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Posts posted by Yoda

  1. Fresh, stop being so arrogant about your right to voice your opinion and have a different perspective blah blah blah. This thread is not about your rights.




    This thread is about remembering and honoring a man who surely did more for the world than YOU.




    If you don't have anything good to say about him, why bother posting? Is there a reason to do that, except to start a fight?




    He DIED. Show the same respect you would if a close friend's parents of yours died. Would you tell your friend "well, you know, he had it coming."?




    And if you actually wanted an answer to your posts, don't back down from what your first post implied: That he had it coming, that it was better that he died. No, you weren't implying that he was unorthodox, you were implying that he was a jerk/idiot.




    You generalized his behavior into one thing he did that stuck into your memory- wrestling crocodiles. Much of this wrestling was done either 1) in the zoo that he was director of or 2) What he did to humanely relocate crocodiles/alligators that were causing problems instead of killing them.




    As for provoking the wildlife, it's not as if he was A) causing severe trauma in their lives or B) doing something no one else was doing. No, that's not a justification. But you definitely can't question his impact on worldwide conservation. And what exactly do you mean by provoke? They went on with their lives minutes after getting picked up by a guy. Can you even explain how he "invaded and disturbed" an entire ecosystem? Last time I checked one person didn't have the ability to do that, save for starting a forest fire.




    Yes, you are correct in pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that people are the cause of environmental problems, and Steve's work in raising awareness and money for ecological efforts is simply amazing.




    And your statement that "wrestling a crocodile isn't going to save the environment Steve" is, ironically, one of the most ignorant things I've ever seen typed by a human being or chimpanzee. YOUR mindset is why the rest of the world is apathetic about the fact that they helping destroy the environment they live in.






    Summary: Get off your high horse. Reconsider your ignorant statements. At least have the cajones to back up what you typed earlier instead of putting a different spin on it. And show some respect for a man who left a grieving wife and children behind.


    Quoted. For. Absolute. Truth.




    Freshwacka - Shut the [bleep] up. Nobody cares.

  2. ^Not true what you say about RS and lag/graphics. RS manages to be both laggy, and have bad graphics at the same time since it's java. I'd say they are demanding on the same level, since RS doesn't use your video card, only your CPU/memory. You can play WoW even if your CPU is outdated, and have a 30$+ graphics card (combined with 512MB+ ram, though RS needs the same at least). RS was not running smoothly on my 2.0 GHz machine (with 512MB ram).




    About the 56k... Have you tried playing RS with 56K? It's craptastic. Plus, who uses 56k these days anyway? and why would you want to? You say RS runs on linux. Great for linux users, but I'm using windows as well as pretty much anyone who plays games (Jagex' reasoning on choosing Java for RS is well poor).




    The installation of WoW does suck, but the community is better. Game development in RS is slow as hell, I checked it after I quit. Blizzard may be slow, but Jagex manages to be slower.




    To sum things up: if you're on 56k, got a seriously outdated comp and want to play an MMORPG that will surely work on your comp (albeit badly), go RS. If you can shell out 50$ + 15$ a month and got a half decent comp go WoW.

  3. Blue107: Let me start by saying I've read a lot of your posts. You are ignorant and your posts containt so much crap and misinformation they're hardly worth replying to, but I'll do anyway.




    WoW is where you find the super nerds, its where zezimas off spring reside




    What a useless, dumb, comment (surprise surprise :shock: ). There are people who play tens of hours a day as there are people who play a few hours a month. :wall:


    WoW is a game where you can play a few hours a week and have fun. I know I did, I only got to level 53 but played for a year and it was good fun. You get most of your abilities after playing for a bit so you know what's the class is like and change it if you wish. Generalizing and saying everyone who plays WoW is a "super nerd" is as idiotic as you are.




    and they make up a large portion of the game this late in the stage its hard to get to the top and because people on it are so nerdy they take it so seriously which is why i dont play it




    Yeah, you'd know all about the game after playing for a week, right? :roll:


    First of all the servers are all seperated, so once they open a new one all chars on that server start from level 1, and there are no 60. About "getting to the top" you can do it in 6 months if you want, since after you're level 60 there's only better armor to be gotten (and getting to 60 isn't that difficult). In RS it would take, what, half a decade?




    once you hit majurity(no, not puberty. puberty comes at like 12 and maturity comes in the middle of high school) its not fun anymore




    WTF is majurity?




    I played alongside people from all age groups, so you're wrong again.






    yea, the game is definitely overrated. ill bet you most of the people on this topic have never played WoW but instead say what they hear about it




    Yeah, criticize people in this thread who played the game and can actually comment about it while you played for a week. Nope, not hypocritical at all.




