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Everything posted by Insane212

  1. dang right! im gettin the LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY achievement tonight with 2 mates from guild " Insanemilk Jenkins " and im also guna get argent dawn exalted then wait to get argent crusade exalted to the " The Argent Champion "
  2. i had that patch, but for some reason it took like 40 seconds to do even tho the 1.2gig took 6 hours :/
  3. survival hunters are the new Shadow priests :/// Rogues are the new hunters
  4. ur not missing anything unless you love LAGGG seriously on magtheridon after 1 hour of standing there i still cudnt see the portals in shattrah =/
  5. hey juader link me ur main armory pl0x?
  6. 6hours left to download the patch... o.o?? left it on before i went to work, shud have inscription when i get back :>
  7. u shud go to magtheridon ive seen 11 so far =/// god knows how many Gleives and ive seen 4 of the new legendary bows BT is much more fun than sunwell.. well actually illidan is such a boring encounter
  8. nope patch3.0 is wednesday Inscription is a new proffession... basicly its like giving buffs to your spells using scrolls u write down sooo for example (this isnt real) Major Glyph: Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova by 1 Sec you can have up to 3 major glyphs and up to 3 minor The primary gathering proffession for inscription is herblism ITS GUNA BE FLIPPING GREAT PROFF ::D:D:D:D:D
  9. yesterday i nearly went crazy leveling my shaman trying to get fire totem, i spent 3 hours killing boars, got 2 level ups and still no drops just to realise that after 3 hours of being in a raid for standby... no quest drop in raid XDXDXD wow.... 3 hours wasted on stupidity :oops: im guna spend alot of money on inscription tbh AND YEY NEW TALENT TOMROW
  10. still farming herbs... ive got 2 alts with full banks full of herbs ready for inscription Droping herblist for inscription and keeping alchemy therefore im training a shaman (i [bleep]ing love them :o:o:O) with herblist and mining i am pro herblist mayte!!
  11. Karazhan > BT On a more serious note: I managed to get in contact with my old guild master who invited me for an honorary spot to kill eredar Twins shame i cant count them as progress... so im still 2/6 ~Sunwelll :< hehehe Felymist is going down soon!!
  12. I lol'd so much [hide=]Application Template If you fill out everything, also silly questions, you have a very good chance. We want serious answers. Good luck. Your character(s) Nick: Narzok Race: Orc Class: Warrior (11/33/17) Spec: Much fury. Unbuffed stats... Armor: 8214 Health: 9189 Mana: I used rage. Crit: 14.54% Main stat: Attack Power Hit rating: 27 Other noticable stats? ex. Spirit, Resilience, Defense: 54 spirit, 49 resillience, 46 defense. Why this spec? I used since low garden and its working. Do you have good gear for other specs? I can use all warrior spec with gear =) Is it okay with you to respec if we need you to? No. Profession #1: Herbalist (375). Profession #2: Blacksmith (297) /played with this character: Warrior. Exalted factions: Orgilla. Low City. Orgrimmar. Ravenholt. Armory link: 8214. Other notable characters: lvl 14 Roge. Class questions: - What gems should you use with your pve spec? Red gems. - What is the most efficient pve spec for you, and will you be specced like that when participating in 25man raids? 11/33/17. (Much fury.) Yes. - Which metagem you use for pve? I non't use metagem. - How do you usually Tank/Dps? (Explain why you use what you do) I tank if only warrior and else dps. - Why do you play a warrior? (Explain which aspects of the warrior you love and why, Examples may be used): I take high beating for monster so have much stamina =) - Which stats would Prio over others, as protection/Dps warrior, Explain why? (Dodge,Parry,Block,Defense,Hit,Crit,Expertise,Attackpower) Dodge, Parry, Block, Defense, Hit, Crit, Expertise, Attackpower. You forget stamina =) - Which attack ability gives the most threat? Fear. - Which consumables & Flask/pots would you use on bosses? Mage food. (From level 70 tabel.) - Do you have any resistance gear for bosstanking? I still have MC stats in mine bank. About you Your age: 14 Date born: 94. From: Small villedge out off Minsk. (south of east) Why should we pick you? I was good gear! More about yourself: I love Sum41, Panic in disco and Rasmus. My father work mine, my brothers work mine, after two year I work mine also. Free time: I play WOW :D and watching Sayler Mon. How is your life and how are you doing? I was start mine after two year. Do you disconnect a lot? Only when is father drawing the computer string. After mine time =) If yes, do you know why? Father is drawing computer string! How many FPS do you have in Shattrath? I no play FPS. Normal play times: When father is mine. 05:00-17:00 (Minsk time.) Former guilds: I was join MoX but need item better. Why are you no longer in these guilds? I needed item better! Is the account you are using originally yours? Account was of my brother but die in mine acsident, so I account =) Do you share the account with someone? 