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Posts posted by Markup



    A simple password such as "woodcut" doesnt "cut it" haha.




    That is something I can agree with. I've chosen a pass for my main RS account that is so incomprehensible by other people that my account is never worth trying to attack. Also, I'm only F2P, so there's nothing in there worth getting to. :lol: ...








    BTW, Fook-a-ji, you need to fix your thread title. I don't know who noticed it was misleading, I know I didn't report it, but I would fix it before something worse happens if I were you. :o :? ...








    ~Mr. Devnull








    Devnull, I have some links for you




    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=de ... gle+Search




    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=& ... tnG=Search








    oooooooooooooooooooo banta lool




    A simple mistake maybe?








    Yeah the censor is very annyoing, some one on these forums has a piccy of one of Jagex mod's complaining about the censor. :D









  2. wow dude, don't mention the gnomeball trick again.... :oops:








    jese, you don't know what people can do with that info. I have already thought of 8 ways to scam people using it.








    That was a very clever trick by magicpenguin, though on a level 109 account?




    Good thing you didn't fall into the trap.









  3. Sweet, free face lift's normaly about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã1000-3000
















    Yeah, the new graphic's are awesome, all the updated monster's look very good. But I had not noticed the face changes. Let's hope they will allow us to change our face and hairstyles.









  4. Im a wanna be mod, lock this thread...








    Ok some advice, rock crabs are the best place to train.




    They are boring? Yes




    They are good xp? Yes








    You don't have to do training in blocks, just have fun.




    If people are calling you a noob then they are not your friend.




    If you truly don't want to be called a noob then don't play runescape.




    Even the best like zezima get called a noob for different reasons.









  5. Well said Umega, to many skills to keep up with if you play for less than 2 hours a day or so. I can't vote in the poll, non members for the while but I would have posted for a new quest aswell.









  6. I hope it ties in with farming to make both skills more exciting.




    Here's the idea:








    Farming: Growing crops




    Hunting: Trapping animals for food and resources








    I use to live on a farm, and I have to tell you that farming isn't just growing crops, it's also about keeping animals for their resources. Sheep have wool, cows make milk (and a lot of dung lol)








    So, maybe we will be able to use hunting for farming. In which case farming would be more intresting.








    Well actualy I highly doubt my idea but hey. #-o

  7. I do believe that I am addicted, im not afraid to admit that I'm addicted, but I dont really feel like doing much about it. It does cause my grades to slip a little bit but I'm able to control myself and have never come close to failing a class. My real life isnt all that interesting, my rs like is alot of interesting then my real life. As sad as this might sound to you it is true and I love to play this game. I don't find something that you enjoy to be a waste of time or anything like that so I tell people this when they say I am wasting my time.








    Sorry if I got a little repetative there, that usually happens when I talk about stuff like this :lol:








    so yea, my point is that My rs life and real life are about on the same level. I spend about as much time on one as I do the other. I still get all my homework done and go to the gym alot. But if I'm not with my friends im on here with my other friends :)








    Same here, i'm addicted (well actualy, I WAS addicted). I told myself, it's the beggining of the school term, my membership runs out 3 days before term starts, i'm not going to renew it. I now play about 10mins of runescape a day, and that's just talking to people. But mostly I look at these forums and talk to friends. It's woroked, I have not been playing more than an hour of runescape a day for the past 6-8 weeks or so. Wow I don't know how long I havn't been playing for lol

  8. Top marks to RAHK








    I don't think anyone on these forums could have said it better.




    Although, there are some people who you can definately not trust, game or real life.









  9. I got another good story myself...








    I was on f2p for a few months. At this point in time I was combat 103. Some ignorant player called me a hacker, I obviously answered, "how do I hack?" After no response for a minute, I asked again, "I'm still wondering how I hack"...turns out he thought the highest possible combat level was 99. Anyways, last month I logged onto rs and I just happened to have some mail. I thought to myself, what in the world could they want with me?








    So I log out, go to the home page and check my message to find what? Three messages from jagex...one telling me I've been reported for "encouraging others to break rules" and the other two telling me I have recieved TWO black marks.








    I was so confused at this. So of course I read over the evidence and sent in my appeal telling them the exact thing I stated above, that he called me a hacker cause he thought the highest possible combat level was 99 and that I was simply asking for that answer...








    Anyway, my appeal got denied FIVE MINUTES LATER...kind of quick to get to my appeal (if you ask me I think something they got up there at Jagex automatically denied my appeal or something)...want to know the reason???








    "We have conclusive evidence that you were in control of your account at the time of the report."








    ...uhm...thanks for denying my appeal......even though I never said I didn't have control of the account...








    And that is my story...still got my marks...kind of upsets me that I only got one chance to get them taken off and it was ruined by someone or something that can't comprehend my side of the story, my defense.








    *EDIT* Whatever happened to the rule that you get banned for falsely reporting, hmm?








    Hey master tim, looks like we have something in common.








    "We have conclusive evidence that you were in control of your account at the time of the report."








    Wow they are good at using evidence :roll:








    But there is one problem, they say they have conclusive evidence that you were in control of the account, how do they actualy know that?

  10. General playing: Melee, Range and Magic




    Pking f2p: Range (tank ranging with defence)




    Pking p2p: Magic/Melee (teleblocks, snares, dds specs and whip or Ice barrages and dds)




    Skilling: Mage (Hit the highest at low levels, teleport functions)




    Merchanting: Mage (High alch's, safety device ie telepoting away for danger)








    That's all I can think of now.








    MAK ^_^

  11. Well, said. Though maybe you should re correct the spelling and make it easier to understand.....








    on topic:








    Tb and specs are members because they are good, Jagx want people to pay for the good things. Therefore it's not in f2p.

  12. who are you?




    Only joking, nice to see you back. I have basicaly quit, I jsut post on the forums and talk to a few people on rs. I have been doing that for 6 weeks \' and I'm only coming back at the holidays....maybe




    Anyway nice to see you back!




    MAK ^_^

  13. How to get a pic, well firstly I think that there is a guide on the forums telling you how to but hey, I never found it ;)




    To upload an avatar, go onto your profile button up at the top of the page.


    In there you can upload an avatar and change your signature. In your signature you can also upload pictures, but remember the sizing limit.




    Hope that helps.

  14. hiya




    lol had to get first post....




    Hiya welcome to the Tip.it forums, in my opinion we have the best comunity. Hope you enjoy these boards......




    I'm new to welocming people to I know nothing about the food thingy lol anyone like to explain?




    MAK ^_^

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