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Posts posted by Adam007

  1. Welcome to the shop. Graphics are no longer free.




    For paying customers, I'd prefer to do avatars, as they take less time to do, and I'm better at them.




    Please try to include as much detail of what you want in your avatar, and screenshots also help a lot.




    Here are some samples.








































    Put up your requests.

  2. Thanks. It just takes so long making em though. I don't mind making the basic stuff, but shading irritates me because I can't visually see shading like everyone tells me to, and takes so long.




    Maybe I'll start with avatars, that seems easier. :D

  3. It's ok, but like Twinki said: more shading. Also, if you are going to shade the snow, use only one color. Snow always shades in the same color no matter where you are. You have grey and blue shading for the snow




    Well the grey stuff is kind of the smoke behind the fire blast, and I used it to show the fireball's speed too. Does it look too much like snow shading?

  4. It's ok, but like Twinki said: more shading. Also, if you are going to shade the snow, use only one color. Snow always shades in the same color no matter where you are. You have grey and blue shading for the snow, I suggest sticking with blue as in RL it's blue. Use a less bright blue. I have a hint that you may have looked at my sigs and seen the snow shading and when people step on it. The rocks seem to be randomly spotted with shade but look more like giant bird eggs.








    The Mamoth (sp?) needs more shading. Unless you want the cape to look frozen solit, make it more wavy and with shading. Make the mamoth lighter in color so you can see the lines and shading in it. Add some blood if the mamoth is dead already.




    Yeah, I looked at some of yours for inspiration :wink:




    I'll shade the mammoth, fix the cape, and then save it as .gif. How would i have blood from a spell hitting the mammoth though? It's not like it's pierced. And what other parts of the mammoth should be shaded? I shaded some of the bottom of it, but how should i texturize/shade the body?




    Thanks for the help.

  5. Ok, first here's my sig.








    Only problem is that if you check properties, it's over the 30k sig limit somehow. I saved it in photoshop, but it still looks bad as a medium quality jpg. Here it is in a high quality jpeg. If anyone could format it to fit the guidelines, and not lose quality, that'd be great. I worked on it for a long time, so I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with the size limits.




    Oh, and let me know how it is for my second pixel art. :D

  6. 7/10 - Kind of plain, just my opinion though. If you want constructive critisism, I don't think the green works too well with everything else. Maybe have the text at the bottom the same color as the green text and it'll look better? The background is pretty cool though.

  7. Yeah, pixel art's the new trend around here. Just wanted to try it out to see if I have the gift or not. :lol:




    Started with this - I didn't want to do any backgrounds or have him do anything really. Just some stuff I regularily wear in rs.








    How is it, and how can I improve? Tips from seasoned pixelers would be great.

  8. I like that, but they usually choose letters that they'd be able to have a witty response to. See, with your letter, it's a great idea, but the only thing he can say is 'great idea. Maybe I should do that.'




    I might not make sense, as it's entering the wee hours of the morning. I did write Sar. a letter once, but I don't have it anymore.




    Btw, you've been making some high quality posts I've been noticing. :D

  9. There once was a girl from Antarctica who loved to explore the discount store in the penguin's backyard for some new socks and shoes but she had no money on her so she decided it would make sense to rob the bank. After thinking about it she decided to get some mischief powder to instead make the people eat food and not to watch the bank. The Haunted bank was built by a old man who glanced very quickly at the wris[bleep]ch he wore on his head... The bank was going to be styled, architecturally, like the Leaning Tower which fell onto a river of hot, boiling fudge. Well, she decided to cross the boiling river, she noticed something. It was a strange man standing in the boiling with a knife to smear some jelly on andrew grower. For some reason he liked it. He then ate my cousin, and I had to beat up Andrew. Then killed paul. However, my pants caught fire and boom went the toilet I then saw cheese flying through my bedroom window with someone riding a pink tricycle with training wheels and a large object floating in his pocket. Then a crusty wrench was dropped from the Twin Towers, which don't exist any more. Then a hot grabbed the wrench and she said "I will eat this like bacon". So she ate some cheese instead. Much to the dislike of her one-armed father who ate children. Thus her father hopped in his batmobile and drove into a wall of demon pigs that had green, rotten, smelly breathes. But suddenly from the top of the father's head, a three word, three d monkey said, "I will poke my s with a chopstick". The monkey jumped out onto the skateboard of his hairy toe. Suddenly, the chainsaw in the devious pub, started magically and began with its tremendous roar to scare the villagers. The antarctic went to the pub to save the moldy cheese that was kept in a lockbox. Then she realized she was bisexual and she yelled: "I want clinton!". She gasped as the toxic fumes tried to choke the smelly monkey, herself and her pet decided to die right there. The said "Oh, yes, I would like some new friends because I always thought that cooking is really really dumb". And after a run in with her nonexistent brother, she did some plastic surgery on her little, inflatable, round, and large unibrow that was growing very rapidly at around 0.0005miles/hour. But the surgery ended up being too expensive, so she died. Then the surgeon felt guilty, so he decided to stab her lifeless body. But he ended up making a bigpile of poopy which he later flung at neighbors general area while walking alight. However, once she saw this akward looking little boy who had a broken head and so she decided to go to the hospital to get a smelly blender! Being poopy, the infamous hotdog ronald ate her burger and then puked on her. Meanwhile in antarctica, the icecream man was flying in his Porsche to his ulgy momma whom everybody thought was really hot! When he arrived, 80 chinese kids were eating some really stinky crap made from snot that a dog had stolen from an old lady who looked like an old shoe. Suddenly, a massive quagmire appeared in Los Angeles, California and Texas. The quagmire was large and very stinky like frog guts and re-fried beans. While this happened, Bobby ate some good pie and drank some camelblood. Until suddenly, he was ambushed by an army of evil monkeys that threw poo on the ground, then ate it. Meanwhile, Superman flew off to rescue some fat jellyfish that Catwoman had stolen from the volcano of turd which was created by the big monkey-donkey-horse. The fat jellyfish found Antarctican-girl and they fell through the cold window of her midget friends potato and together they saved the world from the evil green foot fungus who was very small with spots on his eyes. An orange cheese covererd with fungus is very smelly and very dirty! The orange cheese came straight from hot fiery heck. "Oh my lord!", yelped the little remote control when she poked it with a random stick of wisdom. Out of nowhere, a rabbit appeared, with ninja turtles, and spiderman alone who bit george. Then -spiderman killed himself-, a desparate depressed guy wanted to become a real boy so he could eat strawberry pie, because apple pie was colored like cake in jelly.








