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Posts posted by Markup

  1. I know the founder is Italian. 8-)








    Something like that, try clicking on "Make a donaton to tip.it" on the homepage.








    I clicked it through curiosity and found that it was not in english -.-











    Create a very successful website and rake in the cash through advertisement and/or paying accounts.
    To set that up - it'll take too long, and the same time around before you break even on what you initally invested.








    But it may work...eventually... :P








    Some guy who was like 19 years old made a website where advertisers paid for the pixels on the page. He made over a million dollars/or pounds don't know which.








    If you could think of something like that, you might be able to do the same. Although don't do the same idea, many people have already coppied the original site.









  3. That was unlucky, maybe we should pay more attention to the adverts on tv...








    My sister has epeleptic (sp?) fits, and is not aloud to drive for 2 years after her last fit. She hates that so much.









  4. I'm usually nervous when I do it but I always just suck it up and present whatever it is I need to. Refusal = F, I need good grades or my parents will kill me <.<








    I guess more is exspected of you as you as you get older. I was 12 at the time and my teacher understood in the end.








    Yes, I hate talking about my work even though I know it's good.









  5. If you've got good self esteem, your looks won't matter. If you believe you look good, you'll have the confidence to get girls, which I'm assuming is the reason for you posting this. They don't care as much about looks as they do confidence/assertiveness.








    Well i'm screwed then, I can't even speak infront of my class with out soiling my pants. Oh and if you think that you had the same problem, I swore at the teacher, she understood though.










    I was a guy, but I had an accident with a zip...




    I sorted the problem with superglue though.
























    :lol: Just kidding!








    Although I have stuck my hands together, twice!










    I was at church and I hiccuped really loudly during silent prayer. -.-








    The worst thing about it is that it echoed throughout the building, and everyone saw me hiccup. :oops:

    I'm sorry, but that made me laugh out loud in real life. :oops: :lol:








    I've been told to hold my breath (seems to work most of the time) and drinking something as fast as you can helps... :-k








    I found nearly all of these posts funny, I think I just woke my brother up!

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