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Posts posted by Maximusa

  1. I caught one..! Seriously I caught these outside my house on my doorstep this morning so this is valid catch and I deserve either xp or sof spins as a reward. I must warn the gaming community I am in my mid twenties and extremely fat and overweight. Minus the fat and overweight bit.


    Jagex scammed me as I got no reward when I logged in earlier. :mellow:


    [spoiler=Proof of my hardcore rl monkey catching ability]

    (Birthday gifts for my gf in a few days... Im u.k and she is here from overseas for a long while. (Hence the flags))


    One male and one female monkey =p


    Quite the coincidence jagex doing all this monkey stuff when I was getting these.. Monkey hat.. Monkey barrels.. Monkey stick thing.. and now a monkey cape.




  2. Thankyou. I actually ended up with an extra 60k too. Dont even need them. Dont care about pouches or rc anymore.


    Goal change! - Rank one RC (Minigame) + Outfit! + 30m RC XP! + 60k Points! - 18th May 2012


    Yeh the 60k point thing was originally meant to be 10k but getting 30m rc meant I ended up closer to 60k. So I went ahead and got a few more points.




    Goal Achieved! - Rank one RC (Minigame) + Outfit! + 30m RC XP! + 60k Points!


    30m+300k even.






    In other news. This is probably the record for most spins I will ever have. :thumbdown:



  3. Meh I saved up 29 free spins (Not including +3 daily.) so far incase they did more lame sof stuff that I wont care about. Figured there be more sof stuff. These monkey things though.. meh. I will spend a few but shaw keep many of them incase they put the beta entry on the wheel. Either way I dont care about monkey stuff that much. Weekend after may be sof related too.


    As for double drops I see zero appeal in going to overcrowded mayhem.

  4. Well I definately fit into the category of wanting to 'play' a game rather than buying success. Its the meaning behind playing the game to me. *shurgs* Its the sense of achievement and personal success etc. Irks me if someone I know in say any game goes and buys equipment as it seems like they lost the plot of what they are even doing there. Pretty much only time I dont mind it is if a game has been out for donkey years and/or you are returning and dont want to 'completely' start from scratch.


    It should also be noted that I dont understand what is wrong with grind. I play many games due to the fact I enjoy that aspect. There are plenty of games where you either dont or dont have to. If you dont want to then dont. Plenty games that include grind that I choose to not focus on even though I tend to enjoy it - Those times I just cant be arsed for that particular game. Its easy not to or just not play that game.


    As for runescape its a matter of ignoring it or leaving pretty much.


    That article was related to diablo 3. My imo is diablo 3 is a great game for various reasons but also very lacking. Regarding the real world money issue. Thats what grim dawn is for. Soon as thats released it will give most diablo 3 fanatics the option they desire. (Including me.) Diablo 3 shaw be enjoyed for what it is but it is true (As a huge fan) that it isnt as good due to various reasons. Stat input - rwt stuff - etc. So just ganna enjoy diablo 3 for what it is and then enjoy grim dawn even more. Truth be told I am glad diablo 3 has all these 'issues' in their game because it made me look for an alternative so I could enjoy diablo experience again with stat input and without rwt junk piled on. Fortunately it exists and many other people agree with me that those issues suck. So someone else is taking advantage of that and trying to supply us players with what we are wanting. Everyone wins tbh. Diablo 3 is still fun but probably wont spend thousands of hours like I did with diablo 2 tbf. Idk yet but I find it doubtful. Not with someone like grim dawn around the corner - Looks better for my long term playativity.


    I also think there is a difference between how diablo 3 is going about rwting compared to jagex. Jagex is a bit dirtier and underhanded tbh. They rarely listen to us etc etc. I got respect for how they handled diablo community but very little for how they handle runescape community.


    Edit: As an extra note: I havnt began playing diablo 3 yet because I got exams in a month. I do fit in the category of a huge fan of the series. I spent years playings diablo 2. However I am a responsible player as I am sure many gamers are. Dont need to instantly no-life something if I got other priorities. I am dying to play but I just must wait. I wont need to suddenly buy all the dang items or anything. Pretty boring if I did that.

  5. ^Ha




    Find out soon I guess.. Better to of known. Either way it was irrelevant for me as had ton of work to do out the game. Did manage to get a supply of ess ready though. (Hopefully I get to keep it depending on how they handle this.)

  6. Im gob smacked. They finally realise the huge untapped resource among us players who be willing to test their game for free. So we dont have to deal with so many freaking bugs..! Glitches..! Game breaking content..! Aswel as the obvious just testing things to see how we like it and make adjustments.


    Im talking about the really OBVIOUS things that shouldnt exist.


    Anyway as for the combat update.. I have no emotion or comment just yet. I will wait and see. The beta thing seems hopeful they are testing it properly for once which cant be a bad thing.

  7. Sure freaking helps when you doing the whole deal. Full wicked+recolour+staff+rank one.


    At this point in time I still got 83k points to go to unlock it all. Ganna benefit from it greatly.


