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Posts posted by Adam007

  1. Well Pistons just made it to the finals.




    I knew they could pull it off. :)




    Went to game 7, and was an amazingly close series. Came down to being a tie for the last two minutes, while Detroit pulled ahead at the last minute for the win.

  2. Yep, Detroit takes game 6, by 25 points!!! :P




    Just goes to show that Miami is nothing without Wade. No depth, nothing. Shaq played a decent game, yet they still got murdered. Detroit is taking this..I'm telling you guys!




    That's what I said from day one. :)




    Even if Wade plays, he still won't be in prime condition. And they're nothing without him, showing that the previous game they scored ~112 points and without him 66 points. Of course there are other factors at work, but Detroit will pull through and win this series.

  3. When it resold the party hat, the one you got would have to be untradable. And only you yourself could rebuy it back. How about just selling your hat's tradability instead for that amount? The only problem is that the stall couldn't keep up with real market prices. Still, I think the average person might want to sell away the hats tradability and keep it to wear, getting all that money. However, that'll increase inflation by huge amounts, and could lead to only a few actual tradable party hats left, which would be in huge demand to buy (as they are good tools for merchanting). I'm not sure though of the demand they would have, that's something that would just have to be played out and seen.

  4. This is the first idea I've loved in months. I just got this awesome visual of this Greek city and all this cool stuff going on in it. I think your idea of the colloseum could be tweaked a little bit or changed, but other than that it's amazing. Let us know how jagex commented on it. In case they don't respond, post just the text on the suggestions forum there.

  5. There are a lot of 30+ year-old adults that spend all kinds of time on the computer..




    I was basically aiming this toward the type of person who is 13-20 years old really. About what you said though, I did mention that. But I said most don't, however, I know a ton of people do, but that wasn't the aim of what I wanted to talk about.




    And I'm not talking about people who are still friends after 4 years of runescape. I'm talking about a LONG TIME. I'm sure that over a 4-6 year time span, most people who are good friends will stay that way. I'm just wondering if you stay friends for your whole life with the people you'd consider your best friends over the internet you've made.

  6. I was talking with a friend on msn, and was explaining that eventually all your msn friends and people you met over the internet, you'll inevitably lose contact with 90% of them over the years. He disagreed with me on that. My friend seemed to think that the good friends you've made now will still be friends with you, and you'll still talk with even when you're 40 years old.




    That idea seemed unfathomable to me. I picture my parents, who barely ever touch computers. I'm sure this generation will be using computers when they get old more, but I doubt as we get older we're going to spend anywhere as much time as we do now playing games and things like that. You have a family, lots of responsibilities, etc which will stop you from spending time playing games, chatting, and using forums.




    Still, my friend believes that if you share a common interest of what you first met from still, like enjoying puzzle or rpg type games, you'll continue to be good friends. I always assumed that when I got older (as in 30 years from now) everyone I became friends with would only be faint memories. Never the thought that I'd be still sitting on my computer, playing games with them would pop into my mind. We don't know yet. This is a new generation of video gaming and computer using people. Sure, there are exceptions. Kids who grew up with atari, some of them still like video games. However, the majority just grew out of them. Will this generation grow out of chatting online like we do so much of now? And back to my main thought. Will we still have the good friends we met 30 years from now? Personally, my answer is no. Maybe I'm viewing the whole generation thing wrong, as I know there are plenty fairly older people who use this forum, and talk on msn and chat online a lot. But that's a very small percentage of that age group. Anyways, I'm feeling like I'm rambling and losing focus on the main point. I'll ask the question again, and try to leave your opinions. Do you think that in, say, 30 years from now, you'll still sign on msn/aim regularly and chat with the same friends you made off of tip it and runescape and other games that you do now? Or do you think that by then, they'll all slowly just disappear.

  7. The speech bubble doesn't look right to me. Maybe it's the overly basic done in paint shape, the color, or having no fill. It just looks like it doesn't fit in. Mighta been better to just draw a line from the words to him. Maybe try to fill in that area with white. It might look better that way.

