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Everything posted by Metroid

  1. And for those of you that see a white bg, instead of transparency - get firefox :evil: :notalk:
  2. I have 74 def, and 78 ranged and i beat people 95+ all the time
  3. I totally agree that there should be a range cape to complete ranger's outfits The game is way too melee based, Jagex needs to focus more on rangers Max hit for a ranger = 28 (fire rune arrows, magic shortbow, potted) Max hit for mage = 34 (ancient magicks, potted) Max hit for a warrior = 44 or so (prayer, whip, dragon baxe special, strength ammy, fire cape, berserker ring, berserker helm, climbing boots, and so many others) - which is insane Rangers are of course very accurate, and a 75+ ranger can beat a 90 melee, but with torags rangers don't stand a chance.. I am not agreeing that rangers are too weak, just saying they should have more items
  4. It's a bit too late for me to post there now
  5. I was hoping you'd post here And I want my prayer low for lower cb I'll use what you suggested, do you think I'll have a chance on my first try?
  6. I don't have to sell anything to do this, I have 7m
  7. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=462229
  8. Metroid

    Mars Sig

    Thanks, it helps :)
  9. Metroid

    Mars Sig

    heh.. well thankyou
  10. Metroid

    Mars Sig

    haha.. JPG has the best quality if it's set to 12 =P
  11. Metroid

    Mars Sig

    What is wrong with jpg? PNG is the only other file type that doesn't ruin the quality And even PNG is no better than JPG :?
  12. And this is what I got :lol:
  13. Metroid

    Mars Sig

    Edited version: Why am I posting crap like this? Anyway.. my first terragen sig, I made the planet myself
  14. The C4D IS blended with a layer mask gradient
  15. Actually you don't, else they ripped it, which I highly doubt :lol: Send me a link and I'll check it out Not bad, but I wouldn't say he's better than me =P PhotoShop CS2
  16. Thanks, good that you looked into detail, I'll work on it
  17. I doubt it, considering he can't tell a render from a brush, and thanks for cc
  18. Well you're the one person who's posted cc, Thanks
  19. Oh, so I'm sure you wouldn't mind posting some of your work then? And look at the detailed reflections in the render, it's impossible to get reflections in brushes =P And you say it's so hard to tell?
  20. 1. Gradient bg =P 2. Made my own render and blended it 3. Added Stars without Brushes 4. Brushed 5. Used many color overlay layers to get the color not too bright 6. Text, and text reflection 7. Border =P Exactly what I did.. much more than what you mentioned
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