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Posts posted by Arcantica

  1. I think I fall more towards "it's my body, I should be able to sell it if I want"



    Totally against the organ black market, but if you feel like you can do without an extra Kidney, by all means you should be able to sell it if you want and get something for it in return.



    I used to be an organ donor, then I watched a news report talking about how a majority of your body parts end up being turned into medical products, and then sold to hospitals and scientific companies. It's not like every organ gets taken out and just freely given to some other person, they take everything from your valves, eyes, tendons, tissues, skin, and so on, then re-cycle them for profit.


    If anyone is going to be making money off of my body parts, it better be me or my family if I happened to pass away.

  2. If women want equal rights then all laws should be equal for both genders period.



    Although there has been no military draft in the United States since the 1970s, young men are required to register with the federal Selective Service when they turn 18, or within 30 days of that birthday. In the event that military conscription is resumed, these registered men, ages 18-25, will form the draft pool.


    It's a felony to not register. The punishment includes fines of up to $250,000 or five years in prison.


    What about young women? The law specifies young men only. Young women may not register with the Selective Service.





    You can't even get college financial aid or other benefits from government programs if you don't register for the military. Women should have to do it as well in my opinion since they want truly equal rights.

  3. Apparently the strategy for classic pking now, is getting a large team, maybe 8-10 people (and mostly autoed accounts), with several staffers, then sit and team up on Swifty, dsm and Kdog all day.



    No one wants to 1 on 1 anymore. Then they team you, wall, log and bank, come back and talk about how they OWNED you.





    Nothing will ever replace all the f2p clan pking wars and events.

  4. In my culture (Native American), homosexuality has always been accepted. They were actually looked upon pretty highly as having male and female powers and what not (the actual term we use to describe gay/lesbian people is 'two-spirited'), and played important roles in the community. Some tribes even had multiple genders besides male and female, kind of a strange concept for some to understand. Pretty much every culture at one time accepted homosexuality, I challenge anyone to really find cultures at one time who didn't accept it. I dunno why people just randomly decided to start hating. When people started to fight over land and crap, build governments and used religion to conquer and dominate others, a lot of strange laws and beliefs and what not came to be.


    But yea, now today even introduced homophobia brought here into America by foreigners and immigrants have creeped into our communities now. Kinda sad how negative influences creep into our societies.





    and on another note, we had a LGBT clan on classic way back. Was a lot of cool people back then who weren't afraid to voice their opinions and have fun. You'd be pretty surprised how many of the famous oldschool high lvls were actually gay/lesbian. (especially when 75% of all the female accounts on rs at the time were actually guys lol)

  5. It's crazy, just waiting for pking to pick up now.


    The only thing I didn't like was the 3000 lvl 3's and 5's running around following you "can i have iron armor and 10k plz"



    Helped as many as I could though lol.

  6. yea after rs2 came out most of the skillers and everyone moved to rs2. The only people who really stayed were the pkers. That's all classic became was a pking and staking community. You still had hundreds and hundreds of active pkers and stakers. Only reason I stayed. Then came the autoers, the thousands of them lol, but they kept the pking scene around. A lot of new people did start playing classic too after the rs2 release, hundreds of them, so there was still a social scene and everything, just a lot of new people.



    What finally killed the last of the classic scene was when all the autoers started getting banned/bored, and they closed registration for classic up, they started creating servers of their own and over time more and more people started moving away from classic to the fake servers. So classic pretty much is a dead scene now, but up until last year it was pretty decent and still worth playing.


    It was a good run though. Given the choice all over again I still woulda stuck with classic.

  7. To be honest I don't think the reintroduction of classic is going to be anything like we remember. From what I hear, there's going to be set stats and items, meaning no training or earning items. People can just set there stats to anything they like, and make any item they want. That is supposedly how to make autoing and real world trading useless. Pking would be back anyways.


    On top of that, another problem is people made classic private servers, and some have like 500+ people all on at any given time playing. Lot of oldschoolers even play and support em. So Jagex is now talking about 'renting' out classic servers to individuals and letting them run them.



    The current classic servers I hear are still going to be separate and locked from the new ones. But hopefully they will open those back up to the public if they end up getting enough of a classic following by the rs2 people. Then they can open up the real servers again and have enough support from the community to actually start modding the servers any autoers.






    I still go on classic every couple days to mess around. Nothing but autoers really left on there. Just a handful of legit and ex-legit people still playing.

  8. yea, im tryin to get up on my feet here lol. Almost no one still plays, few people still loggin in everyday, hehas shadow, oergg and muumi and a few others. Other than that no one I really bumped into yet. Few people recognized me from classic, but I didn't know em.


    The only thing that sucks for me is my entire bank is stuck on classic. I transferred everything back to classic when we had the option, then the few hats and crap I left on rs2 I gave away since I decided I was never gonna play rs2.


    Combat ain't anything to lvl it seems like on rs2, prolly take a few months to do what would have taken years on classic. I just wanna mess around and explore and do some quests. I don't think I'll ever do any skills or nothing. Gotta learn how to pk rs2 style now. I tried but all those new crazy spells that freeze you...lol. Just gotta save up some cash and get all these new weapons and armor and stuff.



    It's kinda fun starting over again though, at least I'm starting with a decent combat lvl anyways. Wont take me long to catch up though.

  9. Hey whats up hoto and fook!



    Like everyone else, I've been through a couple different computers since, so lost a lot of stuff, but I had a few uploaded to the hosting sites I remember.



    pic somewhere early 2002 when p2p came out. Biga was always mad his lady friends liked me or something and would always roll in weakening then later on deny it. Funny thing is most of those are my same stats on rs2 now. Nothing much changed besides a couple combat lvls. I just started rs2 last week for the first time.






    my 123 pic. Originally I had a big party planned, but was like 3am and was impatient, and Shorty was the only noob on to celebrate with me lol.





    me, lightning, merlin, and paul right after p2p came out, messing around with the new dueling system and she accidentally killed paul.







    I used to have random strange convos with people and save the logs lol. but some random chats



    then that pic is me, lovell, oergg, bewareofmef and a few others. That might have been after Bewares wedding.

  10. Jagex must not mind as they have an openly gay mod working for them. Apparently the other mods call him the princess lol.




    I've never had to deal with discrimination much, I wouldn't say I'm in the closet but I don't go around screaming it either.

  11. 1029092300.jpg




    I got a bunch of exotics like birds and reptiles. Went to college for wildlife biology and did a lot of internships at various zoos and animal rehabilitation centers. Got a lot of opportunities to work with some neat animals.


    My fav though was help raising the baby ravens and the owl chicks.

  12. The only time I can ever see it being wrong is if it's not culturally accepted, which if you go back far enough, almost every culture at one time or another accepted it. The spread of modern day religious beliefs within the past 2000 years really put a cloud over our parade.


    But then again at one time, it was also wrong for women to vote, and colored people to be citizens here in America and so on, so it's just a matter of time before gay people have their equality and freedoms.



    My family is pretty anti-gay due to religious beliefs, even though our culture traditionally accepts it. But what they don't know won't hurt them :grin: I'm happy to be the way I am and wouldn't ever change because someone else believes my lifestyle is wrong.

  13. Been retired for ages but if stat and item set came out, would make all those years of getting to where I got pointless. Probably stay away for good then. Might be fun though to visit here and there to bs with old friends if any ever came back. Would probably convince me to try rs2 for the first time seeing classic would be dead.

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