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Posts posted by psudomorph

  1. What are fractuals?




    ya what are they lol?




    Fractal: The word fractal has two related meanings. In colloquial usage, it denotes a shape that is recursively constructed or self-similar, that is, a shape that appears similar at all scales of magnification and is therefore often referred to as "infinitely complex." In mathematics a fractal is a geometric object that satisfies a specific technical condition, namely having a Hausdorff dimension greater than its topological dimension. The term fractal was coined in 1975 by Benǫ̮̉̉t Mandelbrot, from the Latin fractus, meaning "broken" or "fractured."




    Google is your friend! Type in "Fractal" and you will find out all you need to know about them.




    like, shapes made out of shiny lines and stuff. they look so bad >.>




    Use Google image search and see just how wrong you are. 8-)

  2. I wouldnt like that too much.




    I always like to train skills with 3 items or less on me, so that I can be secure in the knowledge that should a random event come, I will lose only one load of material and not have to go to the trouble of finding another axe or something.




    Off topic: Is it even possible to aquire a Rune Axe in any way other than smithing it?!

  3. We're you able to do damage to him, or did he merely have an "attack" option?




    I understand that a misplaced attack option sometimes occurs outside of the wilderness, but doesnt actually work if you click it.


    Me: 1 sec. (By this point I'm trying to Printscreen our entire conversation into a Microsoft Paint without peeing myself laughing.....)








    Download Gadwin Printscreen. It allows you to take screenshots one after another without pasting or anything. I find it invaluable for recording my Runescape exploits. As a bonus, I'm pretty sure its free.

  5. I really don't think he is asking why people pk, I think he is asking why don't people pk on their MAINS?




    I have the same question now that I think about it. No matter how successful your pure is, it will always be a secondary account, never as good as the main.




    So what if you pk full rune off someone? You will never be able to wear it.




    Maybe I'm being too pedantic about it though...

  6. If you happened to be around either set of forums in 2001, you are probably aware it was not all that uncommon to read about such things on them. I'm not saying that there was not any critics, of course there were critics then as there is now. However, it did seem more widely accepted. Infact, I often found it somewhat entertaining and amusing to read about whos in an relationship with who this week, who backstabbed their friend or lover, who was feuding with who for whatever reason, hearing about new bugs found was in the game, who helped out who, arguments, rumors, players placing "hits" on other players, controversial happenings, and other stories. It was like a non-stop Jerry Springer episode, RuneScape edition. :lol:




    Of course every single one of those things is now considered illegal on the Official Runescape Forums... :(




    I get the feeling that by 2008 or so, the Runescape forums will have been entirely replaced by a giant "Censored" sign. :roll:

  7. Frankly, I dunno why they are still warring, cause I killed the Khazard leader...




    But it said he would be back.




    He was after all a skeleton. Somehow I don't think you can just kill those things and be done with it. I think it might require something more... Something questworthy... :wink:

  8. There's an enourmous hole in the middle of the world! :shock:




    Thats pretty cool. Why not see if it is visible from the Bedabin camp as well.




    If not, then that might mean that the Tutorial Island they show on the world map is really a fake, and the real one if off in space somewhere. :lol:




    Also, to the person who posted about the Rune rocks (Don't want to quote it and stretch the page), how do you know they are Rune? Doesnt it just say "There is no ore in this rock"?

  9. Fast Food? RuneScape is clearly set in an era equivalent to the 1100's (or previous), and retsaurants didn't exist until the mid 1600's when the first one was founded in Paris.




    Which explains why they had plumming systems such as sinks?




    I think hand pumps are pretty old, and I think most all of the "plumbing" in RS houses boils down to a hand pump that drains into a basin of arbitrary cost.


    each Hell hound you buy to go in the dungeon costs 5 MIL :shock: EACH




    thats just the hell hounds. want a steel dragon to guard your chest?


    10 mil please




    tele traps are 200k each and other monsters are slightly cheaper with the puny level 22 skeltons still being a jaw droping 50k a pop




    1000*5000000= 5000000000 5 billion gold drained from the runescape ecnomy highest class just from the dungeons.




    those are some flipping expensive dungeons. :?




    It makes me wonder, what would the natural dungeons in Runescape have cost? :shock:




    Just think of that massive agility/thieving dungeon beneath burthorpe! I can't eveen begin to imagine how far back that thing must have set the owner. :!: :shock: :!: [smilies insufficient ] :x

  11. I say there is not enogh mods mixing with us "normal players" to see whats getting blocked and stuff




    I can see it now:




    mod: Hi.




    20 different players: OMG A MOD! FR33 St0# P1Z!!???




    mod: [sighs]





    I don't think that's a glitch at all!




    That was the critical problem that I always wondered about with bankpins!




    Picture this: The number you hold your mouse over dissapears so that screencapturing keyloggers can't see it, but screencapturers could still determine your bank pin by proccess of elimination (i.e: If 7 is the only missing number when the mouse is clicked, then the blanked-out number must be 7). But it looks like Jagex was once again smarter than I gave them credit for.


    Having duplicates of the same number, or eliminating a number entirely will confuse keyloggers to no end. The only thing that we can determine from that screenshot you posted is that the first number of your bank pin is not a 9 (Assuming its intentional and not a glitch). That alone is pretty useless information.

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