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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. Finally updating - Been meaning to do this for a while, havnt achieved much but I am getting back into the game again.




    Firstly! - 102 Dung! - 13th October 2011






    Secondly! A milestone! 100m Cooking - 21st October 2011






    Goal complete! Livid farm - 880k - 31st October 2011




    New goal! Complete dominion tower! (Unlock all)




    Goal complete! Complete dominion tower! (Unlock all) - 4th November 2011








    (Will upload final boss pic if jagex ever release the dang thing... >.>)

  2. I really enjoyed this quest. It wasnt bonkers difficult either - I was able to figure out all the clues on my own, the diary helped out a little bit which was good.


    Voice acting is 10/10. The dancing at beginning is 10/10 (+Emote)


    I think I would still liked take opportunity to offer a extra bonus if you correctly figured things out but other than that it was a interesting storyline.


    Tbh though I dont know if its worth bothering with all the voice acting.. Seems alot more involved. Like was said you would have to find same voice again or re-record voice acting if any changes are necessary. Its good but probably not something worth doing besides for maybe every 50th quest or so.

  3. Well I finished it and I must say I found it an enjoyable update. (Except the page gathering needs a higher drop rate.) Its not finished as there is no final boss yet... >.> However I hope it does come soon. Its so enjoyable that I feel motivated to even bother giving an opinion on it. Must been over a year since I ever done that.... So I take that as a good sign. I took away alot my free time to get it done as soon as I could and that itself I havnt done in a long time either. I think the bot busting is getting to me on positive level knowing that most cheaters are in pain - Unrelated maybe but wtf.


    I would of scored it 9.4/10. But due to bugs and unfinished content release I ganna score it a 8.2/10. (VERY generous due to bugs tbh. However I ganna cut some slack due to runefest.)


    This is actual content I may sometimes return to ... but more than anything I think its brilliant way to show the game to people I know in rl when explaining what the game is. Even let them play since its a safe minigame. Its been a long long time since I ever encouraged anyone to play the game.. And while I still dont feel motivated to do that due to massively poor company decisions. I do think I can stop actively discouraging people whenever they express an interest when they see me playing - Maybe show them what its about - Mainly due to the bot busting recently and updates like this the game is becoming almost worth playing for a newbie again. The arena is a great place to show some combat in controlled environment and let them play tbh.


    I quite pleased by content its just shame about the bugs.


    [hide=Couple Pics]Dominiontowerroof7.png



  4. I would thought something like this could of been hot fixed too maybe but idk. Just hoping for sudden reports of nomad appearing or a game update so I can get last runefest monster on roof.


    As usual, it might not be coded yet but jagex telling us that would give bad rep to them, releasing undone update.




    I agree. (Speculated in an earlier post ;)) Something due to runefest monster on top floor not being ready yet. (Fair enough but alot players keep killing things trying to get nomad and still no known reports lol.) I personally gave up aaaages ago. Began working on getting the papers instead once I unlocked every /other/ monster besides nomad.


    Just speculation ofcourse... Jagex would never do such a thing =p However they probably should keep priority on fixing the logging in issues..while keeping us updated on accurate information about the tower so we aint wasting our time.




    I know all about mod emilees post. Even erm.. I forget but either mod mark or mod mat quoted her. However what she said doesnt make sense to what people are reporting ingame. Im sure she isnt lying but doesnt mean she is right either. It might just be a second glitch/same one. They know of one glitch where he wont be selected in climb but they dont know of the second glitch that he wont appear on the other game mode either. Remembering that these people are just community people or whatever they call themselves rather than coders.


    So I 'hope' it gets unlocked by the special double nomad. I wouldnt guarantee it until I see it. Seems hopeful they will though.

  5. *Waits patiently for atleast one person out of idk.. 100-500k people to get a picture of either nomad or gloves. (If manage kill him.)


    Personally I hope they just 'tick him off' when you finish the special due to all this messing around now. I do personally think he is glitched and impossible to get. As someone would of got him by now and everyone would be going nuts over it. One of these people would start bragging about it. It does seem fair that killing 'two' nomads suffice as the requirement then bothering to find him in the other two game modes. (Whichever it be once its fixed.)


    I rather not have to kill 200+ more just to find him after finished nearly everything else including the papers. This one updates I enjoyed but its a bit annoying having bugs preventing you progress requiring you to repeat content that takes hours.


    I would thought something like this could of been hot fixed too maybe but idk. (Logging in issues must be a priority though - I can appreciate that.) Just hoping for sudden reports of nomad appearing or a game update so I can get last runefest monster on roof. Even if it is super rare it needs to be less rare than a champion scroll or remove the 5 minute introduction lol. That take probably years to ever find him. Gl not dc to death during the fight lol.


