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Posts posted by Adam007

  1. Not sure if this is the right board, but I have a question.




    I have to save my file as a .gif file, and I'm using adobe photoshop. How can I select a set of colors, or have photoshop set up so it only uses colors that .gif files use? I'm just asking this because I'm tired of making good grahics, and saving them to .gif (yes, thats the only format I can use for what I need), and them just totally beign ruined because of quality loss. Anyone have any help?

  2. You'd better do a different dimension for the sigs you make than the sig you currently have. Can't go over 300 pixels in width.




    But welcome to the forums anyways(notices the 1 post count), and have a good time here. Making free sigs gets you noticed, then you can start selling em.

  3. All finished. I'll send you the product, then put I'll put it here after you've put it in your avatar position(theft protection). I couldn't fit the words you wanted in, as there's no room, and if i did fit them in, they'd be so small you couldn't read them. Anything you'd like changed? Hopefully you like it.

  4. seeing as you put alot of time and effort into making free sigs i dont mind buying an av off you. 70 k for:








    a mage, front "facing the screen" from waist up or all his body (you choose as i dunno size limits- would prefer whole body but if if you think it wont be better from waist up do that)




    an iban staff in each hand




    zamorak robes with red wiz hat




    a kind of wilderness brown for the BG




    and reddish kind of devil eyes








    barrym in bottom right and 80 mage in bottom left. ty in advance




    Pretty busy with school now, and that'll probably take around an hour or so, so I'll have to put it off for a little bit, probably expect it around the weekend.

  5. avatars are about 20k in worth so 100k is a bit overpriced




    That's regular avatars. Anything pixelized generally takes a long time, and pixel sigs/avs usually cost a lot more than regular avs/sigs.




    I can move it down to 50k, I suppose. But at that price it's really just a convienience for the buyer. Anything lower is just practically giving it away, and it's not worth the time to do pixel art for such cheap prices.

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