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Posts posted by RSBDavid

  1. While reading this thread, I glanced over at the Driver's Manual on my desk.




    I really don't want to. Same time, I really do.


    Don't worry. After passing my learners licence (First test you ever sit before you can even touch a car - it's theory) I gave my road code, which I assume is the same as a Drivers Manual, to one of my mates. Two years later and that lazy [bleep] still hasn't sit it. It's funny because every now and then he'll lie and say that he has just got it and then when we ask him "where's your licence" he says he lost it...



    Nice person in your siggy :D.


    Today I realize I pay as much in gas to go to work in back as most people pay a month for their house/apartment rental. GF 600 dollars Obama. I really need to get a closer job. Driving 70 miles each way to work sucks. Might start looking for another job or an apartment closer to work. I am sure as hell not going back to flipping burgers or managing McDonald's.

  2. Ok guys here is the plan. We will all dig bunkers randomly throughout the world which are 10 meters deep and 20x20 rooms. Each will contain a CB radio set to 66.6 band as well as a storage of mre's to last 5 years. We will initiate conversations with Morse code for "hyt" so no zombies or creepers try and communicate. After 5 years, we will have developed a scheme to destroy the zombies and any other things running around outside after the normal people have been mutilated. Then we will truly retake the world and play more Minecraft. My bet is the Mayans will be wrong.

  3. The girls are way more beautiful in the UK as well.

    I can't see pale girls more attractive than tanned Californian ones. :razz:


    At least the pale girls aren't caked by 1 inch of spray on [cabbage] and makeup

  4. Today I started looking into transferring or applying for a call center position for customer service for a company whose center is located near London. The UK is way better of a place to be instead of the United States. I love the culture, food, people, history, etc. America is just a land of people [bleep]ing about taxes, wars, poverty. When I took a 3 month trip to London last Summer, I felt more alive and happy then I have ever felt living in the US for 20 years. The girls are way more beautiful in the UK as well.

  5. If they implemented this, the game would lag even more in areas where more that 20 players are in. The best option for Jagex is to use the applet as a means of launching the game by invoking native libraries. All of the game core code needs to be rewritten in c++/c and then Jagex could just render graphics to the Java canvas using JAWT.

  6. I'm pretty sure the time spent getting the money to go staking/getting stats probably has to be taken into account if you want to equate the amount of money you earn on runescape vs life.


    Staking is no different than gambling. It's basically gambling real money for the traders out there. And as far as getting stats... what time? The 30 seconds it probably takes a bot user to load up their client and click run? If you're "bot farming" there is what we could call an initial investment. That is, the time required to set everything up plus the money required to buy more computer hardware and/or rent virtual space to run bots on. Once you're up on running the goal is have it all pay back the initial investment for you, and then anything after that is pure profit. I have no idea how easy or difficult this is to do, but I'd wager this is pretty easy compared to what it used to be considering Jagex just doesn't seem to care anymore.


    I was referring to stakers who were RWT with their profits, not botters. Although I'm sure a ton of the really rich stakers probably botted their stats too.


    Not really relevant, but I also never understood how you could earn a profit staking, 2 maxed players doing any form of staking, especially boxing should result in no profit statistically. I'd only ever imagine some sick pure ever consistently profiting off of staking.

    With staking, you've got to know when to fold them, know when to hold them, know when to walk away, know when to run. You have to build your account for staking and make sure you get the first hit in.

  7. The other thread is bleeding in here, but they can't ban botters without also banning the super-efficient. The one difference between those two is that the botters are obviously botters.


    Actually, the only difference is botters get stuck in randoms more often. Both botters and super-efficient players don't talk and both gain a lot of experience per game session.

  8. Pot is like alcohol, caffiene, and even World of Warcraft. It has its addictive components, but it can help people. Wine has been known to help prevent Heart Disease, people who are physically disabled and depressed can play WoW to communicate with the world and feel alive, and pot has it's medical effects as well. Its not the product you use, its the amount which is consumed which is harmful.

  9. Bought a few Dell Poweredge 2850's today. Each one has dual Xeon 3.4Ghz processors, 4 36GB 10k RPM drives, and 4 GB of memeory. Each unit has a redundant power supply system as well as dual gigabit Ethernet ports. I plan to buy 2 a month until I have 18 of these units.

  10. My stats are currently:

    55 Attack (Working on 60 as I type this)

    80 stength

    1 defence

    11 prayer

    80 range

    80 mage (82 banked in superheats)

    73 hp

    63 Combat


    I have done the following quests:

    Horror from the deep

    Monkey Madness

    Desert Treasure


    I have a net worth of about 15m. I made 5m today mage boxing doing 250k and 500k stakes and I did pretty good. My good RS friend says I should go pk'er since I have lower HP then most stakers my level.. I have enough money to go on either road. If I choose staker. I will get 94 mage at 64 combat and mage box. Otherwise I will work on prayer and smite pk.

  11. I was effected by the following when I was 13/14:


    (from 1:10 on)



    Took out my roof and front yard ( Sucked up grass). We were at a neighbors house who had a storm cellar under their basement (Retired veteran who was prepared for nuclear war). An interior room is not good enough for anything about EF-2 tornadoes. ef3 take walls out, EF-4 throws walls around, and EF-5 sucks everything except the foundation off the ground. They should mandate people living in high tornado frequent areas to have a cellar or basement.

  12. Just got home from work. I was pulled over and was forced to do a field sobriety test since I was swerving and drinking an unidentified beverage.. I was drinking Mountain Dew. The reason I was swerving is because the damn cop had his brights on and he was riding my ass. I am not too happy right now. This Monday I start four 10-hour shifts at work per week. Can't wait.

  13. Speaking of prom, 2 days ago my prom date changed her facebook status to "in a relationship with [some dude]"

    um.....wut. Then she's all "oh we're just goin as friends LAWL". Whatevs. There's a cute girl in a class of mine that seems to have taken an interest in me, so I'm now trying to go with that.



    The girl I went with PROM was the same way. We went as friends, then after the prom, we ran a few ICC's before Cata came out.

  14. Just put quotes around the message and remove the "-f" switch. As long as you have the "-t" switch with a time greater than 0, it will imply the "-f" switch automatically.




    No args Display help. This is the same as typing /?.

    /? Display help. This is the same as not typing any options.

    /i Display the graphical user interface (GUI).

    This must be the first option.

    /l Log off. This cannot be used with /m or /d options.

    /s Shutdown the computer.

    /r Shutdown and restart the computer.

    /g Shutdown and restart the computer. After the system is

    rebooted, restart any registered applications.

    /a Abort a system shutdown.

    This can only be used during the time-out period.

    /p Turn off the local computer with no time-out or warning.

    Can be used with /d and /f options.

    /h Hibernate the local computer.

    Can be used with the /f option.

    /e Document the reason for an unexpected shutdown of a computer.

    /m \\computer Specify the target computer.

    /t xxx Set the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds.

    The valid range is 0-315360000 (10 years), with a default of 30.

    If the timeout period is greater than 0, the /f parameter is


    /c "comment" Comment on the reason for the restart or shutdown.

    Maximum of 512 characters allowed.

    /f Force running applications to close without forewarning users.

    The /f parameter is implied when a value greater than 0 is

    specified for the /t parameter.

    /d [p|u:]xx:yy Provide the reason for the restart or shutdown.

    p indicates that the restart or shutdown is planned.

    u indicates that the reason is user defined.

    If neither p nor u is specified the restart or shutdown is


    xx is the major reason number (positive integer less than 256).

    yy is the minor reason number (positive integer less than 65536).


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