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Everything posted by Metroid

  1. Looks better without contrast and with a border =P
  2. Much better.. but where's his hand if it isn't on her waste? :-k :mrgreen:
  3. I have, alot of people think it should be more populated, but i think it's crap =P
  4. I can't accept paying, it's against rs rules This one is going to be very hard since there are people in it etc. I'll update this post when I'm done Edit: OK, i am happy with how this turned out.. hope you like it And btw, if there is no limit in filesize I'll save the original at 100% quality (it'll be about 50 kb)
  5. The first one has some changes, but not much..
  6. Ughhh.. I missed the sub text.. i can do sigs WAY better with sub text *goes back and fixes*
  7. Yes, very basic.. not so hard to remove some attributes about the layer.. it can be done two ways, both are very easy
  8. Your image doesn't work And please be aware you need to have permission before using any peices of art from deviantart, unlike stock photos on the web, they need to say you can use it or I'm ripping
  9. How you requested it: How i like it =P: It's only transparent in firefox, if you give me the bg color of where this will be i can make a bg for you
  10. I'm bored so i'll give this a shot
  11. Thankyou for the nice comments everyone ^^
  12. Thankyou and this is what i get Are you the admin or something?
  13. Just tell me if you want anything changed
  14. edit: Can't make sigs this big look good, nvm if the size was 350x115 or so it'd be better
  15. Thankyou =] Dragkill: Yourmysin: Scottdoggz88: And badphooeybad, your stock isn't working
  16. Sorry guys, today was my birthday so i had some things to do, I'll get right on the sigs
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