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Posts posted by superson

  1. I need advice..




    I used to smoke 3-6 cigarettes daily for about 1 year 5 months. During this time I was exercising. Since I quit 1 year 7 months ago I still carried on exercising and eating healthily. How long until all the by-products from smoking totally leave my body?




    I think it's something like 5 years before all the noticeable effects go away, and like 20 or so before the disease risks go back down (not quite sure, saw it on some poster)

  2. If you are in a semi-crowded area (say a bus stop in the Winter), will you stop smoking so that other people around you don't have to smell it?




    Referring to Question 1, would it affect your decision if a baby or a young child was there?




    Assume that it's legal to do it there, but it would make the people around you smell the smoke. It is too cold outside to stand out there alone without being uncomfortably cold, so you don't want to go out either.




    Going back to what someone else said, if you had kids in their early to mid teens, and they started smoking, would you try to get them to stop even if you were still smoking? Do you think that it's better to protect their future and also be hypocritical, or to not stop them?




    I don't think your scenario is very practical, because in my experience the temperature outside the bus stop is never much different from inside. But, if I understand you correctly, basically you're asking: "Which would you choose - Smoking inside and bothering a baby or young child, or waiting 20 minutes until the circumstances are better?"




    If this is the case, then I would just wait a little while. But like I said, not a very practical scenario.




    Let's pretend there's a foot of snow outside (the bus station has a roof) and there are benches inside... But let's say that you are stuck somewhere with a lot of people and you cannot leave (for some reason). Would you still smoke?

  3. If you are in a semi-crowded area (say a bus stop in the Winter), will you stop smoking so that other people around you don't have to smell it?




    Referring to Question 1, would it affect your decision if a baby or a young child was there?




    Assume that it's legal to do it there, but it would make the people around you smell the smoke. It is too cold outside to stand out there alone without being uncomfortably cold, so you don't want to go out either.




    Going back to what someone else said, if you had kids in their early to mid teens, and they started smoking, would you try to get them to stop even if you were still smoking? Do you think that it's better to protect their future and also be hypocritical, or to not stop them?

  4. I use subBlack, I think it looks pretty nice. The boxes are less, like, solid, in a way. I just tried BlackSoul, and it's harsh with the black and then the blue, With subBlack it's mostly black, so it's a smooth transition from black to gray in some places.




    EDIT: Just changed to subCanvas, I like it a lot. I'll probably use it for a week before I get tired of it and go back to subBlack =p.

  5. ^ My friend wants me to take a conditioning class. And I'm all like "Heh, no way..."




    Not too good at the strength part. :(




    You don't have to be strong to do conditioning, depending on the sport/class.




    For instance, I do baseball conditioning, but I'm not very strong... We use mostly dumbells, so I use 10s, and some of the bigger kids use 15s, and one kid even uses 20s.




    It depends on how the class is run though, if it's heavy lifting then it might not be for you.

  6. It's important that you decide what's most important to you between the following:




    A) Wrestling


    B) School


    C) Your job


    D) Your girlfriend.




    I'd advise you to make school first, your job last (you can get a job later, you're only a kid once), and either wrestling or your girlfriend 2nd and 3rd. Would it greatly reduce the stress if you quit your job?

  7. 1)Is it bad that shaz is the only one of these names I remember? Jeez I've been gone too long...




    2) Jessy, these are not your forums, the fact that they are privately owned means the people chosen by the administration get to do whatever the hell they want. Don't like it? Tough, if it bothers you that much go and make your own forums and you can run them as fairly as you want, but what you're doing now is akin to complaining that employees at a store get free/cheaper stuff there, or that police officers get to walk around with guns (well it matters if you're canadian :P ) Quite frankly rules change depending on the person, not just in these forums but IRL as well.




    3)Anyone here actually remember me? :mrgreen: What've I missed in the last year or so?




    You were the guy who owned the people on the Rants board, with Raichase!




    I wouldn't go there now though...

  8. no, its a point to show some people walk a line above the law.




    if we cannot do it, why can you?




    Um... It's their forum? You can't go live in the White House just because the President can (that was a bad analogy, but I couldn't think of anything else.






    how is it acceptable for those whom enforce the rules/laws break them when convenient or pleases them.




    communism wasnt even as bad as that.




    Tip.it doesn't run your life, it isn't a form of government. I think that was an even worse analogy then mine.

  9. It would do nothing!






    99 everything but mage. You are like 122. Get 99 mage lvs, 126.






    99 everything but summoning, lv126




    get 99 summoning? 130?




    What are you talking about? With 99 attack, strength, defence, hitpoints, and prayer, and 1 mage and range, you are level 126. With 99, say, Range, defence, hitpoints, prayer (stats that a 'maxed ranger' would have), and 1 attack and strength and even say 99 mage, you aren't level 126. It's just weird.

  10. omg!


    *panic panic panic panic assumption before update assumption before update assumption before update*




    no. This is very unlikely, Jagex have always held pk'ing dearly and I doubt they would do something like this.




    So I guess Andrew never cared about staking then?




    I said nothing about staking in my post so I don't know why you're bringing it in now.




    He means that Jagex cared about PKing just as much as they did Staking, but you don't get any money from staking any more, now do you?

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