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Posts posted by Kewl_Sabre

  1. Favourites: Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy. They were all great uniters of their time, and all faced some of the most difficult challenges our country has ever faced with wisdom and eloquence.




    Least favourites: George W. Bush (junior) and John Adams. I'm guessing most people know why Bush is in there. :wink: Adams passed the infamous Alien and Sedition acts, essentially curtailing the civil liberties of free speech. Not a good way to score points in a democracy.

  2. No, I don't regret playing it. As far as life priorities go, this is probably close to dead last on the list. I have been playing it for 6 years... but clearly I've been playing less intensely than most of the other people on this thread. :?




    If anything I'm very happy I played Runescape. I've met a lot of people through 6+ years and I would never want to undo the experiences.




    Moderation ftw. <3:

  3. I'm a proud New Jersey Devils fan. :twisted: We're not playing great against Ottawa, but we're still in it.




    I agree with you about the Sabre jersey's too... The old school blue ones are the only ones I like. Not that even they could help you win the cup. :P




    Martin Brodeur for Hart and Vezina. \'

  4. think about it, it's not like humans are the only intelligant lifeform on the galaxy, i mean if these planets are like 10 million light years away then couldn't a whole species already be there and we're seeing what's happening 10 million light years in the past right so these planets could be full of life and there could be a species that could come to earth right :-k




    Well, if this particular planet is only (used lightly) 120 trillion miles away it's not quite as far into the past. We're probably looking at, on a cosmic scale, recent events.




    But yea, things that are 10 million light years away we're looking at 10 million years ago.




    Anyway... while the discovery is intriguing, the chances of us being able to settle down there are extremely slim. It's a long, long ways away and we still know next to nothing about it. I think that our best bet is still Mars and terraforming. And at the rate Earth is going, we'd best get started on Mars pretty soon.

  5. I'd guess that several thousand people are probably "active" members of these forums. I'm not sure if 1 post a day should be the requirement for that, but we've got a lot of active members.




    I go in and out of posting often... it follows my Runescape playing patterns. :oops: But I still have 1.11 posts per a day, which surprises me. I thought it would be less. : p

  6. I never, ever buy food. Every once in a while I spend some time in the Fishing Guild to get around 2000 lobsters which will last me a fair while.




    That's exactly what I do. Every few weeks (usually before the next PK trip : p) I go down to the guild and get myself a few hundred lobs and cook them. It's only if I realize I'm out and have to go pking in 5 minutes that I ever buy food.

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