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Posts posted by Seahawk10490

  1. Listen, you are asking for someone to do this for free in their own time. At least you could be a bit more helpful, and don't call them 'forum zombies'. I doubt you will get someone to do it for you now TBH. :|




    No one has offered to do it... The only thing people posting in this topic have offered is criticism. Again, if you're willing to do it, speak up! I'll give you more details then, because the sequence i want it to be in is a little complicated. If all your going to post is criticism on how I sequest help then don't bother.

  2. The image has the anme of my hometown, and its not sometihng I want to just pass around. Again, I asked for help, if someone can do it, then speak up, the I'll give you the image.


    Let me get this straight. You don't want people to see the name of your hometown, yet you plan on using it for your avatar? #-o




    Its for a more private forum, and why are people so inquisitive?What ever happened to no questions asked? If you can't do it, why are you posting?

  3. Hello,


    Im trying to get a flashing light image effect for a picture aI have (would like it to be an avatar). I have no photoediting skills nor a program todo so. I would like for someone to add several flashing light effects to a piccture of a Police Crown Victoria. If you are willing to do this, then please do!!! Im not going to post the picture, as I don't want it to be stolen and distributed around the internet.







  4. He and his family got stuck in the wilderness in Oregon, after a few days he left them to go find help. Unfourtunatley the odds were against him, and he didnt make it.

  5. Seahawk10490 wrote:


    Exsqeeze me? You know what level the terrorist are at? Their at the level of killing women and children, bombing subways, flying into buildings. We cause mild-medium discomfort.




    So that makes it alright then?


    For the love of smeg...




    If the defense of all good, means being tough then damnit so be it!

  6. yay today im celebrating my bday!! but im not getting rpesents yet becaus emy bday is on the 4th, but ill be at a leadership forum, so we doin the party tonight! \' . I need some suggestions on wha to ask


    I really want a good comp strategy game thats based in the medival-modern age(1945). so if you know of any...


    I also want a 360 game thats a shooting game thats online.


    Ive asked for a truck, sinces its my 16th, but I cant drive it till january.


    Sozzzz, iof I was in Germany I could legally drink \'

  7. Why si everyone blaming America? The UN is a failure because lack of communication, but everyone is prepared to point fingers at the US. The Kofi Anan isnt from the US and he runs the damn thing! But yet AMerica is always there to blame.


    As far as I can tell, most other countries blame the US for the worlds' problems, and the US blames the UN. All the politicians in every country just want a scapegoat, and so since the US happens to be the biggest at the moment, its politicians blame the UN.... and with the US blaming the UN all the time, it just weakens it.


    And when has the US blamed the UN??? Did you know that the Leauge of Naitons failed because the US didnt join? Its probably the same for the UN. Most of the times its the UN blaming the US.

  8. No the UN is almost a failure 90% of all Nations in it are underdeveloped 3rd world countrys. And the bigger stronger nations : US, Canada, UK, Germany, and France, have to continously give resources to these countrys. Now I tihnk we should offer some help to these nations so that they can become bigger economic leaders. But they waste the resources we give them and continuosly ask for more. They dont try to get better they just become dependant, all the time. And, its usually the naitons Gov't, not the people.

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