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Posts posted by Mysticaznone



    Ok, heres my entry. Changes can be made (hopefully minor)








    how long is this open 'til?




















    You should put sample on it , 14 posts :shock:.








    too lazy to put samples on it.








    if they steal it, i sell to someone else and I report them to a mod. easy enough huh? :)








    Oh I see where you're going with it then :P.


    I didnt use photoshop, i dont own that. And freewebs templates are for beginer mode only, arent they? I wouldhave photo shop except i got godam dialup








    First off, maybe purchase the program? I own a legal copy of Adobe Photoshop 7. And yes I could scan a pic if you want that bad.








    Anyway, the website sample you presented was very basic. It had no eye candy, the navigation is uncomfortable, there is no advanced coding/scripting, etc. People could learn to do what you wish to charge them in less than an hour.








    And, http://www.meltcore.com is my site but the layout up currently is NOT mine. A friend put his up.








    Now that's something i would pay for ;).

  3. I didnt use photoshop, i dont own that. And freewebs templates are for beginer mode only, arent they? I wouldhave photo shop except i got godam dialup








    Then why are you trying to charge so much?

  4. Once I bank I will check, but I think the Dragon Square is facing the wrong wielding way. Not sure, I'll check later. Good fake overall though, the Dragon Chainbody is a little low on the wield menu. It's uncentered :P








    Yeah , I think it's facing the wrong way.

  5. wouldnt he protect 3-4 items ..if he wasnt skulled...and if he was skulled he be pking..and u would usually have pots...








    It's just a quickie fake pic(just a guess)he didn't go all the way.

  6. I like that one a lot Metal , but could you change the animate to the top right hand corner and change the text?Thanks :).<--The text of my name is fine , but I don't like the text of the animation.








    EDIT::Also maybe could you put on the top left or bottom left "Proud Member of ZF"?Thanks , I'll probably be buying your sig :).

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