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Posts posted by Adam007

  1. I applied and got into a few med schools two years ago. Applying early is the right way to go about it and makes a huge difference. Apply early and apply broadly too. For out of state schools that you have the grades for, apply to those that have the largest class sizes and accept the highest out of state percentages. Then once you get (hopefully) one acceptance, you can start worrying about which school fits with you the best.

  2. Looks great! Only gripe is the font inconsistencies.


    What do you mean?

    The combination of having at least two different font types (maybe more, I can't tell how many there are) with the varying font sizes makes it feel inconsistent/busy. Only to a small degree, but it feels off/not uniform to me. Maybe try sticking to just 3-4 variations of font size and one font character and see how it compares?


    The other thing I would change is under "Runescape" I would align the icons and text to the left rather than center them. The combination of the text below them being shifted left and the actual small icons not lining up with each other feels off.

  3. I'm going to go ahead and assume this has been brought up before. But in case it hasn't, I think we should try to implement a filter option. It is a button next to the user's name you click that loads only their posts in a given thread. This has many uses, in particular long threads where the OP continues to update throughout. This way you do not have to spend a lot of time scrolling through other people's posts to see everything written by one person. If I need to be any clearer on the execution of this idea, let me know.

  4. The gestapo admins and mods have been on an insane power trip lately. If the conflict the past few days within the community was not enough, the sheer amounts of banning over the slightest thing today, as well as the sheer number of threads locked/deleted rapidly would convince any non-TIF'er that they have stepped into a government-policed Chinese board.


    And to me, it is saddening to see the mods who are supposed to act responsibly and impartially suddenly lose their heads, and attack the community in this way. And even worse, the hypocrisy displayed by some, displaying the vendettas and other personal issues that should not be a part of moderation.


    Exhibit A

    Going out of your way to find these people is not why I play this game. I use my "powers" when the need arises, I don't go looking for reasons to use it and in my opinion no mod should.




    once this is thread is done im leaving

    Like I needed any more incentive. Goodbye

    because you seemed to go out of your way there...


    But as TIF is a community, I'm interested in hearing the community's opinion on these recent events. What are your thoughts?

    My thoughts as a member of this community are that there is a select group of players who are bored on the internet and trying to create forum-drama. They are directly attacking the methods of the administration here. The administration, trying to be as open as possible, is allowing for an open discussion on its moderation. This group of players, seeking out more forum-drama, continues directly attacking the staff. Certain staff members say certain things that taken out of context can be seen as a slip up out of proper administrative character. The forum-drama seekers use these quotes to add fuel to a fire that insists upon itself. So instead of pushing the staff with these artificially constructed arguments, just take a break and realize you're wasting your time debating an artificially constructed argument to begin with. Let it blow over, because this whole thing is pretty stupid. You guys have access to a fantastically ran site, and at this point the small minority complaining are just looking for things to complain/argue about.

  5. What would be wrong with an age-limited (ofcourse an age limit would be needed. You dont see a 15 year old voting for his government, do you?) vote to elect the ones we think best deserves to be moderating us?

    Age verification on the internet is impossible. Plus, providing any type of platform for elections would be ridiculous. Even in the US, which is a democracy, elections are still up to an electoral college. Why? Because the general population generally has no idea who they're electing. Even in a forum like this, which is pretty close to being ideal, it goes to show that people will nitpick anything.

  6. So what you want is that as soon as someone replies to a thread that is locked as the first person to reply to it is the only one that is correct and everyone else is just trolling that make a point after that. Gotcha :thumbup:

    This is exactly what is wrong, you are incapable of understanding the problem. It's okay, I give up. And please, in the future, don't call me an idiot. I think that's a banable offense these days.


    Leaving this alone now to avoid your banhammer.

    Don't try to refute his position by replacing it with your superficial "getting out of this thread now so I don't get banned by the powerhungry admin" stance. If you debate with a level head, you won't get banned. If you think he doesn't understand the problem, explain it more effectively.


    I understand that people are curious and want to know what's going on, but won't that only cause more drama?:


    No, it will let me, and I presume others like me, to judge the situation for ourselves and gauge whether or not we want to be part of this community.


    The way it is now I honestly don't trust the mods here if they keep us in the dark.


    Since this effects everyone, everyone has a right to know.

    I'm guessing they're too chicken [cabbage] to post anything because it might just prove a few undeserved bans

    Be thankful staff here is reaching out and being as transparent as possible. For you to suggest that they show you their moderating records is ridiculous. What you don't see on these forums is the countless amount of spam, obscenities, and pointless threads that are removed to bring up the overall quality here. The staff here has absolutely no tilted agenda or anything. Trust me, I used to be a mod and crew, I've seen the inside. In fact, it's better than it's ever been in the years I've been posting here. Honestly the staff here want to make this a community where you can effectively communicate with each other. For you select few who obnoxiously insist something else is going on, just leave if you don't like it here. Nobody will notice.