  8. I just saw it today, and I loved it, apart from one little detail... General Grevous coughed! Since when do robots get physically ill? The only plausible reason for it is that his maker programmed it into him, but what moron programs a robot to have a chronic cough???








    Besides that, I loved the action sequences, it tied most everything to the original films nicely, and the dialogue between Padme and Anakin could have used some work. Over all - one thumb and two pinky fingers up.




    Oddly enough, Grievous wasn't always a robot. He was damaged a lot during the clone wars, and in this movie he was a lot weaker than at his 'peak.' You could see his organs when Kenobi pried open the plate protecting them.

  9. Either Yoda, Kenobi, or Mace Windu. I like how they don't let emotion get in the way, and have such focus. My least favorite characters are probably C3PO and Jar Jar. They always talk when you don't want to hear them.




    I also have KOTOR, which I haven't ever played. Maybe its good, who knows.




    Play it. It's good. 8)




    If you're into open endedness and exploring and the closest simulation to actually being in the world of star wars without it being online (star wars galaxies), you'll love it. There's so many ways to go about that game.

  11. For me my favorite star wars game was star wars galaxies. That was just an unfathomably fun game for me, it was so open ended. So I cut myself off from playing it after a month to save myself from 'social suicide.' :lol:




    And I also loved knights of the old republic. It had a great story and I liked the option of being dark or light sided.

  12. I'm pretty sure if summoning/necromancy/the lost/dark arts do come out, they're either going to be gimmicky (useless), or they'll be added on to the ancient spell list to even things out more and associated with magic. The ancient spells only have one major use, that's for pking/dueling. And maybe for easier teleports if you're slaying. I think there could be an add on with summoning skills to that magic set to make it more useful like the current magic set is. The icons are pretty big compared to the normal set's icons of spells, so that could be another reason to even things out.


    Great movie. Sad when he totally pizzowns the little kids, awesome when the Storm Troopers try to pizzown Yoda and fail miserably...and of course




















    That part was pretty corny, but when you see the Death Star being built soon after... :shock:








    Screw what misplacedme said








    Everybody keeps quoting the "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" part, but I dont remember it, who said that and when?

    Darth vader said it after he realised *spoiler








    that Padme died(right near the end).



    will propably be as bad as episode 1, and 2, which were _REALLY_ bad... :roll:












    so, nah, not gonna see it..








    Why are they so "_REALLY_" bad? Everybody seems to be saying they're all so amazingly bad, but I havn't heard anybody saying WHY they are so amazingly bad. " :roll: "








    Because the acting was terrible and the plot moved extremely slowly. All the dialogue was wooden and dull, and young Anakin was just plain annoying.








    Obviously, the special effects were good, but overall, those movies were about as cool as AIDS.








    Oh yeah, here's a perfect example of all this^: Anakin is a natural born pilot, right? So that old jedi guy tells him to sit and hide in the cockpit. Being naturally cool, of course, Anakin flies off and saves the world. Great. In the process, he finds some crazy enemy on his butt that he wants to get away from. He thinks about this for about thirty seconds, then slowly says "I'll try rolling - that's a good trick (rolls) wwooooooaaaaaahhhhh........"




    (Camera rolls over - audience rolls eyes, and the enemy is miraculously defeated)








    Anyone else remember that particular scene? It was maybe the cheesiest piece of carp Ive ever seen.







    Ha, I watched that episode again a few days ago, and remember thinking the same thing. The way he said all those lines were so corny. "I'LL TRY ROLLING!" "I SHOULD MOVE LEFT TO DODGE THE BULLETS!"




    It sounded like he was trying to read lines with very faked enthusiasm, which was about how everything that came from his mouth sounded. But hey, he's a little kid, so we have to give him some credit. Just imagine how embarrassing it'll be for himself when he's older watching himself as a kid acting that terribly. :lol:




    Other than that and a slow moving story line, the rest of the acting was pretty decent.




