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Everything posted by Jumpeplowski

  1. Have you heard of Saradomin Brew? How about the falling rocks in the tunnels that wipe out all of your hit points? That's how I did it.
  2. You've inspired me. I've created a pure called Pur3 Tr0ubl3. Though I found training areas that I find are better: Pur3 Tr0ubl3's Training Areas: Tutorial Island: Ranged, Magic, Attack and Strength to level 3 Varrock Punching Bags: Attack to level 8 Lumbridge Chickens: Attack and Strength to level 10 Edgeville Man Barn: Attack and Strength to level 20 The rest is the way you do it.
  3. Sorry, but it was beaten! Check out the new first post.
  4. I'm posting pictures of interesting damage in this thread. NONE of these are edited. To kick things off: Largest amount of damage in Castle Wars: Largest amount of damage in a quest: Largest amount of combined damage in a quest: Highest hit by a player? Send me a picture of a higher hit than this if you have one. This screenshot was taken by Golvellius07: Red 0? Do you have any interesting damage that you'd like to share?
  5. I needed 2 more Quest Points for Recipe For Disaster, so I decided to finish a short quest giving 2 QP: the Observatory Quest. It starts out well, and I reach the part when you need to reach the Goblin Guard. We talk, and shortly after, he gets mad and attacks me. Though his attack is weird, like it's his head lunging out at me then bouncing off. I took a video, of course, here it is. :?
  6. I got a reply to a query I sent regarding it in my message center today:
  7. The world map is only updated only so often. As tefda said, it came with the Wilderness Graphical Update. It's on the Knowledge Base map too:
  8. Ah, I appologise for naming the player. I'll edit the name out and post it again ASAP.
  9. So, here I am in Falador doing the Garden of Tranquility Quest. I get a PM from a scammer than I can not name here asking to get a picture of him killing me while I am wielding my Abyssal Whip to post on his clan's website. I read a warning about this scam on another forum. The scam works like this: a player convinces another player to come into the Wilderness with him (sometimes offering money for it) so that he can get a picture of killing someone with an abyssal whip to post on his clan forum. No harm here, the victim thinks, I just won't get a skull. So he attacks you in the Wilderness and lowers your hit points to about 5 or so, he stops, and says he's getting his screenshot program ready, or video program, or whatever. The scammer then drops 4 noted Mystic Tops. While he is supposedly waiting for his program to load, he is waiting for the noted Mystic Tops to appear as visible to the victim. When they finally are, the victim thinks, wow! Mystic Tops in notes on the ground! He goes to pick it up, he gets killed, and guess what? Mystic Tops sell to shops for more than Abyssal Whips. He keeps the 4 tops and the scammer gets the Whip. Back to my situation. I agree to do this, and meanwhile, contact Cool Spy0 on how to prepare for a situation like this to make it successfully backfire. He tells me to bring food and teleport runes, I bring an antipoison just in case, and alchemy runes, so I can alch one of the tops if he casts Teleport Block on me. We head into the Wilderness, meanwhile, he explains what he is supposedly doing. We get to the Wilderness, he starts weakening me, I tell him to stop as my hit points are below 10, because he instructed me to do this earlier: He says he's preparing his screenshot program, yadda yadda, what a load of BS. The Mystic Tops appear, I take a dose of Antipoison, eat a couple swordfish, grab the mystic tops, he hits me a couple times with his Dragon Dagger's special attack, I teleport away to safety in Falador. I survive, and 400k richer: EDIT: It happened a second time! Read the story and watch the video: So I was walking to a POH party this morning, and I think you already know where this is headed. I get a PM from "Sithe Drak" asking me to help him for 200k. I ask what he wants me to do to help him. "I need a pic so i can get in a clan" What kind of picture? "A pic of me pking a guy with a whip" He explains the details, and sure enough, they match what the earlier Abyssal Whip lurer wanted me to do. Do I agree? You bet! He tells me to meet him in Falador square, but I tell him I have to give a friend something, while meanwhile, I'm heading to Al Kharid to switch to Ancient Magicks so I can kill that lurer and teach him a lesson once and for all. I switch, then gather a batch of Ugthanki Kebabs that I had made earlier. I also send a message to Faeroph to finish him off and gather my items in case he manages to kill me. So we head out into the Wilderness and I make sure that Faeroph doesn't stay too far behind, but out of the view of the mini map. He tells me to say stuff like "lol" and "owned" as he was damaging me. I switch on my screen recorder and he starts weakening me. Clicky to watch what happened. So he weakens me, and he lowers my hit points to 12, I tell him to stop. He does his screen recorder thing and I take the opportunity to walk onto his square and eat without him seeing me. That's when I realised that your character says something every time he east an Ugthanki kebab. "Scrummy!" says the message that appears above the lurer's head. I try to hide it by quickly saying "lol" and then the Tops appear. I grab them and start Ice Bursting him while eating. "Delicious!" "Lovely!" Eventually, he ends up teleporting. Victory. He was actually in a better mood that the other guy that I backfired: So that's another 350k in the bag.
