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Posts posted by Seahawk10490

  1. Its not that other schools are harder or easier Insane. Theres no such of a AP class that isnt extremely hard. I've given up Runescape for this semester so I can make A's. Cuz I wana go to West Point, or Clemson :thumbsup:

  2. The issue is that you don't know if this is a person who has really targeted women and children until after you've tortured them for information! They also don't get real trials, so there's no way to find evidence the way the rest of crime is dealt with. Why not? If our justice system is good enough for the rest of the country, why not in this case, too?


    You a such a hippy! If one of your family members was killed by a terrorist youd tihnk differntly.

  3. People who work at the DMV are lucifers children. And who ever writes the test IS lucifer. I didnt fail my permit test but I missed a few question that seem really pointless. They asked me what percentage of vehicle related deaths have to do with narcotics, and the average death age of vechicle fatalities. I mean really, knowing that doesnt make me a better driver and im damn sure it doesnt make me not want to use narotics (not saying that I will). But really, the test dont have anything to do with driving. And my lincense pic looks like a mugshot lol, prolly cuz I just got off of work and was still in my BDU's :lol:

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