    Points>XP. Quite happy to get this considering its mostly an arbitrary number for rank one anyway. Dont care about xp.

  8. Just went and looked up the fire during the skoll event to remind myself.


    Now this is closer to what I would imagine a bonfire to be lol. (Thx reminding me.)


    I can accept that maybe they want to make it one square but something more visual of a larger fire would of made more visual sense.


    I honestly dont care that much but it does give a good comparison between regular and what could of been done. Something between would of been visually appealing for this update.


    [spoiler=NOT this update - Skoll/Hati picture.]sfsf.png


  9. Seems more like a cooking update than firemaking. For real training I might still prefer vines.


    F2p getting charms is doubtful thats meant to be the case.


    I think visual bonfires would been the best bit of this update except they didnt do it.. Misleading to call fires that we originally been lighting - bonfires. They are regular fires. Being able to create bonfires would been a nice touch to the whole 'bonfire' update. =s Seems a little lazy.. They shown they can do content that uses up more than one square. 9 squares would of made a nice visual bonfire to burn logs/cook at. Hell even 'one' square they could make it a bit more 'bonfire-y' visually to look bigger and fun to be around.

  10. Meh I think technically I am a noobie getting some nice xp out of this update too.


    My rc was my 2nd or 3rd lowest skill before update. It was about 16.2m xp before I began and now I am sitting on 25m xp. I havnt even got close to finishing either. So im insignificantly racing up the hs a bit with my newbie rc xp jump. Bit over half way done... I should note I didnt use effigies on rc so it was pretty much traditional training. Hugely nats even. Partially zmi.


    I should probably go over double my xp by the time I am finished just getting the rewards alone.. o_0 :unsure: Making rc one of my higher' skills. Certainly a BIG jump from lower to higher lol. Im not that fussed by being devalued as everything is by fact you can just -buy- xp. Yet I do have to notice that I am doubling my xp in a much MUCH shorter time span that it took me to get it originally.


    Not to be forgotten its quite simple and largely afkable style - Though alot of attention is needed if want higher xp rates even if you are afking. Multiple monitors and big res help.


    I have to admit it does kinda need nerfing just to keep in line with xp rates. The xp rates are xp rates you would expect a few years down the road. Funny story - I dont even care about the xp - I just want the stuff unlocked. (Its also quite fun imo.)


    Highly doubt jagex will change anything. Giving us free spins every week for visiting that location doesnt count either. Pop up adverts for sof every time we jump between islands might slow us down. (Dont give them ideas.)

  11. I hope they dont hire someone to dress up as the goblin giving out spins as he may be in for a nasty shock. A few of us might be inclined to kick him in the groin and shove them somewhere unpleasant.


    Good for them for reaching out but im not that fussed by jagex events (Or ones they attend.) Shame it wasnt more of this years ago as I definitely be interested to see the people who make the game and such. Not currently though to be truthful due to their choices. Will just look at info released afterwards.

  12. That clip put together from the other video thing we had is cute and all for current players. We can look at it and go 'aww thats cute' which is great and all. From some of our perspectives it doesnt necessarily look childish because we know the game itself that its representing isnt necessarily childish.


    However imo it does probably seem a bit childish for people who dont know the game and might be joining. So unless they put this on children channels at their prime times. Im not too sure how successful it would be.


    This advert would probably be more successful if it was adapted for internet banner adverts or something. One of those irritating options that many people block and dont see anyway. =p


    I mean I can fully imagine seeing that advert on tv when im watching kids programs with my nephew or niece or something.. Good thing im there to warn them about the dangers of gambling and tell my brothers not to let them play. :rolleyes: (Seriously) Uncle Bazzaminxer is a mean old bean. I find it hard to take the advert seriously if it was played at most other times/channels.

  13. Ah your right. I forgot that because last month when I tried it - It didnt work. I hadnt done my monthly invasion yet. So it skipped my mind as something that didnt work. Trying again after the scored one didnt work so just gave up on it. (Did the whole thing twice even though I knew I wouldnt get any xp - Just experimenting to get my ticket.) Forgot about that.


    Guess last month was a slight hiccup and now I got spins to look forward to from now on. *twitches*

  14. I got a spin ticket for just 'entering' troll invasion. So I didnt even DO anything.. Besides click the dialog to begin. When I entered I got a ticket - Heard the dreaded sound effect. o_0 Before I attacked anything even. I was a bit confused at first at what I must of done but realised I hadnt done anything yet..


    I wonder if thats a rare way to get a ticket.. Not even DOING anything besides entering a diversion distraction thing.


    So frustrating.. Its constantly in my face lol. Stupid spin, animation, sound effects. Grrr.


    Soon I fully expect to be afking at a bank to find on my return a spin ticket in my inventory. With a goblin advert (Even though im a member...) that I must exit from saying I can buy more of them. That said - I guess I wouldnt mind so much if it wasnt for the whole 'buy more' thing targeted at me.

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