1 brother. Who else are able to access the account? Brother. What is the password to your account? Slovitzka What is the secret question and answer to your account? Slovitzka zé wryko? You and PvE How often can you raid? When father mine. (All day 05:00-17:00.) How often will you raid? When father mine. (All day 05:00-17:00.) Will you sign up for farm raids? Yes. Will you sign up for progress raids? If I need item. What do you do at weekends? Play WOW when father is mine, also eat with father and many brother after father get from mine. Raid experience so far: Karazhan. Maraudon (with only 4!). I main tank many heroic (dungeon). Zul'gurom (level 70 maintank). Have was inside Serpent Shine Cave. Which addons have you used for raiding, ever? I was never use bot! Which addons should you be using in a raid? Nobody! What are your thoughts about repair bills? If I become better item I no have to repair old items. Knowledge NB! These questions are purely for us to see what we can expect. If you know wrong, we will correct you. So don't worry, though looking it up can't hurt What is the hit rating cap for casters? I hear warlock crit 12000 on youtube! What is the hit rating cap for dual wielders? I hear rogue on youtube with 2k the black temple. What is the hit rating cap for 1h/Shield, 2h, feral? Sheild has low damage! If you were melee DPS, how would you position yourself to your target? Stand so I see target. What is the global cooldown? Wensday 05-11. What are your racial abilities and how do they work? Orc is Blood Fury. I press button for next attacks make more hurt on monster. What does Blessing of Kings do? I take and give more beating to monster. Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with stamina? Yes. Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with bonus healing? No heal class! Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with attack power? Yes. Which Blessings do you prefer using in a raid, and why? Main tank or dps. Why is 'Power Word: Fortitude' and/or 'Prayer of Fortitude' buffed on the whole raid and not just the tanks? If priest has candels. What is DKP (DragonKillPoints) and why do we use it? To know how much dragon you kill. Diverse Do you mind paying repair bills after raids? If father still in mine. Why do you want to raid? I want MoX. But mine item is not "great". Got any friends in the guild? Cwave. Why would you like to join our guild? I want for item before help for MoX. Why are you playing World of Warcraft? When father is mine. What is your goal in World of Warcraft? Become one MoX. Do you like gay bears? I hate gay![/hide] and you seriously shud consider gettin better hunter gear :/ i have double your Attack power at 70 go do some heroics!
  13. good thing u made a hunter!! its tank dps and healer at once! u guna be on tonight?
  14. <3 you PvE scrub did you end up finishing them quests? i managed to get 2 20 slot herb bags full and 1 28 slot bag half full of lvl 1-30 herbs :D shud get me far in inscription imo; and we whiped all night on illidan because the tanks are idiots :/ i wud prefer going back to my old guild and finish off 4/6 sunwell >.>
  15. re-activated my account... say hi to my old guild mate and he invites mne into his illidan guild lol... but i cant raid xD
  16. yay they made him look like a WC3 overlord! (Y)
  17. krisc ur on maggy... there naxx PuGs like every week xD get attunded and mayb u cud get it :x
  18. did u watch the athene movie? its LOL seriously tho athene is a genious :D
  19. oh and to the guy with mining and enchanting if ur on a busy server go in the lvl 30 instances and disenchant everything... the mats sell loads cus they are really useful to train alts with encahnting for mining... dno
  20. i live in the middle of nowere pretty much.. went to town to find a card to re-activate my account... wooot? nowhere >.>
  21. maggy aye? see you there big man, my chars on there too ill reactivate it sometime this weekend
  22. eh? nearly exalted with netherwing without having epic? :S when i got my netherwing you cudnt even be neutral until u did a quest chain which requires epic flying have they changed that then? (aint been on WoW for 3 month :P) also i shall be reactivating my account tonight!! and gathering bank full of herbs (BOOYA) krisc6 what server you on? and are you horde (i might possibly...migrate or make new char where u are :P)
  23. 100g from dailys??? im guessing your only doing the sso dailies? do all 25 to get 450g a day if not i posted a post some time ago about herbs <- good money (and herbs will be used for inscription)
  24. idd, but tbh remove the attunment.. even tho im attuned to pretty much all except BWL
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