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Everything posted by bre

  1. Yes, I'm sorry. No pun intended - I just don't think people without this knowledge know if they use network address translation router or a switch or even a flapping router (lol). Too there may be network bridges (IE people who dont have a router and get linked up serially - modem -> user 1 -> user 2). Not to geekify this thread but my point (and not pun) was that I do not think that Jagex' dectection system in any way takes measure for these configurations. J2EE as I know it can not even tell these things, the facilities is only designed to give Java sandbox applications an idea of the network, so that traffic over specific protocols does not collide (routers), interfere or simply get lost. I think that Jagex' detection system is way far out - it's not acceptable from a technical standpoint, niether does it from a cyber justice points - although we all know Jagex doesn't believe in justice. Anyways I am sorry my post seemed offensive, but I am just trying to make sense of this madness.
  2. I know this isn't on topic, but I have to say something. This is wrong. A router represents a single IP. That's what a router does - it acts as a switching yard to other networks, while acting as the gatekeeper to the local network. Your router has one IP address. Jagex only sees that one IP. Where you're not wrong is that Jagex can distinguish between machines behind a router, with a little work. NAT (network address translation), the protocol that makes routers work, puts a distinguishing mark on the TCP/IP packets that it sends, so that when a reply packet comes, the router knows which local machine to pass it to. This marker is in the HOST port field of the packet. So, it's not the IP address, that's different, but the source port. A little "who cares anyways" information for you. :D This is wrong too. The J2EE (from build 1023a) sandbox supports many internal network facilities. It can even read your internal network IP and MAC-adress and others (Why do you think Jagex used signed applets?). I do not know which of these Jagex facilitates, but anyways - These thing should NOT be automated like Jagex seems to do it. I think all of this is dirty. Jagex earns so much money for such a "simple" service. Don't get me wrong - I loooove RuneScape - but judging from other services and their price, something is terrible wrong. It's a poorly programmed, low-graphic sound and other effects, Java, almost text-RPG with low bandwith usage etc. Thus, they still want to charge us $5 for this service which do not even come with any kind of noteable customer service and support. I am truly disgusted once again. I say we raise money for your daughter - I'll be the first to donate 1M.
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