a goblin spawns randomly and follows you around encouraging you to spin the wheel.


    For what it was advertising it might be ok. I try not to get my hopes up while simultaneously presuming they ganna implement an update that gives xp but an advantage of extra xp if you buy something.


    If they end up not doing it then im happy. If they do... meh it was ganna happen sooner or later. I wouldnt buy anything beyond membership myself but for game updates I am expecting more buyable stuff that give xp advantages.


    Anyhoo.. Kinda weird but im thankful it wasnt spamming me to buy spins again.

  11. I enjoyed the segas - Though I would enjoyed it more if the secondary goals for the lower levelled one was more clear. I definitely do enjoy the stories though. The higher levelled one I found more enjoyable.


    Giving spins out for quests is just weird.. (I mean I wouldnt expect to get cw tickets or wtf for completing unrelated content.) Not giving them out to those who already done stuff is desperate. (Encourage people to do quests requiring them to pay membership - Those who already done it can just get their wallet out and pay for them. Since obviously they have already spent their time so jagex would gain nothing giving away freebies. Aka - desperate marketing from a customers perspective.)


    The ingame advert is a bloody dum. I DONT CARE I GET TICKETS TO WIN 50GP!!! I hate the fact that we can win lamps.. Stop shoving it down my throat ffs. I hate the spinning wheel thing and the last thing I wanted to see when I logged in to do a farm run was a stinking advert about that >language< stupid wheel.

  12. Reminds me of pizzahut or burger king type offers. All that 'mad,' 'crazy,' 'I cant believe it..!' type language.


    WILD WEEKEND SUPER MAD KING OFFER! Free spin toppings to spin the pizza for every day your a member!!


    Aswell as this already fantastic delicious free st0ff we dont stop there! Oh no! We will even give one large pizza + side totally fr33!! for every person who has an active membership throughout all of may! We no lie! We giving away fr3 st0ff because we love you!


    You never go hungry when you spin spin the pizza! So why not try out this fantastic offer? You always win!

  13. ...Aaaand the last one. Woot. Probably the oldest non-skill related goal is finally achieved. 8 years later lol. Sweet little feathered hat.


    Goal Achieved! - Best chompy hat!! - 18th April 2012








    New Goal! - Get champion tackle box!


    This takes forever as its a weekly thing so just ganna be continuously doing this as im able.


    New Goal! - Barbarian assault!


    Last remaining trim requirement besides cw games that I havnt already added to my list of things to do - Im still not doing cw but changed my mind on doing barbarian assault. I dont have any plans to do it anytime soon until im able to no life it all at once due to how its done. Be months until I can contemplate doing that.




    With those new additions - That pretty much wraps up the game of what I care to do. Although tedious the fish flingers is actually a rather decent distraction. Never bothered doing it properly before. I just prefer I didnt have to wait until certain times and then wait etc as its stupid. Game itself is alright challenging though. That wraps up in my mind the whole 'completionist' type things that should of been added as requirements for trim cape. I personally dont care I never be able to wear it due to the cw requirement as im happy having done everything else aswell as those I think should of been added to begin with. Hell at this rate I will have all the requirements except cw and STILL not even have the non-trimmed version lol.


    Due to busy timetable for next couple months I probably ganna do slayer slowly unless something else takes my fancy. I forgotten how to train slayer... So got a learning curve again. Ganna reopen the log once I done a few tasks and figure it out from there. Probably do artisan workshop at some point too.


    Slayer goal - 1k streak + 20m slayer xp.




    Edit - This is my last active log entry for task set towards goal.


    "9th May 2010 - Task 811 Sumona - 182 Cave crawlers"


    Thats nearly 2 years ago lol.

  14. Yeah I always thought it was a cool achievement, but I'd only kill maybe 200 of them then get bored and want to train something else.

    Of course, you're maxed, so that's no problem for you!


    Yeh. It should still be pretty boring =p However its the type of thing I do enjoy - Aslongs as im enjoying it.


    Yet it was easier to do something else in the past that seemed more worth while. A hat im never ganna wear wasnt something that ever got my attention to do > Something else. Though I did want to.


    Of course right at the beginning it also seemed impossible/insane to achieve. I mean getting a 99 seemed impossible lol. Getting 4k chompy kills seemed bizarre. Technically its easier now due to future updates but even with them its still pretty much the same deal. Now its just a drop in the ocean. That thing I never got around to doing thats probably the oldest non-skill goal I have ever had.


    20-25 hours average can be done in a freaking day anyway if I had the time to do it.

  15. LOL@2010


    I have no idea how I originally put that but been copying and pasting it ever since. :razz: Every time and I didnt notice. Thx. =p


    I think getting chompy hat be my most prestigious non-skill thing I can ever achieve for my char. Getting the final hat has always been something I have wanted to do but never got around to it. (Thats 8 years? or something according to the wiki lol.) I dont remember it as I was a new player at the time.. However whenever I did it became something I always wanted to do.



  16. New Goal! - Get full nec outfit + skull staff!




    Goal Achieved! - Full nec outfit + skull staff! - 11th April 2012


    728 burns


    159 silver key red

    118 silver key brown

    207 silver key crimson

    26 silver key black

    4 silver key purple

    51 gold keys


    662 death

    552 blood

    24 rune ore

    28 addy warhammer

    11 addy platebody

    9 addy platelegs

    19 addy ful helm

    14 addy battleaxe

    9 addy longsword

    14 addy 2h sword

    14 addy kiteshield

    26 addy sq shield

    9 addy chainbody

    4 addy plateskirt

    20 mith skirt

    14 mith platebody

    6 rune helm

    4 rune chainbody

    7 rune scim

    9 rune sword

    90 teak logs

    22 black platebody

    2 dragon dagger

    1 dragon battleaxe

    15 diamond rings

    23 amulet of power

    114 magic logs

    40 addy spear

    38 addy spear (p)

    18 black spear

    16 battlestaff

    15 flamtaer hammer

    63 fine cloth


    4 necromancer kit

    1 skull







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