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Everything posted by Insane212

  1. nearly got title elder, trying to persuade stigg to join me!
  2. Hi Goat ftw stiggy :P and Nardil i swear many people requested no level logs everytime people dinged :P (hint,hint) Stigg first raid with the goats tonight
  3. sec guys ill a heroic and screenie my dps for a boss, and link u my armory and all
  4. @ Nardil and thomas u should be aiming for at least 2.2k dps as hunter in blues and greens during heroic If i put all i have to action i do 3.2k in a heroic with NO raid gear- only heroic gear and 2.5 on my mage ---- 1.1k dps at lvl 70 is shameful honestly - not trying to put u down but thats what my mage did in Pre TBC endgame
  5. wewt downed KT in 10man as part of my first ever Wotlk Raid xD STIGG IM YO LUKY CHARMMM
  6. deffinitly need to buy either Signet of Edward the Odd or Tears of Bitter Anguish They is NIIIIIICEEEE
  7. thanks i hoped it wudnt have to come to Wowwiki but it did Q_Q btw guys if you want tips on ur GEER http://www.maxdps.com/
  8. hey yo stigg Bosskillers is crap i tried to spend work today reading up on all Wotlk bosses... Theres no guides at all on Bosskillers where can i read tactics? the only site ive ever needed in Pretbc and PreWotlk is Bosskillers but now SUCKS lulz
  9. got deadly gladiator chest from VoA l0lraid i dont see why pugs dont accept old naxx experience aparently it was harder than now
  10. stigg ill be online sunday if u wna make a day of farming heroics :P
  11. Yeah it's a lazy way of doing loot. And, like I said before, it doesn't necesarily mean it rewards the "good" players, it rewards the players that show up all the time. Well, I'm on Burning Blade (US). I guess the biggest thing though is the guild I raided with was never a crazy hardcore guild. Granted, we got through all of the TBC content (except they didn't even do sunwell, not sure why as I had quit before then) but we were still a fairly relaxed bit of players. Of course we expected people to be good, to bring potions, ect. ect. but I never remember having much loot drama at all. Even when the DST dropped and we had a very melee centric group we didn't seem to have any drama over it. So maybe I did get lucky, it's certainly the only way I stomached raiding. I guess uve never had a wargleive drop :P Jeeeez the rogues went crazy l0l the tank got it anyway cus they was all arguing and he asks nicly, "hey guys could i possibly have the wargelive? i dont mind :)" l0l win
  12. only kungen and couple officers get paid, the rest of ensidia dont
  13. Well u just answered ur own thing just there, if ur in a hardcore raiding guild and u find it unfair that people who hardcore get more DKP, hence more loot and you dont hardcore... then why wud u need loot more than them think about it as a guild, are peopl going to want to give amazing loot to people who they cant trust to be hardcore (remmber im talking at hardcore standard here 7/7 raiding) --- Nardil, you must be on a pretty good sevrer because i have lvl 80s on 3 Servers and on all of them, pretty much every player/guild are loot [bleep].
  14. DKP > rolls its more fair i dont know what new systems there are but it deffinitly surpasses the roll system
  15. on our server now you do -.- and kris i stronnngly sugjests ur guild to use DKP
  16. u play WoW? realm class spec race? Me and Kris spend our time on Magtheridon, come join our whacky debates while hes raiding naxx :P:P
  17. i have gone deep into the dark path of evil WoW and got myself a UI mind you its only a simple bar UI the map and everything is still there! so im not evil enuff yet :P
  18. i dont raid in Wotlk i dont like the new expansion pack + i dont have enuff time to play cus of work etc everything i talked about was in TBC very endgame content when i do raid in WotlK (weekends) im happy to be top DPS easy but before it was hard but pretty much all classes now can be EZ moded if they know Macro writing or key bindings but i find it boring
  19. the point i was making wasnt that its not easy to DPS in raid its that its hard to stay N1 even if u bind ur keys like that guy did but tbh that sounds so boring to play like that
  20. i have a lvl 80 mage hunter and rogue mage is by far the one i find ez mode 7% is nothing in a 5man group cus ur either at the top or your not wait till you get into a 25man and see how hard it is keping top DPS and not just for hunters this goes for any class 60% less DPS is completly [bleep]ing [developmentally delayed]ed and to the mages thinking hunters shudnt get AoE...why? because they dont use spellz? kinda think about it makes sence for hunters to get AoE - Blizzard Worldwide invitational did say that they want to make classes not bound by a style EG: Mages + rogue = CC Mages + locks = AoE Hunters = Missdirect which imo is fair enuff cus before WotlK... Hunters = Missdirect + single target DPS... but hey gues what? rogues can MD too:O nowai?
  21. well when ur toping DPS with 70 Sunwell epics and heroic blues over people in Naxx 80 gear and ur told u wont be able to do that as easy u wud QQ but hopfully if we QQ more they wont impliment it! thank god for PTR moaners
  22. Hunters?.. Getting a nerf?.. What would that be? Just so you hunters are ready.. Here are the main hunter buffs/nerfs in the upcomming 3.0.8 patch [hide=3.0.8]Hunter All Hunter pet abilities with a cooldown of 30 seconds or more are no longer on the global cooldown. Aspect of the Wild - This aspect is now raid-wide. Call of the Wild: The benefit from this pet talent now applies to only the Hunter and their own pet. Deterrence: Design changed to grant 100% parry and 100% chance to "deflect" spells coming from the front, but prevents the Hunter from attacking. Lasts 5 sec. 60 sec. cooldown. Improved Tracking (Survival): This talent has been slightly re-designed. Now reads: While tracking Beasts, Demons, Dragonkin, Elementals, Giants, Humanoids and Undead, all ranged damage done to those types is increased by 1/2/3/4/5%. Kill Shot Cooldown reduced to 15 seconds, down from 35 sec. Kindred Spirits: This talent now grants only 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage. The coefficient of Rake (Cat) and Scorpid Venom (Scorpid) has been lowered. Readiness: No longer resets the cooldown on Bestial Wrath. Steady Shot: Now gains 10% of attack power as damage instead of 20%. Serpent's Swiftness: This talent now grants only 2/4/6/8/10% bonus attack speed to pet. The hunter attack speed bonus is unchanged. Unleashed Fury: This talent now grants only 3/6/9/12/15% pet damage. Viper Sting: Now drains a percentage of maximum mana. Volley: The damage has been reduced on all ranks by approximately 30% (including attack power scaling). Sucks about Volley.. I was enjoying the great damage...[/hide] **Information taken from WoWWiki Ur woried about volley? HELLO??? Steady Shot: Now gains 10% of attack power as damage instead of 20%
  23. my amazing UI that got me through every single TBC boss including the big Kil'J and no need for fancy stuff! [hide=][/hide]
  24. i use the nessesary addons such as Omen3 and DBM (Deadly Boss Mods) and questhelper cus i hate questing and Damage meater cus im a hunter and hunters are officialy the best PvE DPS (which is why we are getting a huge nerf! >.<) i hate all Addon UIs they make the game look ugly i mean the guy with UI pic in Culling of stratholme (cba to scroll down to check ur name) so much going on if i had that it wud litterally piss me off so much
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