    Want me to pat them all on the back and tell them what a good job they're doing at getting rid of their most valuable assets?

    Who are you to determine who the most valuable assets of the community are? What if I say I'm the most valuable asset of the community? There's no basis for it.


    As a community we demanded to see the reasons for our valuable assets getting banned. Clearly this isnt a community "for the people by the people" as it should be, because our opinions are never asked on anything

    Can you name a forum that the staff openly displays their records of 'valuable assets getting banned'? It doesn't happen. BUT you're wrong in that your opinions are asked on a lot of things. This thread is literally asking your opinion on the moderation here at TIF. Do you think many other forums even allow this open discussion?


    This is a little play house for the mods who got picked on in school for being geeks and now find it fun getting their e-peen on and being e-thugs banning left and right like a blinded soldier trying to shoot down a plane.

    Personal attacks, good job.


    How do you explain such behavior? How do you explain "Honestly the staff here want to make this a community where you can effectively communicate with each other " when they see no need to justify their own actions?

    I can't speak for the staff anymore, but if a priority is creating an environment that most easily allows for the exchange and discussion of ideas, why should they have to justify how they clean things up? You seem to want a democracy. Would you prefer an appeals system similar to the US courts? Where the community elects its staff? Considering such a large amount of the posters here are around thirteen years old, I don't think that's such a great idea. Plain and simply, things are run differently on the internet. It's great that you're bringing into discussion alternative ways of running things, but you're suggesting the staff simply airs out everyone's dirty laundry, which frankly, a lot of the time just isn't appropriate for the rest of the community to read.


    I understand that people are curious and want to know what's going on, but won't that only cause more drama?:


    No, it will let me, and I presume others like me, to judge the situation for ourselves and gauge whether or not we want to be part of this community.


    The way it is now I honestly don't trust the mods here if they keep us in the dark.


    Since this effects everyone, everyone has a right to know.

    I'm guessing they're too chicken [cabbage] to post anything because it might just prove a few undeserved bans

    Be thankful staff here is reaching out and being as transparent as possible. For you to suggest that they show you their moderating records is ridiculous. What you don't see on these forums is the countless amount of spam, obscenities, and pointless threads that are removed to bring up the overall quality here. The staff here has absolutely no tilted agenda or anything. Trust me, I used to be a mod and crew, I've seen the inside. In fact, it's better than it's ever been in the years I've been posting here. Honestly the staff here want to make this a community where you can effectively communicate with each other. For you select few who obnoxiously insist something else is going on, just leave if you don't like it here. Nobody will notice.

  9. Half wines are 2b-2.2b if anyone is interested.


    Torva plates are at a ridiculous price of around 4.5b at the moment. Sellers can basically ask for however much they want. Last known plate was sold 4.8b.


    Divines buy on GE for 1.075, I heard. Not verified.


    Crackers are 5.5b+

    Players who are willing to pay 4.5b for 1 item have something to tell about the history of that cash. That amount can't been made on an honest way imo.



    There are people who got to 91 rc early when it was excellent money, and then hired a lot of runners and made insane amounts of money that way. They then invested in then-cheap partyhats/crackers-- lots of them. If they still have them today...


    That's just one example of how someone could have attained 4.5b honestly.


    My Blue, White, Green and Purple Phats were obtained in just about this exact fashion. In the last two years, I've paid for the rest of my skills with money obtained from merching and pvm and I haven't dipped into my investments I made 5+ years ago. I was 192nd to 91 RC btw.

    I also have a blue, white, green, and purple. Except I paid 10.5mil for them back in the day through merchanting. Feels good man.

  10. P.S. You know if you gave Das and Merc a party hat each, you'd definitely have one left for me ;)

    Here here :P We know you have plenty enough lol.


    Loving the old names coming out the woodwork. Have we all just been here silent all along thinking we were along without realising everyone else was here silent too?


    Not me... Adam (who I also haven't talked to in forever) messaged me in game alerting me to this thread. Its been far too long since I've frequented these boards, but maybe I will try to get back into it some time.

    I'm Exeggutor for the time being. ;)

    I think it's the reverse this time. Oldies who have been posting regularly on TIF have started checking out runescape again because free trade/wildy is back. And we've been talking to oldies who still occasionally play runescape, bringing them back to check things out. At least in my case that's what happened.

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