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  1. Actually, how does this sound like a search for praise? Only someone seeking denial of altruism to verify ones own lack character would twist this around a tangent. This thread is what it is...a clarion call to others so they know they aren't alone. I am sad you don't see it as such, but you will take from it what you will regardless of reality. As I said...One of, not the one and ONLY. How convenient of you NOT to notice. LOL! Then your gripe is thety won't make enough pixels, I mean money? And since you are a student of business you understand then that instead of gross margin profits they will instead turn to NET margin profits due to higher bulk selling, which in the end results in more people aquiring more items at a lower price but the dividend for the merchant is the same.... Your statement is not thought out. Period. English isn't your strong suit I see. "Following" was the key word. Not "Capable Of"...TO make it simple enough for you to comprehend, the ones who would act in a cummunal fashion have little or no reason to follow those motives as they see only negative stimuli regarding it throughout the game and in every place merchants are profiteering. In essence they are given the impression there is no other way and as such do not show their true drives, or express their inner altruist. Clear enough for you? Only in your mind. Unfortunately you lack a serviceable grasp on the English language and philosophy. Add to that a near iron-clad stranglehold on seeing what you want despite what is there. Each paragraph lead cogently to this end, nothing contradictory. Your error can be remedied in a dictionary, a thesaurus and a reading and comprehension text. Next time you reach for a computer, crack a few of those instead and perhaps some of your shortcomings won't be quite so apparent to the world. Then again....
  2. It seems we are becoming bogged down in theoretical applications of economics to a simulated world. My giving of free items to people fall along acceptable requirements...ie no selfish or shiftless person profits, and shoul done do so it will be a negligible event. Uncommon to say the least. The argument is that it will unbalance item value and discomfit the merchant. Allow me to clear the table to place this in NO uncertain terms. The conditions in Runescape are as follows: 1) There are more greedy and happily selfish people in this game than there are those ready and willing to go the extra mile, at least it seems so since this is one of the only threads I could find of its kind. 2) With so few people following altruistic drives it will take a monumental upswelling of community to create a Utopian ideal within the virtual world. Therefore even an army of 100's is dwarfed by the hundreds of thousands on, and cannot be everywhere at once to counter every single profiteer. All arguments to state the otherwise are those who are playing the game with these ideals: A) I must succeed by any means allowed B) It is not enough that I succeed unless I can cause otehrs to fail for.... C) I measure my richness by how much others do not have. The distance between our relative monetary capacities must be as great as I can or cause to become normal. So by these standards they feel safe only when they can make an unreasonable virtual living and say they have so much. Were the playing field to become more level it makes their millions seem like less. Boo Hoo. TO be frightened by someone willing to work philanthropically...how sick can you get? A B and C are positively rife with Nitzche's rhetoric of the theory of the Superman! He shirked the idea of growing responsibility as one became more rich/intelligent/wise/powerful and embraced a "wisdom" that put others that were weaker into their graves. Hitler loved the idea and used it to its fullest. Congratulations, you win the prize for defending the worst possible stance. I applaud your shortsightedness in this more enlightened era. My goals are not Communism, but the uplifting OF the Community from the bottom up. If I were to supply people for free with some of the most valuable items in the game with minimum fuss and no fee what would really occur? 1) Possible lowering of the prices of certain items due to an undervaluing because of diminished demand. 2) The merchant or profiteering will turn to other means to make money that is more work oriented, something that requires greater skills for their character and yields a SLIGHTLY lower profit margin. That is, at best, what can occur if my efforts are even WILDLY successful. But if you dislike that idea, you'll hate the fullest extent of my fantasy! Utopia! Where all one need do is ask and it can be given because everyone truly enjoys the act of giving and helping people achieve their personal goals. Where everyone has a job, but unlike in the book Utopia, one can change and move to other jobs. Whatever suits your ideals or drives at the time. In all honesty, you fear THAT. You fear losing your measuring stick for how much you have succeeded and others have not. Until man truly becomes brotherly there is no chance of this fantasy occurring ANYWHERE except in a virtual environment. And yet time and again I see it ground under the heels of those few who do what Nitzche espoused. I believe that there are more people out there like myself than you can easily see, but due to the loud minorty of Nitzchians like yourself our presence is uncounted. If we were to simply realize we are legion and find a way to work in concert your way of doing things might just suffer massive changes. Until then I remain ready to help.
