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Posts posted by Kanonator

  1. Does anyone else here listen to music while they play Runescape? That's me. Pantera's playin on my mp3, Cradle of Filth, Metallica, KoRn, Slipknot, As I Lay Dying, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd. :twisted: 049.gif






    youu practically got waht i listen to exactly, just add SOAD, mr bungle, Faith No More and megadeth...tats my playlist :twisted:

    I'll put on some old Toxicity and Steal This Album and some self titled. "SUGAHH", "Toxicity", "Chop Suey", "Areials", yeah, you get the picture..."War?". They're new stuff is totally screwed up with me. You might think otherwise, though.
  2. Older? Who's calling who, older?


    We are the gaming generation!




    I cut my teeth on Pong, ColecoVision and Atari.




    I was fascinated when I learned to make the christmas tree with twinkeling lights on my very first computer back in 19..err..nevermind.




    I ignored quite a few homework assignments to play Donkey Kong and Centipede at the arcade for hours on end.




    Nintendo and Sega were fascinating. Those great grafx! :lol:


    And how much better the Nintendo 64 was. Oooo.


    The handheld Sega was da Bomb!




    Just because a game is played on a screen doen't mean you are always alone. My son, husband and I play Halo together in the great room. My son plays RS on a laptop in the same room with me. I've always played video games with my kids. They think it's great.




    Almost every adult I know plays games of one kind or another. It something one never outgrows. It's the reason younger people have these kinds of games to begin with.




    If not playing games, what exactly should we be doing? Your laundry, perhaps? ROFLOL!

    I am 11 but I really love the older games. Sonic, Donkey Kong, Pong, Tank, everything was good. As I've noticed, the Playstation really was not such a new revolution. The Genisis (or whatever) really was just right before that and looked just as good-actually, better-than the Playstation. THE DREAMCAST WAS THE BEST OF ALL TIME. That WAS a revolution. And the games were just as good as the Playstation 2. Older people, I know you think the same thing...I think.
  3. Lemme try to warn em....{STAND AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER}




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    P.S. cOmE WiTH a CoPy oF ReSiDeNT eViL 4 FoR TeH PS2. oR We WiLL eaT YouR BRaaaaaaaaiiiiiinSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

  4. To clarify the limit on gold. Yes there is a limit(2100M) it stems from the maximum storage of a Java int and the unwillingness of Jagex to use a Bigint because of the memory it consumes. This eleminates the possibility of a private server being used because they are still bound by programming laws. Also pixilation is not always a sign of a fake image. Images saved in the .jpg format take on a pixilated look to save space; as do images processed through multiple screen shots.
    BIG.....WORDS!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! :(
  5. I am also 11. Introduced to Runescape about last....June 2005. My cousin was 13 or 14 back then and I started a file. Addiction.My first account really was not good. If you check in highscores for Falsereason, that was him. Lvl 46, still no stats up there. :lol: And I made this new account about 4-7 months and I was 99.9% addicted to Runescape then. Now I'm Lvl 64 aaaand 35% addicted. :mrgreen:


    Why do they? :shock: Don't they have to give they're 37 year old son money so he can get out of jail and pay his lawyer? That's my dad and Grandma for ya. :? Oh, and my aunts (41 years old and 43) also play. The 41 year old, Lvl 87. The 43 year old, Lvl 113... :shock:
















    I'm 28. The guy who introduced RS to me is 47. He's almost level 90.








    My son plays too (under my supervision and assistance) and he's almost 7.








    It's a game that's fun for all ages. Like chess (which we also enjoy).








    What concerns me is when I see some people (young and old) take this game way to seriously. Like it's a second life they're living or something.

    Yeah, I think that's what's up with my aunt (Lvl 113). She plays it all the time except for when she is sleeping or taking care of her children. (Both 7 years old) I don't even think she works! :| :wall:
  7. Why do they? :shock: Don't they have to give they're 37 year old son money so he can get out of jail and pay his lawyer? That's my dad and Grandma for ya. :? Oh, and my aunts (41 years old and 43) also play. The 41 year old, Lvl 87. The 43 year old, Lvl 113... :shock:









  8. Me<---"Selling 200 laws!!! 500per"




    Teh Lvl 4 Newb<---"Give me the laws and then I'll go to bank."




    Me<---"-.-" :roll:




    Teh Lvl 4 Newb<---"Lol, your a noob lol." :lol:












    Me<---"Selling Rune 2h 60k!"




    Teh Lvl 7 Newb<---"Ill give u the money after u give me the 2h."




    Me<---"Do you know how dumb of a trick that is?"




    Teh Lvl 7 newb<---"Im reportin u."




    Me<---"Good luck with that, noobster..." :roll:



    so i was in karamja fishing lobbies to train on mossies and I click on a fishing spot and I see this:








    so what do you think could have caused this incredibly weird occurence?

    Hey, you might think I'm a noob at this forum (which I am), but how do you take pictures like that?








    Print screen button, paste into somethin like "paint" save it. then use a upload site such as imageshack.us. Find your file upload it and copy the link into a post

    :shock: Dude...That makes no sense...I think my IQ hs dropped 4 points upon entering, then a further 132 due to reading that...That brings a total -7...

    That bank is definitley a fake.








    so i was searching the double-you, double-you, double-you yesterday and i found a pic i thought was hilarious. the effort some people put into scamming is just amazing.








    just by glancinc at this you can tell it is fake because well... just look for yourself. i saw it and started laughing.








    now you may think a noob might fall for it thinking WOW look at all that sweet stuff!!








    but (even tho a noob probably wouldn't know this either) if you look at the money this character actually has more money than the 2100M cap on money.. hmm.. i just thought i would share it.
















    And also since when is there a cap on money and how would you know if there is one anyway?








    It's clearly a fake. Look at the items and the numbers, they are quite fuzzy around the edges. This suggests that they were added in later.

    GEOOOD :shock: You guys are friggen experts... :?
  11. so i was in karamja fishing lobbies to train on mossies and I click on a fishing spot and I see this:








    so what do you think could have caused this incredibly weird occurence?

    Hey, you might think I'm a noob at this forum (which I am), but how do you take pictures like that?
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