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Everything posted by apeaaron

  1. "Instead of cooperating with the fansites and third-party developers, Jagex has once again apparently decided to go it alone. I have no idea what's behind these rule changes, but I think there's some wrong-headed thinking going on at Jagex Towers. I suspect they saw the loss in revenue caused by the bandwidth demand of the dynamic sig servers, and the potential loss in revenue caused by third-party users not clicking on all the advertising-bearing pages and came up with a "solution" that covered all the bases." I just want to say 2 things: 1: OMG YOU ARE WHINING THAT JAGEX DOESN'T WANT TO COLLABORATE WITH YOU AGAIN! and 2:Jagex needs to make money just like any other company, they probably do make a lot more by forcing you to click on pages with advertisements to switch worlds, but what would you rather they do? up the cost of membership? you have to realise they only pull in 5 bucks a month from maybe a million people TOPS. Look at WoW they pull in 25 bucks a month from 7 million people....You have no buisness sense whatso-ever
  2. There's something I'd change about that. Some people turn f2p due to random situations. Insufficient bank funds in real life, parents that don't want to pay for you anymore, your time ran out when you were on vacation and you don't have the money for a new subscription...or the time to play for a while. Stuff like that. So you're stuck on F2p temporarily. I'd suggest that Jagex could add a system to where you can store your items in a 'suspension bank' that you can only access once you're back as a p2p player. It'd be kind of like, a bank with a lock. You have 3 days or so prior to the time you log in to store all the items into the 'suspension bank'. If that were to happen, the f2p players would be able to enjoy the game when they're not a p2p player. Also note: Not all players are willing to make doubles of their f2p items even though it's not always a hassle. So this would be a solution for those types of people. Edit: Oh by the way, nice post! I'd be nice the see tabbed bank, with a preset function and maybe a few custom tabs for miscellaneous items. I completely agree nice idea!
  3. And concerning "balance", let's just take a look at the past 10 articles. Be vewwy,vewwy quiet... we're hunting kwebbits...: Points out good and bad points, fairly even Tax collection, a new runescape skill for the future?: Doesn't really deal with Jagex, besides telling them not to allow real world item trading, which they obviously aren't going to do. Presenting the items database!: Just introduces the items database, which Runehq had at least 2 years ago already ( suck on that nova393 ), oh and Runehq has a persons database too! :thumbsup: A random Runescape christmas: A crappy poem and some corny jokes... Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot, and Never Brought to Mind? Says some nice things about Jagex, but mainly focuses on friendship ( not that that's bad, I like friends ). Rules is RulesÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ Harsh on Jagex, claims they "missed the boat" and "completely misread it's user base". You're just sore because you can't use your world switcher anymore and have to use the chat that was actually designed with the game to talk! Imagine that! Pixels: Nothing to do with Jagex Jagex and Emergent Gameplay This is the article that has been the harshest on Jagex yet. Jagex fixes bugs. Deal with it. So Who Needs Fansites Anyway? BOOOORING! The editor is just corcerned that with the knowledge base people aren't going to come to Tip.It much anymore. This is just a pathetic attempt to get Jagex to reconsider their rules about 3rd party programs and collaborate with Tip.It. Note that this article incorporates things from the emergant gameplay article, and the 3rd party program article. Look at this quote: "So the game companies are going to have to live with us. Which then leads us to the question of how we are going to get along. A company can take one of three broad paths: it can accept and embrace fansites; it can look pointedly in the other direction and pretend they don't exist; or it can be hostile." Now Jagex DOES NOT have to live with you at Tip.It. Why do you think they are releasing the knowledge base? I think Jagex is tired of you guys complaining all the time... And that leads us to this article, which is as I have said, FLUFF. So out of 10 articles: 6 had nothing to do with Jagex 3 critisized Jagex ( or the way Jagex deals with fansites ) 1 was about cowbells and the penguin version of the KGB ( SUCKING UP ) Where is the "balance" in that? Every article either has nothing to do with Jagex, or if it does, critisizes them ( besides this one ). The editor is merely trying to persuade people who have seen the "ugly" side of Tip.It recently that they are fair and just, when almost every article is biased. Don't Fall For Tip.It!
  4. Wow...you are saying that you would rather have an article which is released once a week talk about cowbells and a new quest rather than have a good article such as the ones dealing with autoers, the runescape economy, or interwiews with famous runescape players? I mean this recent article isn't the good journalism i have come to except from the Tip.It Times, this stuff is FLUFF. If the editor wanted to talk about this quest or their cowbell [specialInterest], why not make a forum topic? This was a waste of a Tip.It Times article. If an editor at a newspaper was putting front page stories about cowbells, or even tiny stories on the back page about cowbells, think they'd keep their job? What I'm trying to say is that this article was a waste of space, a waste of time to read, and I would have really preffered an article about new scams, the economy, neat little tricks to help level skills, anything like that. Sorry if i offended anybody by saying cowbells suck, but they do.
  5. I personally think this was a horrible article. It seems like the editor couldn't think on an idea and just picked something random. There were no specific examples used, ( such as when they said in the balloon quest there were many star trek related things said, but didn't offer any of them! ) it seemed kind of short, and I think the only reason they are making this article was to appease people who think they have been to hard on Jagex lately. And they have by the way. I mean come on... complementing Jagex just because the use alot of references from real life in a couple quests... they are clearly just trying to make a good "balance" between articles praising Jagex and articles that came down hard on Jagex for stupid reasons. I always use Runehq, but I used to visit this site everyday just to check if new articles were out in the Tip.it times, but I really feel there has been a lack of good articles recently. Maybe the Tip.it times editor(s) should go on a vacation to think up new ideas? If this continues I don't think I'll be coming back to Tip.it.
  6. Also most people in the game do not have such good armor to cost 5 gold to repair 10% of it. To get that good armor you would have to be in an end-game guild and play 24/7 to get the top armor in the game. WoW is a lot different as you need 40 people ( 25 now ) to do top dungeons and get good armor and it takes anywhere from 5-15 hours to do one dungeon, in which case you will have lots of other people of your class and may not get any loot... :shock: the people who spend 5 gold for 10% ( 50 gold for completely wrecked ) have no lives and play way to much, and you need 40 of them -.- . The usual cost of repairing 10% armor damage would be like 5k in RuneScape for a level 70 in WoW. So it's not very much at all.
  7. I would just like to say that I played Runescape for 2 years and quit to play WoW and concerning the whole items thing, if you did get dropped from a cliff and die it is wicked compared to Runescape because your items suffer 10% durability damage, this will cost you, depending on how good your armor is ( anywhere from 10 silver to 5 gold, about 100gp-10,000gp ). Either way though it will not be a ridiculously large amount of money, or even a large amount of money. I don't see hwo the editor can compare these two things as if you dropped somebody wearing full dharok's off a cliff they would lose their items and a amount of money which would be very large, and in WoW if you fall off a cliff it costs you only a little bit. Obviously if dropping people off a cliff made them lose their items Blizzard would freeze people's accounts and fix the bug, but it causes no harm. Anyways my point is that if the editor is going to start comparing games they better compare them in ways that are fair and they shouldn't compare a game with another game that they have never played. Also one other thing about WoW is that it is made by a large company who has several popular games before WoW. At this point in the company they either don't care about small bugs ( like the cliff thing ), or don't have the time to fix it. Whereas in RuneScape the original developer's are still involved, and this game is a matter of pride to them, they care when it turns out their game has a "bug". I think you should all be flattered that Jagex cares enough and takes the time to fix bugs in the game, and that the CREATOR of the game will take time out of his schedule to post on your measly forum...
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