  3. Correction to your foolhardy correction. Games are always in development and we've played them from the start. From their earliest roots to now and we STILL see games developing and evolving Keep at it sonny, you'll gain enough experience to wise someday. If this odd statement were true then no one would act as if any MMORPG game such as this should or shouldn't be played by anyone. And as they have an age limit for the game, your statement is questionable. A word from someone who never tackjled the original Zork games or even picked up an Intellivision controller and wondered how you beat Disk of Tron. Love to listen to the children yapping...ignorantly too. Don't you just love when the young discount prior experience with games? As if one game hasn't got its roots in prior systems and game play, or other types of RPGs from past history? As if this game, Runescape, was nothing like any other out there? That's called experience, sonny. When you are older you may have some....maybe. See prior answer. This makes no sense to someone without a large gaming background and your argument falls apart when you realize MY gaming experience has resulted in over 4000 games being won. Once upon a time I used to keep track, now it's a waste of time. Since the younger generation is as cruel and ignorant as any other younger geneartaion, the nature of being young is disresepct. It's simply how you're wired...and the fact you think you know it all when you're a teen. Failing of humanity. And who cares about prior video games? Game Developers. The people who brought you these games, as well as those of us who have played the priors you don't want to admit existed. Quite a few of them are better than many of the ones the current industry is churning out. And doesn't Runescape have past version? *gasp* Of course they do. Don't care about those? Cool. Another sophomore doomed to repeat prior mistakes, unwilling to look back and learn. Stride forth boldly, eyes shut, learn by each painful mistake...no one could POSSIBLY understand or have been in your shoes after all. *snicker, snort, ROFLMAO* Final nail in the coffin. Was I reffering to Pac Man? And the agism comes from the younger up. This thread is about how much we hate it and you've shown us EXACTLY why it occurs. Before RS existed there were games just like it, biggest difference? They weren't P2P and set on your browser. Your comment comes from your insistance that no other experiences could possibly apply to RS, no one can know more than you as this game and its premise are completely original. All wrong. SO stay rude, stay sophomoric, stay away from us. When you finally wake up we'll be happy to welcome you Wisdom 101, but until then you're in the noob club forever.
  4. I gave away a cape that someone offered 1k for...odd thing to offer. Gave away 2.3k Steel Arrows. Random people in low armor and no amulets got Ammies of Defense from me yesterday. I tried on several occasions to just give away a Bullesye lantern and a cut Saphire for someone doing Tears of Guthix...but he ignored me and bought one instead. Oh well, can't help them all. I mined some gems from Shilo and gave them to someone who kept trying to cut me off to the stones...didn't know I outranked her. She learned to speak and not swoop, not to mention the fact that she saw people willing to help where previously it was always a contest of speed. I am officially announcing my two dreams in the game. 1) Free Rune Hatchets for anyone I see offering to buy one. For this I have to work a long time on my smithing and mining, so this is a long term goal. 2) TO enchant and create any D-stone jewelry for people FREE. All they need to do is bring me a D-stone. This is also a long term goal as I have to work up my craft and magic a bit more. Also, as of right now I have a ton of Magic Ammies and rings I need to give away. If anyone needs one, please, put me in your friends box and message me. What I don't have I can easily make as I have high enough craft and enchantment power to make anything shy of a Ring of Wealth. Ok?
  5. I am 34 and have been playing since I was 32. I grew up through the whole video game era and have NO embarrasment over playing any game. I am, however, embarrased for any younger person who doesn't know that mine was the first generation to play all developing video games, believe that they alone should/can play video games well, that no one abovetheir age should be interested in games. 1) We are the first Generation, we have more right that they do. 2) We've played more games for longer periods without help, long before there were player guides to allow you to win via walkthroughs. 3) Due to our experience we will ALWAYS be able to school these children. 4) No matter how long child has played a game, when we arrive THEY are the noobs in every game! Sorry children. No matter what, we were playing before any of you were dreams in your parents hearts. And most likely your parents are First Gen players too. Respect them and you'll most likely have an excellent source of info on past games.
  6. Beware the scalper. Those who know where to buy stuff, have plenty of money, and know that the refresh rate is so low that they can get all that's available....and then they charge darn near double the proper value. Yeah, love those guys. In the future check the boards to see what's the proper price a nd go to where people are forging/smithing. Ask them if they can make things for you. Good chance someone will charge you what the Hi Alch value is for something they are pounding out. Heck, it were me, I would GIVE it to you. I have a few new dreams I need to raise my smith and crafting for... 1) Free Rune Hatchets for all... 2) Free D-stone items to anyone who has a D-stone for me to crat into jewelry.
  7. Something to note, which is laughable in and of itself... Despite telling those that would eventually argue that we gave NOT to beggars but to those in need andnot excessively, it was thrown at us. Even to the point of accusing that we are wasting items by givin them to PKers. 1) No PKers shall ever profit from us as we stated and... 2) What is High Alchemy if not destroying an item? Any item? It's wiped from existence and r ather uselessly too. The exchange is gold for it and Magic XP. But it can be argued that it, too, is throwing items into a bottomless hole. So from this we can infer that your true argument is that: A) We aren't doing what you do, so it's hard to accept and.. B) Making others rise faster and that somehow discomfits rich players somehow as well as.... C) Unbalances the status quo by not being selfish. I'll stick to being kind and helpful, if it's all the same to you.