    *Floor 4535 .. Nomad!* Yeees! *Super mario jump due to excitement* ... Dc-ing.. Accidentally hit quest tab too.. Appear in lobby.. Log back in to find out died and reset.

  6. I know fact woox said in cc that he hasnt defeated nomad. Amongst tons of other high profile people. (Such as castlewrs) Amongst hundreds of ingame and forum people who killed like 200, 300, 400, 500, 600+


    I know of -no one- who has faced him. Just few rumours but absolutely no info on the gloves or pictures - Nothing.


    Any info has nothing to back it up and seems mostly just confusion from other info available from jagex or stuff from like mod emilee etc.


    ..Btw not sure what mean by reference to adventure log but that 'list one' thing is simply the other two gloves - Though probably glitched. There are three of them - One being nomad requirement that people cant get. If could kill nomad aswell there would be three 'list one' thingy in adventure log.


    (My own adventure log lists two of them when I got 500 kills. Thats the other two gloves/unlocks. Looks like adventure log info is bad atm. Meant to say something different to what it currently is probably.)

  7. Hmm, that surival mode I just ran to the side, killed the few weaklings that eventually came over to me. Then I had a 4 minute wait.


    I so bored that I used bolts on that little worm thing that digs into ground and moves around. (So nothing else saw me.)


    I reckon they should made it a bit tougher or put them nearer to me at the beginning lol.




    The last challenge. (I forget name but you have absolutely no items) ...I think that one glitched pretty badly? I mean Idk... I killing things lardyda... Then... Everything all of a sudden dies and respawns over on the other side of arena...?


    "YOU WIN"


    ...Um... I have loads of things running towards me again with renewed full health..... HUH?! but the challange is over and I can leave if I wanted...


    Ok... What the hell.. Killl them again properly within same arena even though apparently I have won. (Nearly did last time except they all suddenly committed mass suicide instantly.) I get one to 0 health... then I laaaaaaaaaggg and reappear in lobby. Umm..? Ok. (Glitched obviously - Using wtf those bomb things were. But most of them had enough health that they wernt dying from that....Just committing suicide lol.)


    I thought...That was rubbish I want to do it properly. I nearly won fair and square. So went to try again even though the accomplishment showed it was completed. However ..Same glitch again. Atleast I presume its a glitch... Its kinda funky. But exact same thing happened again. *shrugs* So thats that.


    When its fixed I might try doing it properly... If it 'lets' me.




    I reckon the top floor is bugged/unfinished from runefest tbh. Thats why they preventing nomad lol. *Speculation* =p We all the hardcore among us would reach the top floor very quickly unless prevented it lol.


    God knows what might happen. Loads of jads, nex and corps suddenly keep spawning and escape everywhere and anyone who opens the quest tab is screwed to take any action. At that moment it fixes the logging in issue and everyone who is unable to log in are suddenly able to log in but get instantly KO'ed and lose their items.


    Then a jagex mod posts on forum that this was all intended and part of update. No roll-backs as it wasnt a bug. Reassuring us that woox is our saviour and will kill them all solo style.

  8. Lol someone said they could see the tower from citadel but I thought it was a joke. >.<


    Thats awesome. =D Wow@Jagex decent humour/easter egg/wtf - Brilliant. Seems very rare nowadays. Makes me happy whoever did that.


    They should also put a dead splattered phoenix body located under one of the towers walls - Where it got crushed when the tower fell from sky haha. (Still get feathers from the exposed part of body.) They can even pretend it was an always intended update!

  9. In the hands of jagex - No - As is apparent.


    But otherwise its a good idea.


    (Wd Woox though - For certain various achievements. Not too keen on some that jagex listed (Being jagex fault putting it on front page and condoning it.) but personally I dont care either way. )


    ..Its very..enlightening on jagex part what they condone nowadays heh. Not surprised.


    I have tbh though. If I was one those members who cant log in right now I wouldnt appreciate this 'PR' action on front page while very little info about logging in. =s (Maybe best to waited.. Manners and all. Irrelevant if its different departments..It just 'looks' bad on their part.) Gratefully im not having logging in issues. Just a tower of bugs. ^.^


    Again wd to Woox for a mention.

  10. Just confirming for anyone interested that its possible to get pages doing only one match. (Aswell as dominion items..)


    If its practical method of getting them idk but I know I did 100+ and only got 'one' - So for me im just presuming its capped at one. Even /if/ there is a higher chance. There are alot of them to get...