    And Blue, maturity doesn't start at an exact age. Even if it did, it most certainly wouldn't be at 16. I can name TONS of people my age (heck, even 25+) who are the most immature, moronic people I've ever seen. Maturity starts when you stop being a turd and move on to important things.



  4. I played RS, quit and started playing WoW and then quit that too. WoW was infinitely a better game. There are tradeskills in WoW, but they are a minor part of the game, unlike RS. This game revolves purely around combat - and it's way more fun than RS where combat consists of right clicking attack and eating sharks.




    The WoW community is way better than RS as well. I was shocked at first by how friendly the people are. Often when I asked for directions a person volunteered to take me there, or help me on a quest, or do a low level instance (= dungeon) with me while they gain nothing. As well as the friendly community WoW offers guild and team support, and you can easily communicate with your guild mates and teammates. WoW is definitely the better game if you can afford it.

  5. taking a risk with pricey blue ray which will be able to unlock larger games which means more gameplay


    More gameplay? LOL. The PS3 has very little exclusive titles, and many will be shared with the Wii and the 360. Bluray changes nothing (besides the price). The PS3 lost with that 'risk'.




    The PS3 is going to be the next Gamecube. It's pretty much set to fail already, and developers are deserting it like a sinking ship, in favour of the Wii.




    appeals to a older audience


    I'd imagine 'older' audience (as in more mature) would prefer substance over form. That's not to say the Wii has bad graphics, because it doesn't. It outdoes the original Xbox which is pretty good. Maybe that's why the PS3 fails.




    If you're gonna buy a PS3 for 600$ you deserve it. :)




    You're also contradicting yourself by saying you don't want to play "GAMES YOU PLAYED IN THE 90S OMG" and in the next line admitting the Wii will be revolutionary.

  6. I remember seeing a hilarious Guild Wars ad on gamefaqs.com, which featured a (real) poll asking people which was the better game: Guild Wars, WoW, or The Sims Online (I think). WoW won with 50% of the votes. :lol:

  7. did i ever say they made it? no. i showed the only way wii will be able to look good


    Other than the amazing line up of launch titles such as Zelda and Metroid, not to mention the unique, new, interesting controls, and the affordable price you're right. No wait, you're still wrong.




    and to your second comment- the gameboy in 5 years will have sold atleast 20 times more than a psp but what is the better product? thats the comparison between a wii and a ps3


    Do you mean the DS? I had both, sold the PSP. The DS is cheaper, more fun to play. The PSP is a gimmick.




    Here's a funny vid of the PS3 controller being bashed by a PS magazine ( :lol: ) :

  8. it shows how much better a ps3 is than wii, wii needs a bonde girl in a clad bikini to get buyers, sony needs an overweight middle aged woman and still makes a good argument


    Nintendo didn't make this, therefore you fail. Are you trying to look ignorant on purpose or something?




    Nintendo will sell more Wii consoles than Sony will sell PS3s, btw.




    atleast its not as biased as the apple ones, they forgot to add the part where apples lock up every 5 minutes and how you cant dl anything for it since no company wastes their time on reconfiguring it


    You reminds me of the second oldest, high ranked bash quote: http://www.bash.org/?16





  9. That goes off of the 1993 report, this one I posted was 2006


    I don't claim to have read that. I briefly read some parts, and it seems BS to me, especially after all the reports that were based on the 1993 one. In addition to that, there are plenty of studies done that refute it, like the one on the site I gave you.

  10. but at least i got rid of the smoke and second-hand smoking for the kids who hang around that area.


    You're a hero. :| Second hand smoking is nearly harmless, and if you didn't want to be near a smoker you could go elsewhere.




    Lets all hate someone who stopped someone from harming kids


    Can you be anymore dramatic than that?




    Even the teachers didn't do anything, until I stood up.


    Maybe you should learn something from them.




    Most of my teacher's smoke and they didn't punch me






    You gained a tolerence lvl.


    You can now tolerate people hating you for a stupid reason.


    :? I don't hate you. I don't even know you, but you deserved what you got. Taunting the person like you did is just asking to be hit.






    I am not a smoker by the way, I don't like smoke and try not to be where I see someone smoking.

  11. Some kid at my school was smoking. I went up and asked for a 'puff'. He handed it to me, I extinguished it, and threw the butt away. I told him no smoking in the school. I got punched, but it was worth it to see his face. He got expelled the next day for numerous things :roll:




    Haha, I'd punch you as well.

  12. Jews are taught that the Christian religion is a religion fit only for animals, and that its founder, Jesus, was the son of a prostitute and is presently immersed in a pit of boiling excrement in hell".




    That's utter BS, and I can tell you that as a jewish Israeli.

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