  8. If I see a PKer, I let them be. No handouts from me ever. But the Mage Girl I saw was a level 30 a nd was still walking around without a clue as to how to aquire more clothes. I gave her something I can get with little effort, and would have showed her how. Instead I gave her a set with instructions on how to attain more. I do not feed beggars, and I do not walk them through every danger. Instead I re-equip them and send them out to fight again. There is no harm in making sure that what is potentially a bad moment turns out better than expected for them. A moment of lost heart and a shining new chance handed to them when they feel low. WIth few examples of erstwhile behavior, I have universally been thanked and not troubled again by those people...no begging for more. So your excuse that they will become dependant falls completely apart under the light that I have given someone a random extra chance. Iron armor, some food and a shield....those things are helpful but not overbalancing. You want to keep them down when you have the means to help? Fine. Your choice. And it's MY choice to reverse the trend, to make a person happy who lost his means of making an RS living, to tell someone how to get something they didn't know about (like a law Talisman someone asked me about before) since others refuse to answer...and call them Noobs. We were all neophytes once! We all hated to be called stupid that way and made to feel little because we asked a question and got a sharp retort as an answer. So I made armor to outfit some people...so what? I'll say so what, I told those people I made it for HOW TO MAKE IT FOR THEMSELVES! Now they do! So I gave someone my old Pick Axe, so what? I'll tell you so what! Now the person is mining coal and making Steel Armor for friends! That's so what! So I gave away 10 Blue Wizard Shirts outta 30 I had, and some leather chaps I made...That girl now knows how I made them and aquired them. She shared what she had with her sister and was grateful that she wasn't treated badly. Like she had been since the day she became a P2P player. It made them want to keep playing. Bad attitudes make people feel unwelcome, and I for one will not keep that going. Except for those who are selfish and wish to push those Nietzchian Ideas. You're happy to be a scumbag? More power to ya. When I fade away from this game, I hope to have left it at least one smile greater than when I joined it. My profit is on my soul, though my coin pouch is light. My gift is happiness I shared with someone who was surprised, though I could have hi alched all I had in excess. If I cannot eat all those lobsters because I have 100 Swordies, then wouldn't it be a sin to sell them to someone rich enough that they SHOULD have fished themselves? Of course! So I gave away lobsters to someone who needed them, in exchange for some uncut gems. I put those to good use and made rings and ammies... And to all those who got magic items that day I am sure they put the rings of life to good use...and the rings of Forge, or ammies of defense...You cannot say those are useless. Even if sold. I have an Ammy of Glory I was given as a gift, and other ammies are now useless to me. (By the way, Conrose gifted me with that. As well as a Lava Staff, Broodoo Shield, Ring of Wealth and Full Blue Mystics) I am honor bound to lift my fellow players up when I can. Money is fleeting. Friends are Forever!
  9. With the low responses that are occuring to this thread, I can see that this site may just be predominated with the self-absorbed players. This saddens me but wasn't unexpected.
  10. The real answer is, Yes if people want it enough and don't take their cues from the haters and selfish players.
  11. Sometime ago I joined RS and found it cutthroat and unfreindly. Players validated their cruelty in Nietzchian terms that can be best described as draconian and cretinous. "I don't see it as greedy because....." "It's fair because I'm allowed....." "It's ok because I see it done...." Despicable at best. So I didn't play despite having a paying membership for 4 months, the simple fact was that if all the people were willing to kill or cheat to get ahead I couldn't play fairly without worry. Not conducive to a good experience at all. Then it dawned on me...this trend had to be battled. It could be chipped at, it can be reversed. If we play with fairness and set excellent examples, where else can we go but up? We're nearingbottom as it is and few people want to be examplars of fair play. So I embarked with several friends on a new mission, to Pay It Forward as the movie. To give with no thought of repayment from others. So I renewed my membership and began to work hard on my character after a 6 month lag. When called upon we make every effort if we are not busy to intercede favorably. This doesn't mean that PKers haven't tried unsuccesfully to kill us, or that scammers haven't been tempted to try us on for size. But to the ends we have set, we've made free armor en masse, lead people across RS for no money, and last but not least.... Free Rings and Amulets Galore! In one day I passed out hundreds I had personally made in the hope that those who would overcharge wouldn't be able to do so around me. That it would profit those who had a need, and would accelerate their enjoyment of the game. Once again, I have asked for nothing in return. I am not the most experienced or most powerful player in the game, nor am I able to combat and defeat the highest quests. But what I can do I have sworn to accomplish because the avarice and hate in a wonderful game is what leads to the eventual rule breaking and desire to get ahead no matter the means. This is where my fight lies. Do not mistake this help as succumbing to beggars. I see someone dressed in bronze armor and his level is a 30, I figure this is someone on hard times or little cash. One suit of steel plate and a handful of cooked swordies later I have boosted that persons confidence enormously. Their enjoyment from a random act of kindness carries me on. I see a wizard girl, dressed in piecemeal Zammies and an air staff...One Magic Ammie, one Ring of Life, and a full Suit of Blues with Leather Chaps later and this girl is confident about her chances to survive as one of the most difficult classes to perform in. You think I am lying? Mesage me if you need help and I'll do my best. I seek no fame. I seek no fortune. Glory is for the dead and vain. I am Ian Borthwick, I will help you. RS Name "Ianborthwick"
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