    I still havnt heard anyone fighting nomad. (You cannot fight nomad freestyle by doing 2x nomad. Has to be one of the two game modes - He doesnt exist it seems lol. Making it impossible to finish..It seems..Atm.)

  11. I play the game because I like the grind. Its a game for mindless fun. It also has the option to be less grindless depending on what I want to do anyway. Loads of other reasons I like it too..but thats an important reason.


    Its why players that bot honestly just need to step back, think about their life, their hobbies. Consider if they arnt enjoying the game, feel the need to bot? Then play another freaking game you idiot! Find something you do enjoy.


    I can understand bug abuse, I wouldnt do it but I do understand it. I can understand cracking games to make the games more enjoyable. (Which proper rs you cant.) However botting never made much sense. I just do something else or find another game.


    Even games I have cheated a bit because it actively made the game more fun to have extra features - Which I still actively PLAYED at the computer. (Even then it tends to be a separate thing to do away from legit play - Which you do elsewhere and also enjoyed.) I never did understand the fanboy religious loyalty towards bot makers/crackers/wtf. I mean I have to read these idiots to make sure I know what im using etc to try be safe as possible.

  12. Its far too soon to say whats happening yet. (Especially if they keep doing updates - Essentially a reset on the waiting time to see if anything has changed.) However it is possible to notice the huge player drop - Thats worse than even I thought - Which is good lol.


    However looking underground I am alot more hopeful now compared to before. Just worried that the type bot that survived dont become that 100% bots tbh. (and their religious fanbase - Essentially all other relgions got nuked and their ego has hit the roof >.< Cute - Shame they wont know what it feels like to have both a legit account AND a life at same time.)


    I might have to consider playing properly again and even talk positive words about the game. (Been a LONG time.) Hopefully the legit players come back.


    Still bit soon though - Need more time to see what happens. Still tired with jagex lies and efforts to introduce buying xp/ingame benefits. They got ALOT to prove, even a huge reduction in bots < Than rwt on their part. I still got more respect for surviving bot users than jagex themselves due to actions they have taken in this area. I think im almost willing to turn a blind eye if bots go..Possibly...I want to see proof first of a significant change. Then decide. Maybe the joy of being bot free is enough - Im not sure.




    P.S - Good to see some of my ranks go up to. (So they banned people quite high ranked in some skills - Always a good thing.)

  13. Looking forward to seeing jagex put a banner on front page.


    #3rd best f2p mmorpg woot!




    Im just glad I played this game when I did before this current state. Got my rank - Enjoyed it - Would /want/ to continuing enjoying it but unfortunately it doesnt seem like they will do that. (Continued front page posts about banning bots or wtf with glaring lies - Nothing changes. New ideas about buying xp or ingame benefits..? etc.. Its disappointing.)


    Am glad they didnt win. Certainly didnt deserve it. Shame for the community though. However this reward is directed at jagex and not us. They can pretend to be proud of #3rd if they want. (Considering they won #1st twice in a row previously.)


    On the otherhand.. There should be a rule that they cannot offer ingame benefits when entering this competition. (That involves the 'rival' competition.) Seems like its just going to go crazy next year with ingame benefits to try make jagex win maybe. Thats...to be expected in current climate/game direction...Its lame though and disappointing. Against what the trophy or wtf is meant to represent.

  14. GOAL ACHIEVED - All circus outfits! - 17th August 2011




    GOAL ACHIEVED - Fully charged flail! - 19th August 2011




    GOAL ACHIEVED - Full woodcut outfit! - 22nd August 2011




    GOAL ACHIEVED - Full construction outfit + Ghost! - 22nd August 2011




    GOAL ACHIEVED - Delivered 25 chimp ice! - 22nd August 2011




    Extra bits and bobs goal!


    Mini-game Update:

    Livid farm - 880k

    Construction outfit + Ghost

  15. Sick.


    I could maybe even tolerate a one time boost. 5 times a year? Able to do it yourself? Its just rwt option if people accept that or not. You can now buy an xp boost on a semi-regular basis. Its 5 weeks for 10% xp is quite significant when you put it towards certain skills.


    To be the best of the best you now have to rwt - buy - the xp boost. Or be disadvantaged compared to someone who does.

  16. I do like the graphic updates but the teleport spells and presumably other spells but idk, however the teleport spells sound really out of place.


    Sounds like doors opening on star trek or maybe alien vs predator spaceship doors. Not teleporting. Its a bit spooky sounding when your teleporting to sunny areas lol.


    I /like/ the sounds well enough but for pyramid doors or something. Not so much for teleporting.

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