    On another note, the president of communist Duck World was a republican who had a wife that ate 80 chinese kids, who had MSG. This is because his mum got brain cancer from drinking the evil smelly fart potion while listening to Zezima's loser life-story. This caused a N00B-fest straight from Varrock world one after Delrith came, eating genetically modified frogs with smelly butts which stank like a cabbage mixed with tomato and smelly armpits with no friends. Nobody expected to dance in this vile rat infested son of a mother and father with Jerry Lewis. But when everyone jumped on the cart of the furious horse tamer who thought that he was cool, he turned and said to the little girl. "Why must you torment me, because I hate my self and you? Thats ok I like being a transgendered she said. Then she bit me. Then i pushed her into a smelly butt of a fat ogre. My grandma said "I need help with my underpants because they're pretty and bright pink". In the meanwhile, somewhere else on the blue oysterbar, a magical muffin was eating a genatically manipulated spider, but got poisoned! So the muffin got antidote from




  10. Hmm, it's hard to explain. I'm kind of saying you're generalizing one scenario and thinking that will effect the prices of them because that statement is true to all mages, which it isnt. Try rereading what I said, I guess. It isn't that clear, but I'm tired, so give me a break.

  11. See, you're looking at it as a very basic cause and effect kind of way, which is incorrect. You (vaguely) think runecrafting --->more runes----> cheaper runes...




    Not exactly that way, but in that kind of mind set.




    You can't set up that scenario and generalize it over the whole economy of runes. Not all mages runecraft their own runes. I'd imagine only a small percentage only use runes they runecraft.

  12. To make Farming a little more attractive, aswell as the basic foods mentioned, you could also grow herbs to help out with the herblore skill. :)








    And for another topic only touched on, and quite an upcoming area....








    The prices of runes (ie nature) and the future laws etc with runecrafting skill, should the prices start to drop as more and more can make them? Countering that is the gradual increase in demand as more players reach the profitable fletching levels.








    What are your thoughts on this?




    Honestly, runecrafting doesnt effect rune prices at all. While most players would disagree, as they see the prices of everything as a cause and effect rule (somebody quits and has a phat set, they go down), it's not really as simple as that. Although tons of natures are crafted, it hasn't made prices lower. Nature prices have went up since rs1. Since they're half xp now, we will double the price of a nature which is 300 now, and that's 600. We paid 450 or 500 max on rs1 for natures. There's a huge demand for nature runes right now, because they're really one of the best ways to level up magic and alch bows people fletch, so people will pay whatever it takes, and they pay the amount they can afford without losing too much money. That's 300 gp each. Anyways, runecrafting probably has an effect on the amount of runes brought into the world. It lowered cosmic prices a whole lot. But there's just too much of a demand on some runes for them to change in price because of runecrafting. People will pay the most money to get the trade when competing to buy. So they won't drop that much, if at all.








    Possible things which might increase the value of party hats is a reduction in number. Over time people leave and they sometime leave party hats in the bank account, this process would slowly decrease the number of hats within the game, there are also other processes which remove games like mistakenly high alching them or maybe dieing in a remote area and the hat would disappear after a given amount of time.








    Most everything you said is pretty true and informative, but when people say that phats will become rarer because people quit, and phats get alched, that's not as true as you'd think. If a phat gets alched, or someone with a phat set quits, it doesnt make much of an effect on the market at all. There are bigger things that effect prices than the rate of them leaving the world. There's already thousands of hats ( I believe), so people quitting doesnt make too much of a difference. Things that do make a difference are dupes, psuedo rares that take away demand for hats, people not merchanting, people buying other things than phats, and domino effects on phats(when everyone sells em).

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