    (Just prebought tickets for Friday night, btw :P)


    Unless Nintendo comes with something better, I'll definitely buy a PS3. It completely (well, completely is a rather big word) owns Xbox (in terms of specs, that is). I love the design, the controller is so-so. I prefer the PS1/PS2 controllers way more. I don't see a slot for the original PS-controllers, so I think we'll be forced to use the bomerang. You might be able to use your DualShock and DualShock 2 controllers with an adapter which plugs into the USB ports, and pray that the adapter is given in the PS3 package.




    But really, Revolution is mindblowing. It kind of looks like a slick external HD. If the specs are good, Revolution might just be a revolution.

    Well it is said to be 2-3x as powerful as gamecube. Xbox 360 is 6x as powerful as xbox and ps3 double if not more xbox 360. Does anyone actually care about size? I'm sorry but I'd rather have a better console then something I can carry. I can already fit a modded xbox in my bag and who would walk round with a gamecube in their hand viewable. I mean common.




    So then you're judging by power alone? I don't think anyone at all should have any judgements at all on Nintendo's system yet. Nintendo usually is modest about specs, where sony and microsoft exaggerate. Just wait until you see why Nintendo's system is going to be a revolution. I think people should wait to pass judgement until they see its controller and some footage of games, because I'm sure it's still holding back.

  16. I really like the Revolution's design. Anything not purple is fine with me. :P




    It actually looks pretty sleek this time around, and more mainstream appealing. And from what I hear, you're going to be able to download the older Nintendo games - not use older cartridges and stuff. Even if it isn't as powerful as the other systems, as Mayjest said, it has the creative, innovative, and fun games that will always make me buy Nintendo over other the raw mainstream appealing games that sell on sony and microsoft systems.

  17. The problem is that other countries take jobs, and it eventually dominos up to higher levels. China will overpass the US within 50 years, and personally I want that date extended, for obvious biases. Right now they might be only taking the 'easy' jobs, but eventually they'll be taking more 'advanced' American jobs and taking more cash from America, instead of it going to Americans. It's not just effecting the bottom layers of America. It's kind of like the food chain, in a different way. I'd imagine it'll keep moving up and up, taking more and more American jobs and American money into a rapidly growing world power. Then what? Another Cold War? I doubt much can be done to control it except radical things which corporations would hugely protest, so it's just an inevetibal thing that the world is going to have to adjust to.

  18. It looks pretty good, but if I do buy it to play my old xbox games and some new xbox 2 good games, I'm definitely waiting awhile for a price drop - it's going to be so expensive. The system I'm primarily waiting for is Nintendo's Revolution and its release. Latest news I've heard is that it'll be horizontal or vertical depending on preference, and about as tall as 3 dvd cases. ( http://planetgamecube.com/news.cfm?action=item&id=6256 - announced today)




    And sorry to rain on your xbox parade about Nintendo's thing. :P

  19. Thewerewolf, about what you mentioned other forums having an effect just like runescape. That part I disagree with. Things were fine with people used tip it and other fan sites because they were separated, and because of that, there wasn't one controlling price for everything. And the main thing that fan forums have over runescape's is that discussion is locked, and there isn't such manipulatoin here except for a few fake posts, but tip it or any other forums never really had a bad effect. They were very useful for buying/selling in mass, and contributed no problems at all to the game like the rs forum did.

  20. "Let me simply, direct u to line 2: buying stuff off noobs who dont know any better, is a cheap way to make gp."




    I made it clear that I didn't actually stand behind that being a good thing to do. I was just saying for merchanters it wiped out an area of merchanting.








    "2nd if u put forward the time it is very easy to make money in rs and collecting herbs has never been easyer. "




    I was talking about buying herbs in mass. If you want to take that route, you have to outbid the richest players out there.








    "99% of what u have presented, could be simply taken care off if u did the training urself."




    You took my thread the wrong way. The main problem I was presenting was manipulation. To the side, I was mentioning how the richest runescape players have such a market control.








    "As for making gp simply do what i did look at where u can make gp in rs. There's the new barrow in rs take the next 2 weeks and collect and sell it."




    Who is that directed to?








    "kills me when people only, gripe truely is they have to work hard for something."




    This was in no way a gripe. It was saying problems (in some people's eyes) that the forum lead to, and a way to change the forum to get rid of the problems.

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