  10. I've written a letter to the monkey for the postbag from the hedge. I will also send a query to Jagex regarding it.
  11. A few weeks ago I completed Monkey Madness: Some of you may remember the battle with the Jungle Demon. It's on a large bamboo platform. Upon defeating the demon, by asking some of the gnomes, you are told to talk to Zooknock to be teleported away from the arena. I, being the curious adventurer that I am, decided to explore the arena before talking to Zooknock. I went off the platform to the outer ledge of the arena, and found a trapdoor. I decide to go down it, and find the underground jungle that was one of the locations for one of the previous cutscenes. I look around, and in the center is a mound with a crack in it: My immediate reaction is to go down the crack. Unfortunately, once I get inside, I realize that there is no way out from inside. However, I meet a strange monkey named Bonzara, who asks me if I want to get out: I agree, and he tells me that "We WILL meet again." Has anyone else been down there?
  12. Listen, this bug is not the same as the old one, and I'm pretty sure it's fixed by now, that video was taken yesterday and not at Easter, and I didn't ask a friend, I figured it out.
  13. This is a video of another recent catch in my bug-hunting 'career'. A few things I'd like to note before you click on the video: this bug has been reported, I will not describe how to do it, I appologise for the lag in the video, I may be able to get a better framerate in a few days, and this bug is very similar, but not the same as the previous monkey agility course model bug and it still exists, which is the reason why I will not describe how to do it. Here is a video: Deformed Body Bug
  14. Clicky! For those of you who don't know, Splatters are monsters from the Pest Control minigame. When they get killed, they damage nearby monsters or people. Gathering a bunch of splatters and weakening them and then blowing them up creates chain reactions, as shown near the end. Comments?
  15. 10th April 2006: Easter Bunnies Infest RuneScape. I go over, complete the minigame and get an Easter Ring. I also notice the animation from eating the magical easter egg. Your character floats up, turns into a bunny and falls back down and returns to normal form, unless of course you're standing over a rabbit hole that you will fall through instead. Now, if you know me, I'm always trying to find bugs, always curious about RuneScape's limits. For example: Anyways, I tried to think of places where your character would have odd modelling, then I thought-- the bedsheet from the Ghosts Ahoy quest! So, I decided to see what would happen if I ate a Magical Easter Egg with the bedsheet from the Ghosts Ahoy quest and: And then my character model got bent out of shape... ridiculously. I also noticed that the bedsheet was shown as worn in my paper doll. See for yourself, this is what I looked like when I walked: I was laughing my head off. It was hilarious. I thought, damn, I need to take a video of this! But I didn't have a screen recorder, and I knew the bug was going to be fixed soon. So I asked a few of my friends to come, three or four of them are moderators. I finally found one friend who got a video. This is the URL for it: Video courtesy of Skychi. Unfortunately, I had to leave, and the very next day, the bug was fixed (probably due to my player mod friends' priority bug reports) but I am very glad that I got some screenshots and a video. And I also decided to get a screen recorder just in case something like that ever happens again. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them.
  16. Wow, is posting in multiple forums about the same thing spamming? I think not. No, it's not the same glitch as when you become deformed, by the way.
  17. Normally, in all of those screenshots, I'm supposed to be in monkey form, which I'm not. I won't give any details to anyone, sorry.
  18. For those of you who haven't completed Monkey Madness, you probably won't understand what's happening. This is a strange bug that I discovered: I won't describe how to do this, as I did this to the last bug I discovered and things didn't go well.
  19. This is not a bug, it has been confirmed by a Moderator.
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