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  1. I don't think that merchanting is a greedy skill, in fact it can actually drive prices down. Think about the cost of laws....you can make them or you can buy them, lets say you buy them and your average price for 1000 is 250 per on the buy at the mag or ape atol. Then you take those laws and sell them up at Camelot for 300 per. There are soooo many people doing this that the price of laws has gone down, it used to be 1K for small batches of laws, now most buy at 500. A person buying 1k of laws isn't going ot pay more than 300 per. So certain forms of merchanting seem to actually drive a commodity price down due to simple supply and demand. I get 50K for doing a round trip to the atol...I don'tthink that's unreasonable.
  2. Right now it's wood cutting at lvl 76. That took a week or so of straight cutting to do. Used to be a combat skill and prior to that mining.
  3. This windows media edition has dancers and they overlay in the window...when sounds and music play.
  4. Couple things a random event can be a rare random event. Based on the number of random events one has, there is a smaller percentage of an event so therefor it is a rarer random event. Take a stats class it will be explained to you. Also years have nothing to do with playing except for the various holiday things given out over the years. It's HOURS of play.
  5. Since December 24, 2005...and I am twice as old as most of you kids.
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