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Posts posted by Yoda

  1. It's very easy to criticize Israel when buses in your country do not explode, killing everyone inside and when your homes aren't constantly bombed by rockets, and your options to retaliate are limited.




    A common misconception that has been repeated in this thread that I'd like to point out is that jews left Israel some time during history (some say 4000 years ago, in our national anthem it says 2000 years ago) this is not true. There have always been jews in Israel, even when they were few (talking tens of thousands).




    Another point is that palestines were offered a large portion of Israel (45%) in 1947 in the UN partition plan, which they declined because they wanted the entire country to themselves. We, of course, accepted it.




    Yeah, and then the entire Egyptian airforce left Egypt and bombed the living daylights of every single airfield in Israel so the Israeli airforce was left severly crippled. Amirite?


    The next time your country is attacked by 5 opposing armies combined, each one more powerful than yours, you do what seems fair and moral in your eyes.




    Wow, those pesky terrorist, unhuman monsters. They should just suck up the attacks against their own population and accept it silently, just like the Americans did when Pearl Harbor was attacked, just like the Finnish when the Russians shelled their towns...


    Just like Israel does when the palestines keep bombing our towns (sderot)? (and we do "suck up" the attacks, barely doing anything due to international opinions limiting our options to react). If this were to happen in your country I'm sure you would immediately symphatize with the enemy though.




    What would you do if that was your child? Just praise Israel for it's efforts?


    I would do anything in my power not to let my child be a terrorist's last defence, and that is what they are. (although I'm not a muslim extremist wanting his children to die in the name of Jihad) Palestine terrorists surround themselves with children as a means of defence (which is extremely effective, affecting both Israeli generals' decision making and international public opinions when innocent palestine children and civilians die). But who cares about preventing the deaths of tens and hundreds unknowns when you see the deaths of a few before your eyes?




    Last thing I'd like to say is Israel has been willing, and has indeed given land numerous times in return for peace, and that will probably happen again. I hope so at least. We are willing to make compromise. We don't need the gaza strip, nor do we want it. We do have the right to live here and defend ourselves, whether you agree or not.








    It was not lack of foreskin, but foresight that is causing this terrible problem anno 1959-2007.




    So so creepy. Are you writing this from jail?

  2. 1 soul is not worth 3,000 souls, even if you don't know them intimately.




    prove it?




    Are you an idiot? Both of you have the same argument.




    As for myself, I would choose a loved one provided there'd be no implications to my choice other than said deaths of 3000 people.

  3. Hell no. Pop in FFVII, you'll be playing (and enjoy yourself) for a looong time (3 discs worth).




    I fail to understand what is so amazing about FFVII...




    Heh, I can't objectively put my finger on what's so good about it either but it was definitely the FF I enjoyed the most. There was something about the battles, the characters and the atmosphere of the game that made me keep playing.




    FFIX I also really enjoyed for many of the same reasons I liked FFVII. FFX I didn't especially like. Sure, its graphics were awesome for the time, and the battles looked great but some of the atmosphere was lost and the characters were annoying [cabbage]s.




    EDIT: Oh yeah, FFVII haters suck. They just resent the fact that something popular can also be good, and want to be "unique".

  4. 18 hour movie? Are you [bleep]ing crazy? No one other than the hardest of the hardcore fans would have the patience to sit through it. The movie would fail.




    You can't realistically put everything that's in the books in a movie whose length an average person is willing to sit through. In my mind the movies are pretty damn good.

  5. DS has new games? HAHA. I just looked at the Play.com main DS page. It was full of old games and generic movie games. Mario, Star Wars, Need for Speed and The Sims.







    A PSP owner complaining about the DS' game library? :lol: You should check Gamefaqs' top PSP games to see that over half of them are game conversions. How many of the top DS games are? None.








    They're new, but not original. As I say alot around here now; being unique doesn't make it better.




    Only that PSP games are neither. From reviews I've read there are 3 purchase worthy games.








    It's just so much more versatile...




    My DS does everything you wrote your PSP can do and it cost me less.








    With a battery life of 7 hours, far longer than I plan to be out




    Try 4-5 (which the DS doubles on the 2 lowest brightness settings).








    One of whom actually dropped their DS and snapped the screen off.




    The DS is not perfectly built, but the PSP is built cheaply and breaks easily. You can get one with buttons that break easily and a screen with as much as 10 dead pixels. O








    To quote Maddox:




    Sony's strategy towards portable gaming seems to be to take the same [cabbage]ty first generation Playstation games that weren't great to begin with, and make them portable so now we can take an example of Sony's utter-inability-to-stop-sucking with us everywhere we go. Nobody wants to buy movies in your stupid proprietary format, [wagon]!
  6. There are enough idiots who are doing very well in my high school (and plenty of smart people). Anyone can do extremely well given they study for enough time - but the time frame changes from person to person. Even if you're extremely smart and talented you can't ace a test unless you study beforehand (or have prior knowledge of the subject).

  7. I'd say we're definitely 'enslaved' to fashion styles and it can't be avoided if you're living in a society, though I care little for brand names personally. For example, if I see someone in a business suit and a tie they'll look formal and respected in my eyes, even though a tie is a purposeless piece of cloth.

  8. I have not much time to phrase a proper comment, but let me just tell you that I played RS and was a high level, with 98 fishing and other high skills before I switched to WoW. WoW is infinitely better. The gameplay is smoother, gaining levels is easier and not a task, playing in a team is fun (in RS it's next to impossible), and the community is fun and helping (WoW also has a clan system which works great, and the party systems also works great).








    The PvP is extremely better and more fun (to the point that RS' PvP is mocked in the WoW forums, I remember seeing RS PvP vids whilst I was playing WoW thinking how ridiculous that game was :lol: ). WoW is the least frustrating MMORPG I've played, and it tops RS in pretty much any way imaginable.








    But RS is cheaper.

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