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Posts posted by Jeffery

  1. Honestly can't wait for runefest can finally get a few good points across.


    Reasons I liked the old system is fairly obvious, unique specials, Make PVP weapons have unique abilties only for the wilderness, make all weapons which used to have a special abiltity either have a unique ability for that weapon or more crit %.


    I hate AOE's in wildy too, if I'm using a AOE and my clan have team capes on why is it attacking them? I'm talking about abilities not Barrage/chins/burst.


    The Clan wars "Call system" Is really overlooked and honestly I'd love for it to be in the wilderness so i can call out person without them knowing I've called them out.


    A hit/bounty system. You place a bounty on a person's head, you then read the board to see who has a bounty, how much the bounty is and what combat level and which location of the wilderness, I mean it is the wilderness, please note this person playing with their chat OFF will not work is said person is in wilderness.


    HIt on Jimmybobby

    Level :200


    Location: RDI

    Bounty: 2m 



    Skilling plots in wildy which give some kind of bonus xp, they need the wildy lively again, warbands is the only time it's alive.

  2. Kinda glad for the poll coming to be honest. Having looking at what people answered to my question, lifetime xp should be default (especially for those who have worked so hard for 200m) Prestige seems to promote nolifing skills to be ranked now (which jagex also stated they don't encourage people to get 200m in any way) but this update very much does do this, this seems to be their lazy way of getting out of making skills past the 13m cap without having to add content.

  3. Somethings I understand, some I don't  just got a few questions.



    If I prestige combat how does somebody else know the difference between my main combat and my prestiged combat without looking it up?


    Can I only prestige all my combat stats at once or can I one by one (For example prestiging defence then doing slayer naked with 99 att/str kinda defeats the point of being 1 defence as it's super easy with soul split/turm)


    Are prestige highscores going to be the default highscores from now or will Lifetime xp as it'd seem a shame for the people who have got 200m in a skill for them not to be shown first priority over the new system.

  4. There's a debate wither it's worth handing in the fragments or not. Most people on HLF came to the conclusion that doing it past 80 was pointless. By the time you've caught them (providing other people are attempting to catch them as well) It's not worth it unless you know you've got the best PID. The xp @ 80+ is enough to cover the travel time, which is why it's only worth catching them if you need hunter xp, which I found destroying was more efficient than handing them in.

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